481-488 obsah, konec


481-488 obsah, konec
Unit !º Tell Me About Yourself ............................................... ^ - @*
Introductions, What Have You Done Before? Job Titles
Podnik8n9 Business,
St8tn9 spr8va Civic and Governmental Job Titles,
L0ka5sk0 odv2tv9 Medical Industry,
Oblast kultury Cultural Job Titles,
Fyzicky n8ro4n8 povol8n9 Labour Intensive Jobs,
Lid0 na okraji People on the Edge,
Presentations, Cover Letter and Resum0, Job Interview
Unit @º Office .......................................................................... @( - $)
Order in the Office, How to Get in Touch, Cards to Success,
A Stop at the Copy Shop
Kancel85sk0 vybaven9 Office Equipment,
Pot5eby z pap9ru Paper Supplies,
Çinnost v kancel85i Office Activities,
Lid0 v podnik8n9 Business People,
Z8kladn9 obchodn9 pojmy Basic Business Terms,
O po49ta4i General Computer Terms
Unit #º Instructions ................................................................ $! - %%
Making Copies, Relax¡ It’s Just a Fax, Friend or Foe,
Rice in a Boiling Bag
Slovesa: My3len9 Mind and Thought,
Vlastnictv9 Ownership,
Pohyb a poloha Motion and Position,
Smysly Senses, T2lo Body
Unit $º Telephone .................................................................. %^ - ^%
Business Phoning, Wrong Number, Booking or Just Looking,
Phone Messages
V2ci kolem telefonu Phone Things,
Çinnosti kolem telefonu Phone Activities,
O faxu About Fax,
Mobiln9 telefon Mobile Phone
Unit %º Post Office .................................................................. ^^ - &@
At the Post Office, Cash, Check, or Money Order,
Problems with Packages
Co se pos9l8 What Is Sent, Jak n2co poslat How to
Send Something, Pen9ze Money
Unit ^º Media .......................................................................... &# - *^
How Do I Subscribe? Investing in a New Camera,
Flip the Channel, Let’s Talk About the Shock
Masov0 sd2lovac9 prost5edky Mass Media,
Tisk Press, Obsah Contents,
Lid0 kolem tisku People Involved,
V7roba Production, Obr8zky Pictures,
Fotografie Photography,
Rozhlas a televize Radio and Television,
Co vys9l8 televize What Is on Television
Unit &º Politics ........................................................................ *& - ((
Reordering the Cabinet, Volunteering for the Race
Politick0 syst0my Political Systems, Politika Politics,
Vl8da Government,
Politika v demokracii Politics in Democracy,
Politick0 filozofie, jejich zast8nci Political Philosophies
and Their Adherents, Çesk8 historie Czech History,
Sou4asn0 politick0 strany Current Political Parties
Unit *º Arts ......................................................................... !)) - !!^
A Movie That Will Knock Your Socks Off, Exhibition,
All You Want to Know About Opera
Um2n9 Arts,
Hudebn9 n8stroje Musical Instruments,
Hudebn9ci Musicians, Zp2v Singing,
Slavn0 opery, balety a skladby Famous Operas, Ballets
Tanec Dance, Divadlo Theatre, Filmy Films,
Mal95stv9 Painting, Muzea Museums, Styl Style,
Ç8sti budovy Parts of a Building
Unit (º Outdoors ................................................................ !!& - !#$
Weather Forecast, Are You Oriented? Preparing to Backpack
Zem2pis Geography,
Voda na t0to planet2 Water on This Planet,
Sou3 Land, Podneb9 Climate, Po4as9 Weather,
Kalend85 Calendar,
Sport a vybaven9 Sports and Equipment for Outdoors,
T8bornick0 vybaven9 Camping Gear
Unit !)º Science ................................................................. !#% - !%!
Chemical Reaction, Arithmetic
Spole4ensk0 v2dy Social Sciences,
Jak se d2l8 v7zkum How Research Is Done,
P59rodn9 v2dy Life Sciences,
Fyzik8ln9 v2dy Physical Sciences,
Chemie Chemistry, Prvky Elements,
Slou4eniny Compounds, Pokusy Experiments,
Elekt5ina Electricity, Atom Atom,
Astronomie Astronomy,
Slune4n9 soustava Solar System, Souhv2zd9 Constellation,
Matematika Mathematics, Geometrie Geometry
Unit !!º Nature ................................................................... !%@ - !&@
How to Make Those Insects Stop Bugging You,
Doggonit - a Not So Dogmatic Approach to Purchasing a Dog
What Do They Do in Iowa?
Hmyz Insects, Dal39 Other Simple Animals,
Ryby Fish, Oboj6iveln9ci a plazi Amphibians
and Reptiles, Pt8ci Birds, Savci Mammals,
Psi Dogs, Prim8ti Primates,
Only in America, Only in Australia,
Rostliny Plants,
V zahrad2 In the Garden, Kv2tiny Flowers, Sad Orchard,
V parku In the Park, V9ce o stromech More About Trees,
Zem2d2lstv9 Agriculture
Unit !@º House ................................................................... !&# - !(@
A Chore a Day Keeps Your Troubles Away, Hunting for
Housing, Decorating a House, Bathroom Bedlam
Domov Home, Pronaj9m8n9 Renting,
M9stnosti Rooms, N8bytek Furniture,
Co je na stole What Is on the Table,
Stavba Construction,
Instalace a opravy Installation and Repairs,
Zahradni4en9 Gardening, Obec The Community
Unit !#º Police .................................................................... !(# - @)&
God¡ Shoot¡ Darn¡ Where Are the Keys? I’ve Been
Robbed, At the Scene of the Crime, Honestly Officer
Dopravn9 p5estupky Traffic Violations,
Dopravn9 zna4ky Road Signs, Doklady Papers,
Zlo4iny Crimes,
Bojovn9ci se zlo4inem Who Fights the Crime,
Zlo4inci Criminals, Obraty Expressions,
Sprost8 slova Obscenity
Unit !$º Car ......................................................................... @)* - @@#
Getting There by Car, What Kind Should I Buy?
How to Get the Best Buy When Purchasing a Used Car,
Â9zen9 podle mapy Driving and Map Reading,
Druhy aut Types of Car, Co je v aut2 What’s Inside,
U pumpy At the Gas Station,
Pod kapotou Under the Hood,
Nehody Accidents, Pr8vn9 v2ci Legalities,
Zna4ky Car Brands
Unit !%º Army ..................................................................... @@$ - @#%
Military Service, The Ways Of War
Ozbrojen0 slo6ky Armed Forces,
Lid0 v uniform2 The Men and Women in Uniform,
Organizace Army Organization, Vybaven9 Material,
Primitivn9 zbran2 Simple Weapons, V8lka War,
Povely Orders
Unit !^º Education ............................................................. @#^ - @%!
When I Was in High School, Visiting a College Campus,
A Writing Workshop
Íkoly Schools
Vy339 vzd2l8n9 College Education,
Co se d2je ve 3kole What Goes On at School,
Íkoln9 4innosti School Activities,
P5edm2ty Subjects,
Íkoln9 vybaven9 School Equipment,
Na univerzit2 At the University
Unit !&º Law ........................................................................ @%@ - @^!
Taking your Case to Court, The Green Card
Z8kladn9 pojmy Basic Terminology, Soudy Courts,
Lid0 u soudu People at the Court,
Pr8vn9 dokumenty Legal Documents,
Osobn9 z8le6itosti Personal Affairs, Dan2 Taxes
Unit !*º Family ................................................................... @^@ - @*!
Talking about Relations, Having Kids, Card Shark,
Holidays of My Life, Horoscope: Aquarius
Çlenov0 rodiny Members of a Family,
Svatba Wedding, D2ti Children,
Oslavy Celebrations, L8ska Love, Rozvod Divorce,
Vztahy mezi lidmi Relationships, úmrt9 Death,
Sv8tky Holidays,
Kon94ky Hobbies, Hry Games, Íachy Chess,
Karty Cards, Astrologie Astrology
Unit !() Psychology ........................................................... @*@ - @(&
Addiction: The Butt of Our Problems, Mental illnesses,
How Well Do You Know Your Moods?
St8dia lidsk0ho v7voje Stages of Human Development,
Vztahy mezi lidmi Relationships, Pocity Emotions,
N8lady Moods, Lidsk0 vlastnosti Human Qualities,
Poruchy Dysfunctions, Terapie Therapy
Unit @)º Religion ................................................................ @(* - #!!
Church Chat, Creationist or Evolutionist
N8bo6enstv9 Religion, Bible Bible,
N8bo6ensk0 sv8tky Religious Holidays,
Desatero Ten Commandments,
Biblick8 d2jepravda Bible History, Etika Ethics
Unit @!º Books .................................................................... #!@ - ##$
Reading Opens the Mind, How to Learn a Language,
Tug-a-war with Tenses
Povol8n9 Professions, Beletrie Fiction,
Literatura faktu Nonfiction,
Informa4n9 p59ru4ky Reference Books,
Vydavatelstv9 Publishing, Knihovna Library,
Interpunkce Punctuation,
Jazyk Language ......................................................... #@!
P59slov9 Proverbs ...................................................... #@&
Unit @@º Travel ...................................................................... ##% - #%(
Going Through Customs, Transport That Makes
Sense, A Four Star Hotel, Where Am I Going?
Jedeme na cestu Going on a Trip,
Autobus Bus, Vlak Train,Tax9k Taxi, Auto Car,
Letadlo Plane, P5echod hranice Border Crossing,
Zavazadla Luggage, M9sta pobytu Places to Stay,
V hotelu At a Hotel,
Prohl9dka pam8tek Sightseeing,
Pt8me se na cestu Asking the Way
Zem2pis Geography .................................................. #%@
Unit @#º Money .................................................................... #^) - #&!
Can I Change My Money?, I’d Like to Open an Account,
Cash Advance, Getting Money Wired
Çasto usly39te You’ll Often Hear,
Va3e finance Your Personal Finances,
V bance In the Bank,
P1j4ov8n9 p2n2z Borrowing and Lending Money,
Co banky nab9zej9 What Do Banks Offer
Unit @$º Descriptions ........................................................... #&@ - #(!
Drawing Practise, What’s With the New Do?
What Does He Look Like?
O lidsk7ch vlastnostech About Human Qualities,
Jak se lid0 pohybuj9 Descriptions of People Moving,
Tvary Shapes
Ç9sla Numbers
Barvy Colors .............................................................. #*$
Kade5nictv9 The Hair Salon ....................................... #*&
Unit @%º Your Look ............................................................... #(@ - $)&
Shopping at the Department Store, Drugstore Deals,
Buying Cosmetics, Keeping Your Clothes Clean
Nakupov8n9 Shopping, Oble4en9 Clothes,
Íperky Jewellery,
Kosmetika Cosmetics
Unit @^º Food ........................................................................ $)* - $##
Aunt Erma’s Home Cooking Show, Let’s Go and Have
Some Coffee and Sweets, What Are You Going to Have?
Jak se j9dla p5ipravuj9 How Is Food Prepared,
N8poje Drinks,
Restaurace Restaurant
Unit @&º Sport ....................................................................... $#$ - $%*
Skiing for the Gold, How Athletically Inclined Were You?
What’s Baseball?
V3e o sportech Everything About Sports,
Hry Games
Unit @*º Health ..................................................................... $%( - $&(
Buying Things at the Pharmacy, What’s My Diagnosis?
Ouch¡ That’s a Cavity
Nemocnice Hospital, Nemoci Illnesses,
Poran2n9 Injury, V7jime4n7 stav Emergencies
Tûla Body ................................................................. $^(
U l0ka5e At the Doctor’s,
U zuba5e At the Dentist’s,
V l0k8rn2 At the Pharmacy
Paul Benson, Milena Kelly, Lenka JeÏková
Konverzace pro pokroãilé
3. upravené vydání
Vydalo nakladatelství ANGLIâTINA EXPRES,
Kopernikova 2, Praha 2
jako svou 85. publikaci
v lednu 2004.
Ilustrace Jifií Votruba.
Vytiskla tiskárna EKON, Srázná 17, Jihlava.
Doporuãená cena 270 Kã.