prezentace ke stažení zde


prezentace ke stažení zde
Platforma / case : TELEMATIKA
Ondřej Landa, Inventa
Given Imaging
Medical technology
developing and
swallowable imaging
capsules for
Embedded in a pill, a
tiny wireless camera
called PillCam, made
by Israel's Given
Imaging (GIVN ), is
electrifying some
Telematika – strategické příležitosti
Kam směřují telekomunikace : od hlasových služeb a přenosu dat
k telematickým řešením a kvalitě života
Co přináší konvergence
M2M Connect : komunikace mezi stroji, zařízeními a firemními /
osobními informačními systémy
Business Anywhere - hypernet : trendy, příležitosti
Zákazníkem iniciované inovace – příklady a zkušenosti T-Mobile
Budoucí příležitosti : Jak telematika změní operační a business
modely rozvoje v dalších oborech
Nová partnerství a co od nich můžeme očekávat
Od tradičních end-to-end solutions k business development
poradenství a partnerství
Kdo je to integrated business development enabler a jak se jím stát
ve své branži
Zápas gigantů : jak porozumět a získat výhodu z toho, co se děje
okolo nás
Slovo telematika je složenina dvou slov
TELEkomunikace a InforMATIKA.
Telematika je výsledek konvergence a
postupné syntézy telekomunikačních
technologií a informatiky...
telekomunikační přístup k centrálně
uloženým informacím.
Výraz Telematika spojuje telekomunikaci s informatikou.
Aby bylo možné zákazníkům předávat nejaktuálnější
informace, jsou používány výkonné systémy zpracování
informací a dat a vyspělé telekomunikační systémy. Data
jsou přijímána přístroji nacházejícími se ve vozidle
(například navigačním přístrojem, systémem Global
Positioning Audi (GPS), systémem nouzového volání a
telefonem) a předávána zákazníkovi. Telematika tak
dělá jízdu autem ještě bezpečnější a komfortnější. Se
zařízením Audi Telematics nabízí Audi v Německu
systém, který umožňuje nouzové volání a přivolání
pomoci i komfortní dynamické navádění k cíli.
Audi Lexicon
M2M Connect
• International machine-to-machine solution
that enables machines such as fire alarms,
parking meters, vehicles and vending units
relay data back to businesses
Telematická řešení místo dodávek výrobků
All Signs Point to Telematics
According to Accenture analysis, the initial product purchase
of a piece of industrial equipment makes up just 12 percent
of its total life cycle cost. Eightyeight percent of value can be
found in services, including maintenance, financing and
insurance. Faced with declining margins and flat sales,
OEMs and dealers alike recognize the value of telematics
as the key to transforming from product to
service provider. And end users are beginning to
move from the pilot testing of applications to
integrating telematics into the most critical areas of
Telematics in the Construction Equipment Area Overcoming Barriers to Gain
Competitive Advantage.
Research Summary.Accenture, 2002
Telematics Solutions
Heavy Construction Equipment
Tracking usage to plan for preventative maintenance
Tracking equipment usage levels
Tracking stolen equipment
Tracking equipment location
Remote equipment monitoring with service alerts for preventative
Integration of telematics services with fleet management system
Remote diagnostics of malfunctions
Emergency services
2-Way messaging
Registration of vehicle speed and weight
in real time by means of measuring the
dynamic characteristics of bridges. The
loads are not registered by means of
special weighing devices in the
conventional sense, but indirectly
determined from the dynamic reaction of
the structure. For the application of this
method, no construction measures are
necessary and the traffic flow is not
affected at any time.
Konvergence – zápas gigantů
• "They are embedding VOIP and SIP-based capabilities
into their next-generation software, and I think Microsoft
is going to be a key player in the telecommunications
industry in a broad way," said Bill Smith, CTO of
BellSouth Corp.
• Xbox: From Gaming to Gateway
– “If they win the residential gateway business, it could take a lot of
services potential away from the service providers,” says Occam
Networks Inc. marketing VP Russ Sharer.
– He, like others, is convinced that Xbox has potential far beyond
what Microsoft has publicly announced.
– “Microsoft could put a SIP agent in the Xbox and a SIP proxy in
Redmond, and all of a sudden they’re switching phone calls
instead of the local telcos,” Sharer says.
Konvergence – zápas gigantů
Nokia has entered
a deal to use
Google's Talk
technology on the
770 Internet Tablet,
allowing users to
trade instant
messages or make
voice over Internet
protocols through
the device or an
attached headset.
Zápas a spolupráce gigantů
Google will open the gateway to wider WAP usage
Google search engine option is generally
– Google is the obvious brand for both
• Best in class search engine
• All users are familiar with how it works
• Many state they would only use Google
given a choice between providers
The ‘overt’ presence of Google
accentuates the Internet beyond Orange
– Facilitate more advanced searching
amongst sophisticates
– May direct traffic away from Orange World
– Raises specter of extra cost implications
• Enquires likely to take longer
• May need to personally filter through more
Zápas gigantů :
eBay has a global presence in 33 international
markets outside the US, with 157 million
registered users, of which 82 million
through its international country sites and
75 million in the USA. In 2Q05, eBay
realised $1.1bn revenues worldwide, of
which $419m outside the US.
eBay Gross Merchandise Revenues (GMR, the
value of the products and services
successfully traded at eBay including
merchandise and services) was $10.9bn
worldwide in 2Q05, of which 51% realised
internationally. The company estimates
that, by end-2005, the GMR of its 12
largest categoriesshould be
approximately $39bn, with the
“Automotive and Motors” category
realising over $14bn
Worldwide, eBay has an average of 55 million
items available at its sites, organised in 55
000 categories, and about 5 million new
items are listed every day. At mid-2005,
there were about 300 000 eBay’s shops
worldwide, of which 173 000 in the US.
• An iPod accessory with a
'can-do' spirit
A whole industry has
cropped up to provide
gizmos and gadgets
designed to work with the
Apple iPod, and now one
company has invented a
device to dispense toilet
paper with your tunes.
Next month, a company called Atech Flash Technology will release
the iCarta, designed to let users listen to music while in the bathroom
and features a toilet-paper holder.
The $99.95 iCarta's four speakers are designed to resist moisture, and
the device uses AC power to charge the iPod while it's playing. Atech
says the toilet paper holder can be folded in if the user would rather
not employ this unique implementation of multitasking.
When contacted for comment by gadget Web site,
Atech sales manager Eric Liu said: "We want to create something that
is different and brings people joy for buying such products. The
product is even protected by our own patent worldwide."
That's good, because otherwise the market would be flush with iPodcompatible toilet paper dispensers.
Vibrátor dirigují esemesky
Vibrátor lze spustit sms zprávami
z mobilu. Ilustrační foto
foto: Motorola
Takříkajíc nový dynamický rozměr
nyní může dostat intimní vztah
milujících se jedinců, přestože jim
geografická vzdálenost znemožňuje
přímý fyzický kontakt. Za tři sta euro
(asi 8500 Kč) je totiž na britském trhu
k mání speciální vibrátor, jehož funkce
jsou na dálku řízeny mobilem.
17.6. 2006 14:12
LONDÝN - Stačí tedy napsat a vyslat
esemesku až o 7200 slovech, jež
dokáže sexuální pomůcku nejen
aktivovat, ale podle délky textu ji
udržet po příslušnou dobu v chodu,
přesněji řečeno dodat jí odpovídající
vibrace. Na nezájem o produkt
pojmenovaný The Toy (hračka) si
výrobci rozhodně nemohou stěžovat.
Well, you're in luck, because UK outfit the Cool & Groovy Toy Company Ltd has
plugged this particular gap in the life-enhancing technology market with The
Toy, described as a "hi-tech vibrating bullet". The blurb explains:
Connected to a mobile phone with Bluetooth it becomes an intimate, silent
connection between two lovers, regardless of distance. Custom designed for
your pleasure, it is intelligent, sophisticated and invented for bliss. The Toy is
worn internally, linked to a mobile phone and controlled by sms text messages
sent to the phone. Once read, the message is transported automatically to The
Toy, which turns it into vibrations - with a huge range of movements, depending
on what you have written. Just say what you feel, The Toy will do the rest.
Zadání do skupin
Zkusme si představit :
Digitální fotografie, GSM lokalizace
kombinovaná s pasportizací
urbanistických zón, umožňuje
radikálně redefinovat celý proces
poskytování hypoték. Jak může
taková technologie změnit Vaši práci
a komunikaci se zákazníkem ?