Alenky Janko Spreizer, Ph.D. Ethnography of mobility in Istria and


Alenky Janko Spreizer, Ph.D. Ethnography of mobility in Istria and
Katedra antropologie FF Západočeské univerzity v Plzni zve na přednášku Alenky Janko Spreizer, Ph.D. s názvem Ethnography of mobility in Istria and studies of land and water routes
Místo: SP 210, Sedláčkova 15, Plzeň Datum a čas: 6. 11. 2014, 16:00 -­‐ 17:15 In the first part of the lecture some important contributions to studies of (im)mobility will be explored. In the anthropological studies of place and routes the places and routes are always presented as dynamic and relational, determined through movement of people and in relation with different places, in relationship with and between people. In the second part of the lecture the project "Ethnography of land and water routes: a comparative approach of (im)mobility” will be described. The project deals with the anthropology of space and (im)mobility in multicultural regions of Istria, Pomoravje and Southern Albania. In this part, the lecture explains the various methodological approaches to the study of routes and space through the ethnography of (im)mobility that were suggested by the researchers of the space, place, landscape and movement. In the third part the preliminary ethnographies of (im)mobility will be given, that were ethnographically recorded at the beginning of the fieldwork at the phase of probing. First, "The health and friendship route -­‐ Parenzana" as a land route which goes along the old narrow gauge railway will be explored, and second, “The Panoramic trip” from Izola to Piran with the fisher boat Dolphin II, will be described. Přednáška je výstupem projektu NOTES -­‐ Nové technologie ve vědách (o současných i minulých) společnostech, Projekt OP VK, reg. číslo CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0135, tento projekt je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky