Die Nachtjäger


Die Nachtjäger
Die Nachtjäger
He 219 A
Radar aerials of FuG 220 SN 2d angle 45°
W.Nr 003
Ju 88 G
Tail warning antena FuG 220
Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-4/R3/R8/B2, Oblt. Wolfgang Schnaufer, stab. IV/NJG 1
Bf 110 G-4
Radar aerials of FuG 220 SN-2b
(combination FuG 220 and FuG 212 C-1 Wietwinkel)
Heinkel He 219 A-2, 3./NJG3
Type of air engine intake version A-2
and later
Schräge Musik MG FF
Angle is 70°
Gunsight of Schräge Musik over pilot´s head
Angle is 80°
Junkers Ju 88 G-6, 12./NJG 6
Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-4/R3/R8/B2 G9+DF, Stab./NJG 1, Oblt. Wolfgang Schnaufer
Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-4/R3/R8/B2, << G9+DF, Stab. IV./NJG1, Gruppenkomandeur IV. Gruppe Oblt. Heinz - Wolfgang Schnaufer. Duben 1944, základna St. Trond, Belgie.
Na tomto Bf 110 sestøelil Schnaufer v noci z 11/12.04.1944 dva britské bombardéry Lancaster. Letoun je vybaven tzv. "velkou anténou " radaru FuG 220 SN-2b Lichtenstein
(starší verze radaru), doplnìnou radarem FuG 212 Lichtenstein C - 1. V zadní èásti kabiny jsou instalovány dva šikmo støílející kanóny MG FF/M ráže 20 mm pod úhlem 80°.
Messerschmitt Bf 110 G-4/R3/R8/B2, << G9+DF, Stab. IV./NJG1, Gruppenkomandeur of IV. Gruppe Oblt. Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer. April 1944, Base St. Trond, Belgium.
Schnaufer shot down two british Lancaster bombers in the night on 11/12.04.1944 with his aircraft. Plane was equiped with so-called "big antenna" of the FuG 220 SN-2b
Lichtenstein radar (older version), supplied with FuG 212 Lichtenstein C-1 radar. Two obliquely fired 20mm caliber MG FF/M cannons were instaled in the rear part of the
canopy (Angle of cannons is 80°).
RLM 76
RLM 70
RLM 75
RLM 22
H.Mankau/ P.Petrick - Messerschmitt Bf 110 - Me 210 - Me 410
Vinnige Valken, Die Vliegbasis van Sint - Truiden 1941-45
Heinkel He 219 A-2 W.Nr. 290126 D5+BL, 3./NJG 3
both sides of rudder
Heinkel He 219 A-2, W.Nr.290126, D5+BL, 3./NJG3, základna Grove, Dánsko, kvìten 1945.
Zobrazený He 219 A-2 je vybaven radarem FuG 220 SN-2d s dipóly pootoèenými o o 45° a varovnou anténou zadní polosféry na konci trupu. Letoun byl vyzbrojen kanony Mk 108 Schräge Musik a
mìl redukovánu výzbroj ve vanì na dva kanony. Tento He 219 by nalezen na letišti Grove v neporušeném stavu a byl pøevezen do Velké Británie, kde pozdìji dostal britský marking a byl zkoušen
s trupovým oznaèením Air Min. 20. V roce 1947 byl sešrotován. Z fotografií není zcela jasné, jestli tøetí písmeno volacího znaku bylo šedé RLM 77 nebo žluté RLM 04, jak pøikazoval pøedpis.
Heinkel He 219 A-2, W.Nr.290126, D5+BL, 3./NJG3, based in Grove,
Denmark, May 1945. This He 219 A-2 is equiped with FuG 220 SN-2d radar with with 45° turned dipoles and antenna of the tail-warning system instaled on the backside of the plane. Plane was
armed with and two cannons MG 151/20 in ventral gondola, wing and two Mk 108 Schräge Musik cannons. This He 219 was found undamaged on Grove Airfield and was transfered to UK. There
it was oversigned with british marking and was tested under code Air Min 20. It was scraped in 1947. From the photos is not visible if the third letter of the call code was in Gray RLM 77 or yellow
RLM 04 colour as it was ordered in the directive.
RLM 76
RLM 70
RLM 76 waves
on RLM 75
RLM 22
RLM 21
Phil Butler - War Prizes
www.hyperscale.com - Night Hunters of the Jagdwaffe Part Two
Heinkel He 219
Junkers Ju 88 G-6 W.Nr.620557 2Z+AW, 12./NJG 6
Junkers Ju 88 G-6, W.Nr.620557, 2Z+AW, 12./NJG6. Tento Ju 88 G-6 byl nalezen v hangáru na letišti Manching americkými vojáky v dubnu 1945.
Radarové vybavení FuG 220 SN-2d s dipóly pootoèenými o 45°. Na zádi letounu anténa varovného systému zadní polosféry. Na høbetu trupu pravdìpodobnì
instalovány dva šikmo støílející kanóny MG 151 ráže 20 mm. Na fotografii tyto kanóny nejsou patrné (byly pravdìpodobnì demontovány).
Junkers Ju 88 G-6, W.Nr.620557, 2Z+AW, 12./NJG6. This Ju 88 G-6 was found in the hangar on the Manching airfield by American soldiers in April 1945.
Radar equipment is FuG 220 SN-2d with 45° turned dipoles. The antenna of the rear semisphere warning system instaled on the backside of the plane. Two
obliquely fired 20mm caliber MG 151 cannons were probably mounted in the fuselage. The cannons are not visible on the photo (they were probably removed).
RLM 76
RLM 70
RLM 75
RLM 22
Barry C. Rosch - Luftwaffe Codes, Markings & Units 1939 - 1945
Peter Evans - Luftwaffe experten message board

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