Seminář III: Thebes in the Ptolemaic and Roman Period


Seminář III: Thebes in the Ptolemaic and Roman Period
LS 2014
PhDr. Filip Coppens, Ph.D. ([email protected] - Thebes)
Doc. PhDr. Květa Smoláriková, Ph.D. ([email protected] - Delta)
Atestace: zápočet
Podmínky udělení atestace:
1. Active participation during the course (max. 1/3 excused absence).
2. Students are expected to present a 20-25 minute seminar work in class; topics to be assigned
during the first hour of the course (= prerequisite for obtaining the credit (zápočet)). The presentation
can be held in Czech, English, French or German.
1. Thebes in Ptolemaic and Roman Times (February – April)
The course aims to acquaint students in detail with a specific region of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt
and forms an extension of the class Archeologie a hmotná kultura III: Egypt in Ptolemaic/Hellenistic
Times, taught at the same time. In the first half of the semester an overview will be given of the
history of the Theban region in Ptolemaic and Roman times and of the Theban religious landscape,
with a focus on characteristic features of and local developments in architecture, art, burial practices
etc. In the second half of the semester each student is expected to present in class a Theban
monument of the Ptolemaic and Roman era (topics to be assigned during the first hour of the
2. The Delta in the first millennium BC (May)
V závěrečné části tohoto semináře se zaměříme na několik důležitých archeologických lokalit Egypta
doby 1. tis. př. n. l. z oblasti východní nilské delty, včetně nejvýznamnějších nálezů, které zde byly
učiněny. Nejedná se v žádném případě o náhodný výběr lokalit, protože Tanis, Mendes, Bubastis,
jako mocenské centra Pozdní doby, zásadním způsobem ovlivnily dění v Egyptě. Studenti prací na
jednotlivých referátech získají solidní přehled o způsobech výzkumu v této důležité oblasti, včetně
znalosti základní odborné literatury a jejího hodnocení.
1. Thebes in Ptolemaic and Roman Times
* A. Bataille, “Thèbes gréco–romaine”, CdE 26 (1951), 325–353.
* A. Bataille, Les Memnonia. Recherches de papyrologie et d’épigraphie grecques sur la nécropole
de la Thébes d’Egypte aux époques hellénistiques et romaine, RAPH 23, Cairo 1952.
* F. Coppens, “Ptolemaic and Roman Thebes / Ptolemaiovské a římské Théby”, in J. Mynářová – P.
Onderka (eds.), Thebes. City of Gods and Pharaohs / Théby. Město bohů a faraonů, Prague 2007,
* F. Coppens, “The Valley of the Kings from the End of the New Kingdom to the Late Twentieth
Century. Chapter 31: Late Dynastic, Graeco-Roman, and Christian Times; Post-New Kingdom
Graffiti”, in R. H. Wilkinson – K. R. Weeks (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings,
Oxford 2014.
* A. Łajtar, “The Theban Region under the Roman Empire”, in C. Riggs (ed.), The Oxford Handbook
of Roman Egypt, Oxford 2012, 171–188.
* C. Riggs, “Art and Archaism in Western Thebes”, in C. Riggs, The Beautiful Burial in Roman Egypt.
Art, Identity, and Funerary Religion, Oxford 2005, 175–244.
* N. Strudwick, “Some Aspects of the Archaeology of the Theban Necropolis in the Ptolemaic and
Roman Period”, in N. Strudwick – J. Taylor (eds.), The Theban Necropolis. Past, Present and Future,
London 2003, 167–188.
* K. Vandorpe, “City of Many a Gate, Harbor for Many a Rebel. Historical and Topographical Outline
of Greco–Roman Thebes”, in S. Vleeming (ed.). Hundred–Gated Thebes. Acts of a Colloquium on
Thebes and the Theban Area in the Graeco–Roman Period, P. L. Bat. 27, Leiden–New York–Köln
1995, 203–239.
2. The Delta in the First Millennium BC
Leclère, F. Les villes de Basse Egypte au 1er millénaire av. J.-C. Analyse archéologique et historique
de la topographie urbaine, BdE 144/I-II, Caire: IFAO 2008.
Brissau, Ph., Zivie-Coche, Ch. Tanis. Travaux récents sur le Tell san El-Hagar. Mission française des
fouilles de Tanis 1987-1997. Éditions Nesis, Paris 1998.
Redford, Donald, B. Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times, Cairo: The American University
Press 1993.
Redford, Donald, B. City of the Ram-man. The Story of Ancient Mendes. Princeton University Press:
Princeton and Oxford 2010.
Redford, Donald, B. Excavations at Mendes. Volume 1. The Royal Necropolis. Culture and History of
the Ancient Near East. Brill: Leiden, Boston 2004.
Borghouts, J.F. – Demarée, R.J. – Roodenberg, J.J., (eds.), The Libyan Period in Egypt. Historical
and Cultural Studies Into the 21st – 24th Dynasties: Proceedings of a Conference at Leiden University,
25-27 October 2007, [Egyptologische Uitgaven, XXIII], Leuven: Peeters 2009.
Wilson, K.L., Cities of Delta, II: Mendes. ARCE, Vol. 5, Malibu: Undena 1982.