Bahriya Oasis: Recent Research into the Past of an Egyptian Oasis


Bahriya Oasis: Recent Research into the Past of an Egyptian Oasis
Marek Dospěl and Lenka Suková (eds.)
Bahriya Oasis: Recent Research into the Past
of an Egyptian Oasis
Hardcover, 21 × 27 cm
Ca. xxiv + 290 pp. of text, VIII pp. of colour plates
Publisher: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Prague 2013
Distributor: Oxbow Books
Languages: English, French, German
ISBN 978-80-7308-456-1
Recommended price: EUR 85
This book presents the outcomes of the recent exploration of Bahriya, an
Egyptian oasis located in the Western Desert about 350 km south-west of Cairo.
Part I of the volume is devoted to the southern part of the Oasis (also known
as El-Hayz) and the exploration carried out there by the team led by the Czech
Institute of Egyptology, Charles University in Prague. Part II concentrates
on the northern part of the same oasis bringing forth the results of scholarly
research by the French team led by Université de Strasbourg. Complementing
the two parts is the final chapter which deals with water management in the
Western Desert as a whole.
Containing chapters written by archaeologists, Egyptologists, philologists
and natural scientists, this richly illustrated book attempts at providing as
comprehensive picture of the past of the Bahriya Oasis as can be drawn from
the hitherto research, encompassing a wide range of aspects from settlement
history and environment to material culture and written evidence.
Contributors: Frédéric Adam, Miroslav Bárta, Vladimír Brůna, Viktor Černý,
Frédéric Colin, Stefano De Angeli, Marek Dospěl, Catherine Duvette,
Christophe Grazi, Martina Kujanová, Françoise Labrique, Sylvie Marchand,
Jiří Musil, Adéla Pokorná, Petr Pokorný, Lionel Schmitt, Lenka Suková,
Jiří Svoboda, Martin Tomášek
Recent Research into the Past of an Egyptian Oasis
Edited by Marek Dospěl
and Lenka Suková
M. Dospěl, L. Suková
Exploration of the El-Hayz Oasis: Issues, approaches, challenges
M. Bárta, Vl. Brůna
The re-emergence of the El-Hayz Oasis
J. Svoboda
Prehistory of Southern Bahriya: A case study in Northeast African
settlement archaeology
J. Musil, M. Tomášek
Die Besiedlung in der Oase El-Hays in der Römerzeit:
Auswertung der Funde
J. Musil, M. Tomášek
Die archäologische Ausgrabung der spätrömischen Siedlung in Bir
M. Dospěl
Written, inscribed and some decorated material from Bir Shawish,
El-Hayz Oasis
P. Pokorný, A. Pokorná
“Agoul landscapes” in the oases of the Western Desert of Egypt:
Ecology and palaeoecology of vegetation mounds in El-Hayz,
Southern Bahriya
M. Kujanová, V. Černý
Anthropology of El-Hayz: Morphological and genetic contributions to
the Egyptian Western Desert population history
Fr. Colin
Les gisements archéologiques de Psôbthis au début du XXIe siècle:
Diagnostic sur un paysage menacé et nouvelles orientations
de recherche
Fr. Colin, Fr. Adam, C. Duvette, C. Grazi
À la recherche des origines de Psôbthis: Les premières tombes de la
nécropole de Qaret el-Toub (fouilles de l’IFAO à Bahariya, état 2009)
S. Marchand
La céramique de la fin de l’Ancien Empire/Première Période
Intermédiaire: Tombe 10 de la nécropole de Qaret el-Toub (oasis de
L. Schmitt
Première présentation de l’outillage lithique de la Tombe 10 de la
nécropole de Qaret el-Toub (oasis de Bahariya)
Fr. Labrique
Lieux et épiclèses locales à Bahariya, d’après l’épigraphie monumentale
d’époque tardive
S. De Angeli
“Qanat landscapes” in the oases of the Western Desert of Egypt:
The cases of the Bahriya and Farafra Oases