
Sylabus kurzu
1. ze 2 částí kurzu
Tento kurz odpovídá úrovni B2 dle Společného evropského referenčního rámce pro jazyky.
 cílem kurzu je umožnit studentům pohybovat se v prostředí mezinárodní firmy, kde je
nutné se domlouvat anglicky
 důraz je kladen na komunikační dovednosti, zejména na ústní komunikaci, v menší míře
se kurz věnuje i psaní efektivních emailů
 rozšíříte si aktivní slovní zásobu v nejužitečnějších okruzích obchodní angličtiny
 zlepšíte si interpersonální dovednosti (lekce People Skills)
 naučíte se rychle reagovat v nejčastějších pracovních situacích (lekce Management
Scenarios včetně videomateriálů)
 všechna slovní zásoba, fráze i gramatika jsou okamžitě použitelné v praxi
 lektorem je rodilý mluvčí
 In company Upper Intermediate 3.0 Student´s Book (ISBN: 978-0-230-45532-0)
 Online Workbook je dostupný po zadání kódu ze Student´s Book na
Week 1
Introductions. Study plan presented and agreed on.
Unit 01 (p. 6 – 7)
Business or pleasure?
Communication skills: discussing and planning corporate entertainment
events, paying and receiving compliments, avoiding saying ‘no’, keeping up a
Week 2
Week 3
Reading: two extracts from business articles, information on corporate
events in the UK
Listening: a committee planning a special event for foreign business visitors
Unit 01 (p. 8 – 12)
Listening: people chatting at corporate events
Grammar: Tense review
Vocabulary: small talk
Unit 02 (p. 13 – 16)
Information exchange
Communication skills: describing attitude to and content of meetings,
paraphrasing information, pointing out discrepancies, dialogue-building
using the language of meetings
Listening: problems with a product, discrepancies, the language of meetings
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Unit 02 (p. 17 – 19)
Roleplay: breaking the bad news
Grammar: conditionals
Vocabulary: meetings
Unit 03 (p. 20 – 21)
Communication skills: strategies and techniques to build rapport
Reading: top tips for building rapport, training manual checklists
Listening: meetings to discuss teleworking
Management scenario A: Culture clash (p. 22 – 23 )
Communication skills: identifying potential cultural differences, avoiding a
culture clash, a meeting to discuss a merger
Reading: Cultural sensitivity checklist
 Video: A culture clash, positive cross-cultural understanding
Week 7
Week 8
Unit 04 (p. 24 – 29)
Voice and visuals
Communication skills: giving a speech, commanding attention, giving
feedback on a presentation, using visuals in a presentation, analysing the
voice in presentations
Reading: voice and visual impact, a Shakespeare speech
Listening: voicemail, ways of giving information, radio programme: drama for
Grammar: modal verbs
Unit 04 (p. 29 – 30)
Vocabulary: Presentations
Unit 05 (p. 31 – 34)
Problems on the phone
Communication skills: solving problems on the phone, phone usage and its
usefulness, dealing with chatterboxes, complaining and dealing with
complaints, toning down ‘flames’
Week 9
Reading: article on chatterboxes
Listening: dealing with a chatterbox, dealing with a customer complaint,
discussing and solving a problem
Unit 05 (p. 35 – 36 )
Grammar: complex question formation
Vocabulary: phone, tablet and email
Unit 06 (p. 37 – 38)
Leading meetings
Communication skills: chairing a meeting, discussing dynamics of meetings,
disagreeing diplomatically
Week 10
Listening: alternative approaches to meetings
Unit 06 (p. 39 – 43)
Reading: an article on behaviour in meetings, disagreement strategies
Week 11
Listening: managing meetings
Vocabulary: companies and capital, the financial pages
Grammar: Linking and contrasting ideas
Unit 07 (p. 44 – 45)
Communication skills: discussing the role of a coach, the GROW model of
coaching, coaching your colleagues
Week 12
Reading: article on professional coaching
Listening: extracts from a coaching session
Management scenario B: Coach crash (p. 46-47)
Communication skills: Giving feedback on a presentation, Coaching dos and
 Video: A failed presentation, Successful coaching
Week 13
Unit 08 (p. 48 – 52)
Promoting your ideas
Communication skills: discussing attitudes to public speaking, discussing
national stereotypes, describing what makes a good talk, discussing
innovation in your company, presenting an idea for a product or service
Listening: presenters talking about what makes them nervous, people
comparing audience expectations of presentations in different countries
Reading: website extract: Intrapreneurs
Listening: presentation – a new business idea
Roleplay: presenting a new product idea
Week 14
Week 15
Unit 08 (p. 53 – 54)
Grammar: the passive
Vocabulary: phrasal verbs
Unit 09 (p. 55 – 59)
Communication skills: discussing first impressions, completing a
questionnaire on networking, practising networking skills, getting out of the
Reading: questionnaire – are you an effective networker?
Listening: three small talk conversations
Reading: getting out of the office
Listening: people chatting at golf, conversation: visiting someone’s home
Roleplay: a dinner invitation
Grammar: multi-verb sentences
Vocabulary: social English
Unit 9 (p. 60-62)
Roleplay: a dinner invitation
Grammar: multi-verb sentences
Vocabulary: social English
Unit 10 (p. 63 – 65)
Making decisions
Communication skills: discussing decisions in difficult situations, quiz on
making life-and-death decisions, giving advice on worst-case scenarios or
workplace dilemmas, inserting missing articles into two texts, holding a crisis
management meeting
Week 16
Reading: website extract: worst-case scenarios
Listening: advice on surviving worst-case scenarios, decision-making
Unit 10 (p. 66 – 69)
Reading: company crises
Listening: case study: Coca-Cola crisis
Grammar: articles
Vocabulary: marketing
Revision Units 01-10

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Podmínkové věty – conditionals I

Podmínkové věty – conditionals I If you are bored … If the weather is rainy… If I need some money… If you go to London… If you learn English… If my parents are angry… If you like sports…



ADVERBS Describe the following pictures in sentences using an adverb made from the given adjective.
