Civics – The Criminal Quiz – Overview This clip


Civics – The Criminal Quiz – Overview This clip
Civics – The Criminal Quiz – Overview
This clip initially raises the question of is ignorance of the law an excuse for breaking the law, which
can lead on an interesting discussion about being a good citizen and common defence practices
including mental health, maturity and other mitigating circumstances.
The theme is then further developed to include outdated and trivial laws which are still on the
statute books but are commonly not adhered to which may also begin a discussion about laws that
are socially acceptable to break.
Several outdated laws are brought to light by Steve in a quiz show style presentation and the
students, split into two teams, are encouraged to join in by guessing if the stated law is true or false.
Finally, the professor character asks if all laws should be followed and gives the example of
downloading pirated music and videos from the internet for the class to discuss. In addition are
there any unwritten rules that the class think should become law.
Suggested Pauses
Why was Steve fined 500Kc by the Czech Police?
He didn’t have his car headlights on.
Is that law the same in England?
No, your car headlights don’t have to be on all the time.
What other driving law is different between the UK and the Czech Republic?
You can’t have a beer and still drive in the Czech Republic, but one beer is ok in the
Do you think it is ok to break the law if you don’t know the law?
Field suggestions from the class and discuss their opinions
Divide the class into 2 teams, team A and team B. Ask the students to discuss the task before asking
them what they think is going to happen in the remainder of the clip.
They will hear a number of unusual laws from around the world
The professor will give his opinion as to whether it’s true or false.
The teams then decide if they agree or disagree with the professor.
Play along with the DVD and award points if necessary.
Ask team A if they agree or disagree. Do you think the professor is right and that in France it is illegal
to kiss on a railway station platform?
Play until 03.58 to see if team A were correct. There is an old law which is still valid,
but not enforced, that kissing on a railway station platform in France is illegal.
Ask team B if they agree or disagree. Do you think that in Thailand it is illegal to leave your house if
you’re not wearing underpants?
Play until 04.34 to see if team B were correct. It is true that in Thailand it is illegal to
leave your house if you’re not wearing underpants.
Ask team A if they agree or disagree. Do you think it’s false that in the UK it’s OK for a pregnant lady
to go to the toilet anywhere?
Play until 05.15 to see if team A were correct. As unbelievable as it is it’s true and is
still a law in the United Kingdom.
Ask team B if they agree or disagree. Do you think that in Paraguay it’s a crime to drink milk after
6.00 PM?
Play until 05.46 to see if team B were correct, and award points if they disagreed
with the professor and said it was false.
Ask team A if they agree or disagree that in Switzerland it’s against the law to flush the toilet after
10.00 PM.
Play until 06.28 and reward team A with a point if they also said it was true.
Ask team B if they agree or disagree. Is chewing gum illegal in Singapore?
Play until 07.05 and confirm with the students that chewing gum and he is illegal in
Add up the points for each team and declare a winner.
Ask your students to vote for the funniest or stupidest law mentioned in the quiz. Do they think any
of those laws are a good idea? Discuss the student’s thoughts and feelings.
Can the students think of any other unwritten rules that apply to the Czech Republic or good
behaviour in general?
Do the students think we should follow all laws, what are their thoughts on downloading music for
free and pirate DVD’s?
Can the class, in small groups at first, think of any new laws they would like to introduce? Discuss
their ideas if time permits.
Civics – The Criminal Quiz
Videoklip vznáší otázku ignorování zákona a jeho porušování.
Téma je dále rozvinuto. Jsou zmíněny zastaralé a triviální zákony, které jsou stále přítomny v patném
zákonodárství, ale běžně se nedodržují. To vede k zamyšlení, které zákony či nařízení je společensky
akceptovatelné porušovat.
Několik takových pravidel Steve uvádí ve své show. Žáci, rozdělení do týmů, tipují, zda vyřčené
pravidlo je pravdivé nebo nepravdivé.
Nakonec se profesor ptá, zda by všechny zákony měly být dodržovány, a uvádí příklady stahování
pirátské hudby a videí z internetu. Žáci mají prostor k diskusi. Existují nějaká nepsaná pravidla, která
by se měla stát zákonem?
Doporučené pauzy a otázky/úkoly pro studenty během sledování klipu:
Why was Steve fined 500Kc by the Czech Police?
He didn’t have his car headlights on.
Is that law the same in England?
No, your car headlights don’t have to be on all the time.
What other driving law is different between the UK and the Czech Republic?
You can’t have a beer and still drive in the Czech Republic, but one beer is ok in the
Do you think it is ok to break the law if you don’t know the law?
Žáci vyjadřují své názory a diskutují o nich.
Rozdělíme žáky do dvou týmů, tým A a tým B. Žáci tipují, co se bude dál dít.
Žáci si poslechnou několik neobvyklých zákonů z celého světa.
Profesor řekne svůj názor, zda je to pravda nebo lež.
Týmy se pak rozhodnou, zda souhlasí či nesouhlasí s profesorem.
Přehrajeme klip a udělujeme body.
Zeptáme se týmu A, zda souhlasí či nikoli:
Do you think the professor is right and that in France it is illegal to kiss on a railway station
Přehrajeme do 03.58 a zjistíme, zda tým A odpověděl správně.
There is an old law which is still valid, but not enforced, that kissing on a railway station platform in
France is illegal.
Zeptáme se týmu B zda souhlasí či nikoli:
Do you think that in Thailand it is illegal to leave your house if you’re not wearing underpants?
Přehrajeme do 04.34 a zjistíme, zda tým B odpověděl správně.
It is true that in Thailand it is illegal to leave your house if you’re not wearing
Zeptáme se týmu A, zda souhlasí či nikoli:
Do you think it’s false that in the UK it’s OK for a pregnant lady to go to the toilet anywhere?
Přehrajeme do 05.15 a zjistíme, zda tým A odpověděl správně.
As unbelievable as it is, it’s true and is still a law in the United Kingdom.
Zeptáme se týmu B zda souhlasí či nikoli:
Do you think that in Paraguay it’s a crime to drink milk after 6.00 PM?
Přehrajeme do 05.46, zda tým B odpověděl správně a udělíme body v případě, že
nesouhlasili s profesorem a uvedli, že to není pravda.
Zeptáme se týmu A, zda souhlasí či nikoli:
In Switzerland is it against the law to flush the toilet after 10.00 PM?
Přehrajeme do 06.28 a odměníme tým A bodem, pokud take řekli, že je to Pravda.
Zeptáme se týmu B, zda souhlasí či nikoli:
Is chewing gum illegal in Singapore?
Přehrajeme do 07.05 a potvrdíme, že žvýkačka je v Sigapuru nelegální.
Sečteme oběma týmům body a vyhlásíme vítěze.
Necháme žáky hlasovat o nejzábavnější zákon z kvízu a o nejstupidnější. Myslí si, že některé z těchto
zákonů jsou dobré?
Vote for the funniest and stupidest law mentioned in the quiz.
Do you think any of those laws are a good idea?
Zeptáme se žáků, zda existují nějaká nepsaná pravidla, která platí u nás, nebo pravidla slušného
chování všeobecně.
Can you think of any other unwritten rules that apply to the Czech Republic or good behaviour in
Myslí si žáci, že bychom měli dodržovat všechny zákony? Co si myslí o stahování hudby a filmů z
internet zdarma a pirátských DVD?
Do you think we should follow all laws? What are your thoughts on downloading music and films for
free and pirate DVD’s?
Žáci v skupinkách vymýšlejí nový zákon, který by rádi uvedli v platnost.
In small groups think of any new laws you would like to introduce.