VY_22_INOVACE_číslo přílohy 1_AJ_6A_29


VY_22_INOVACE_číslo přílohy 1_AJ_6A_29
VY_22_INOVACE_číslo přílohy 1_AJ_6A_29
Úvodní část – seznámení s cílem hodiny – pohádka – The Ugly Ducklings
Hlavní část – žák čte text s porozuměním, s textem pracuje, odpovídá na otázky, které se
k textu vztahují, procvičuje slovní zásobu
Závěrečná část – zpětná vazba probrané látky
Autor: Mgr. Jitka Bílková
8. 2. 2013
6. ročník
Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
Vzdělávací obor: Cizí jazyk
Tematický okruh:
Téma: žák čte text s porozuměním, s textem pracuje, odpovídá na otázky, které se k textu
vztahují, procvičuje slovní zásobu
Číslo klíčové aktivity: II/2
The Ugly Duckling
Read the text
This is a farm. There are lots of animals here. There is a pig, a hen, a roster and a duck. The
duck has a nest in the farmyard. Thwere are five eggs in it. One days eggs crack open and
five little ducklings come out. One of them is much bigger than his brothers and sisters. The
animals think he is ugly and they call him The Ugly Duckling. It is summer. Day after day
the duckling grows. The Ugly Duckling grows bigger and bigger too. He doesn´t look like
his brother and sisters but his mother loves him very much. Every day the animals play in
the farmyard. They don´t want to play with The Ugly Duckling. He is very sad and lonely.
One day he decides to leave the farm and go into the world. There is a lake near the farm.
The Ugly Duckling wants to swim in it. Some fish and frogs live in the lake. There are some
wild geese and a wild duck too. The Ugly Duckling looks up. He can see three beautiful
white birds flying accros the sky. They are going south for winter. He wants to fly with
them. It is autumn. The days are shorter it is colder and colder. There are no leaves on the
trees. The Ugly Duckling looks for food. He goes to the little house near the lake. There is an
old woman in front of the house. She looks at The Ugly Duckling and says: „I don´t want you
here. You aren´t a hen and you can´t give me any eggs. Go away.“Winter comes and it is
very cold. One day a farmer finds The Ugly Duckling in his garden behind the house. He is
cold and hungry. The man takes him home. The farmer´s children play with him on the
living room carpet. He feels warm and safe. Everybody here things he is really pretty. Spring
comes soon. There are leaves on the trees and it is warmer and warmer. One sunny day the
children take The Ugly Duckling to the lake. There are two beautiful white swans swimming
in it. The Ugly Duckling looks at them. He can see they look exactly like he. Now he knows
he is a swan too. He is no longer the ugly duckling.
1. Vypiš pět sloves (write five verbs)
2. Vypiš pět přídavných jmen (write five adjectives)
3. Vypiš pět zvířat ( write five animals)
4. Co je to FARMYARD? (What does the farmyard mean?)
5. Vypiš roční období, která jsou v úryvku zmíněná ( Write the seasons, which are in the
text written)
6. Co ve skutečnosti bylo ošklivé káčátko? ( What was The Ugly Duckling in actual
7. Napiš k obrázku správné slovo (Write a right word to the picture)
Výběr slov:children, autumn, living room, swan, winter, duck, farmyard, spring,
8. Podtrhej v textu slova, která neznáš ( Underline words you don´t know in the text)
9. V textu podtrhni zeleně předložky a modře zájmena (In the text underline green
preposition and blue pronouns)
10. Co řekla stará žena na statku kačátku? (What does an old woman say to The Ugly
11. Kolik vajec měla kachna v hnízdě? ( How many eggs does the duck have in the nest?)
Použité zdroje:
ZARANSKA, J., Nejznámější pohádky – učíme se anglicky, Jan Vašut s.r.o., Praha 2005, ISBN
http://office.microsoft.com – obrázky
text: vlastní tvorba autora
Ukázka vypracovaných úkolů
The Ugly Duckling
Read the text
This is a farm. There are lots of animals here. There is a pig, a hen, a roster and a duck. The
duck has a nest in the farmyard. Thwere are five eggs in it. One days eggs crack open and
five little ducklings come out. One of them is much bigger than his brothers and sisters. The
animals think he is ugly and they call him The Ugly Duckling. It is summer. Day after day
the duckling grows. The Ugly Duckling grows bigger and bigger too. He doesn´t look like
his brother and sisters but his mother loves him very much. Every day the animals play in
the farmyard. They don´t want to play with The Ugly Duckling. He is very sad and lonely.
One day he decides to leave the farm and go into the world. There is a lake near the farm.
The Ugly Duckling wants to swim in it. Some fish and frogs live in the lake. There are some
wild geese and a wild duck too. The Ugly Duckling looks up. He can see three beautiful
white birds flying accros the sky. They are going south for winter. He wants to fly with
them. It is autumn. The days are shorter it is colder and colder. There are no leaves on the
trees. The Ugly Duckling looks for food. He goes to the little house near the lake. There is an
old woman in front of the house. She looks at The Ugly Duckling and says: „I don´t want you
here. You aren´t a hen and you can´t give me any eggs. Go away.“Winter comes and it is
very cold. One day a farmer finds The Ugly Duckling in his garden behind the house. He is
cold and hungry. The man takes him home. The farmer´s children play with him on the
living room carpet. He feels warm and safe. Everybody here things he is really pretty. Spring
comes soon. There are leaves on the trees and it is warmer and warmer. One sunny day the
children take The Ugly Duckling to the lake. There are two beautiful white swans swimming
in it. The Ugly Duckling looks at them. He can see they look exactly like he. Now he knows
he is a swan too. He is no longer the ugly duckling.
1. Vypiš pět sloves (write five verbs) – comes, play, grows, are, is
2. Vypiš pět přídavných jmen (write five adjectives) – white, green, warmer, cold,
3. Vypiš pět zvířat ( write five animals) rooster, hen, swan, duck, cat
4. Co je to FARMYARD? (What does the farmyard mean?) - statek
5. Vypiš roční období, která jsou v úryvku zmíněná ( Write the seasons, which are in the
text written) – Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
6. Co ve skutečnosti bylo ošklivé káčátko? ( What was The Ugly Duckling in actual
fact) - Swan
7. Napiš k obrázku správné slovo (Write a right word to the picture)
Living room
Výber slov:children, Autumn, living room, swan, Winter, duck, farmyard, Spring,
8. Podtrhej v textu slova, která neznáš ( Underline words you don´t know in the text) –
vlastní odpověď žáka
9. V textu podtrhni zeleně pět předložek a modře pět zájmen (In the text underline green
preposition and blue pronouns)
10. Co řekla stará žena na statku kačátku? (What does an old woman say to The Ugly
Duckling?) I don´t want you here. You aren´t a hen and you can´t give me any
eggs. Go away
11. Kolik vajec měla kachna v hnízdě? ( How many eggs does the duck have in the nest?) 5