Hranice - ET


Hranice - ET
R e g io nal A pplic at ion of ET-Str ateg y and Act io ns
R e g io nal Te rrit orial ET-Manag ement C oncep t 6 .2
C it y of H ranice
(h ttp ://www.etstr u c t .eu )
The project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
The European Office, Vienna Board of Education (AT)
Vienna Business Agency (AT)
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin (DE)
Training and Education Centre of Trade and Industry, Schwerin (DE)
The City of Hranice (CZ)
The Secondary Technical School Hranice (CZ)
The Statuary City of Karviná (CZ)
The University of Economy in Bydgoszcz (PL)
Lower Silesian Vocational Information and Teachers Training Centre in Wałbrzych (PL)
Regional Development Agency of Gorenjska BSC (Business support centre Ltd) Kranj (SI)
Institution for Adult Education Kočevje (SI)
Development and Education Centre Novo mesto (SI)
CNA Modena - National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Modena (IT)
Agency of Vocational Training, Modena Formazione (IT)
Region of Veneto, Department of Labour, Venice (IT)
ENAIP VENETO Regional Agency of Vocational Training, Padua (IT)
Association of Students-Economists of Zakarpattya (ASEZ) (UA)
1. Executive Summary02
1.1 Main idea behind ET-Management in the region and the main goals
1.2 Historical initiatives and experience
1.3 New opportunities with ET-struct02
1.4 Key target groups
2. Situation Analysis
2.1 Summary of the territorial analysis
2.2 Summary of relevant up-to-date legislation
2.3 SWOT analysis and key conclusions
3. Regional Shareholders
3.1 List of shareholders with described competences
4. Action plan
5. ET-Management Team
6. Regional / National Publicity
7. Sustainability and Future Prospects in the Region
The project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
1. Executive Summary
1.1 Main idea behind ET-Management in the region and the main goals
The ET-struct project aims at an area that is critical to growth and employment potential. It aims to address essential issues surrounding a
general lack of coherence between “the connection of the educational system to the leading edge of technology and business practices.” Also
in Hranice, there is often a lack of an effective matching process across the interfaces of:
Economy/labour market
ET-struct final project Work Package, Work Package 6, has two Core Outputs which aim at securing the sustainability of the project outputs for
the partner regions involved in the project after project lifetime and propose added value for other European regions who were not involved
in the project. Furthermore, it would be for those who would like to use the ET-struct project outputs to strengthen the “knowledge triangles”
in their own regions.
Partners in Hranice plan to establish their own regional system combining education, economy and policy. Organisational and financing
schemes will be investigated during the project’s lifetime in order to prepare a management system that would run as a self-standing body
that will further use and develop the strategies and tools developed after the project ends.
Hranice district belongs to Olomouc Region, and therefore, all steps taken for the benefit of local labour market shall be in compliance with
the regional specifics and current economic trends.
1.2 Historical initiatives and experience
Historically, cooperation between business and education has existed since the first industries came to the region in the 1950s. However,
a more systematic approach to such collaboration developed only in the new century, especially thanks to a couple of larger companies,
especially SSI Schäfer and SIGMA PUMPY HRANICE. SSI Schäfer established its first plant in the Czech Republic in 1993. Since then, it has
become one of topic storage system manufactures in Central Europe. SIGMA PUMPY was founded as early as 1883 in Hranice which has
been for centuries an important railroad junction but until recently, without any major industry. SIGMA manufactures high-tech pumps and
engines. Both corporations have been active partners to local schools who seek practical training and employment opportunities for their
1.3 New opportunities with ET-struct
ET-struct brings along many opportunities for supporting local labour market as it helps develop several quality analytical, learning and
management tools (ET-Inventory, ET-LearnTrain, ET-Academy, ET-Strategy and Action, and ET-Management).
The final aim is to match and optimise work force qualifications with the needs of regional economy in an innovative, ongoing, dynamic,
flexible, and systemic process. It is our goal that many players involved in policy-making, economic development and education will work
together regionally and at the same time at a transnational level with counterparts in other CE regions.
Scheme 1: ET-struct WP6 Structure
The project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
1.4 Key target groups
Activities deriving from this strategy are expected to have positive impact on the following target groups:
Primary schools
Students, age 6-15 (thinking about their future professions)
Teachers and advisors (helping students on their way to the most suitable secondary education)
School principles
Secondary technical schools
Students, age 15-19 (thinking about their future professions)
Teachers and advisors (helping students on their way to the most suitable secondary education)
School directors
Local companies
Top management (making strategic decisions)
H.R. management (recruitment)
Training teams
Local government
Decision-makers (steering local economic dev.)
City managers (personnel chiefs)
Project managers
Key service providers
Regional government
Decision-makers (steering regional economic dev. and in charge of secondary education)
Regional Authority directors (personnel chiefs)
Project managers
Key service providers
The general public
The public is benefiting from improved balance on the labour market
2. Situation Analysis
2.1 Summary of the territorial analysis
On-going discussions show that not enough attention is being paid to the skills in technical fields in the region even though there is
undoubtedly pressure to support the supply of qualified labour force for manufacturing industries. Research showed that most qualified
graduates leave Olomouc Region for Prague, Brno and Ostrava (brain-drain). The number of graduates is relatively high, but they are missing
practical experience and often also even lack sufficient knowledge of foreign languages (which is naturally one of many competences
requested by international companies). Some limits are embedded in a rather rigid legislation. This means that the efforts made by schools
and firms are highly practical and can have a positive impact. Unfortunately, technical schools have also been struggling with low support
from decision-makers on the regional level who are responsible for secondary education in the region.
The ET-Inventory carried out under WP3 pointed out to the following expectations of employers in reference to qualified labour force
(educational system):
Practice-oriented preparation of future graduates - the employers ask mainly for extension and improvement of the practical part of
education in schools.
Fostering greater independence in learning.
Developing key competencies - one of the frequently mentioned issues is foreign language learning, which should be taught from
early on in life and more emphasis should be put on the active usage of and ability to communicate in a foreign language.
Working with information- meaning researching, processing and using them, evaluating, generalizing, and looking for connections
in them.
Personal development - not only intellectual development is important here, but also the strengthening of moral values, education
towards humanity, thoughtfulness, decency, and social skills development should be emphasized.
Adjusting educational possibilities to the job market’s needs.
Teacher’s preparation - have up-to-date field knowledge, and who are capable of passing this knowledge on to their pupils and
Willingness to learn- willingness to learn and self-educate even after the end of formal education is considered by the employers
crucial for graduates of all fields and levels of education.
2.2 Summary of relevant up-to-date legislation
Summary of relevant up-to-date legislation and strategic documents that should be referred to:
Development Programme of the City of Hranice
Development Programme of the Olomouc Region
Act No. 128/2000 Coll. On Municipalities = Municipal Establishment (local government)
Act No. 129/2000 Coll. On Regions (regional government)
Act No. 500/2004 Coll. Administrative Code
Act No. 634/2004 Coll. On administrative fees
Act No 29/1984 Coll. A system of primary, secondary and higher vocational schools (=Education Act)
Act No. 564/1994 Coll. State and local government in the education sector
Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development of the Czech Republic (2008-2015)
The project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
2.3 SWOT analysis and key conclusions
SWOT analysis is used to define strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that ET-struct permanent structures will have to keep in
mind. Strengths and weakness are internal factors. Opportunities and threats result from external environment. Often, there is a thin line
between strengths and opportunities and weakness and threats, but we must be aware of all four. SWOT analysis is a well-known method, but
should not be overrated.
Partners from Hranice used the SWOT analysis in the context of discussions with their regional stake- and shareholders. The discussions will be
steered by PPs experts and the participants involved should all agree on the description of the current situation.
The SWOT analysis must be a dynamic tool.
Patience and willingness to cooperate (particularly among
schools and companies)
Stronger communication of actors carrying the problems
(problem solving)
Direct contact with the “clients” thru events (pupils, students,
parents, advisors)
Relatively high level of education
High number of schools (particularly secondary) leading to
struggle for students
Low quality and motivation of students
Low interest of national and regional policy-makers in
matching supply and demand on the local markets
Lack of financial resources
Stronger communication of actors carrying the problems
(problem solving)
Direct contact with the “clients” thru events (pupils, students,
parents, advisors)
Greater involvement of secondary school advisors in
marketing activities with primary schools and companies
Use of predisposition tests
Taking advantage of projects and cooperation with sponsors
Weakening interest in technical qualifications
Changing demography - ageing and urbanization
Departure of larger companies leading to growing
Decreasing support to local entrepreneurs
Growing bureaucracy and barriers to entrepreneurship
3. Regional Shareholders
The chapter identifies and presents a database of key relevant shareholders in the Hranice district who will likely become members of the
permanent territorial structures. It will suggest their roles in these structures for:
1. Sustainability and commitment of each territorial regional structure (how to keep the key relevant stakeholders interested).
2. Management of the structure (who will take the lead and what competences will he/she have).
3. Effective and suitable communication (meetings, conferences, web-based tools etc.).
4. Integration in regional development plans (how to access regional/local development plans).
5. Connectivity in the “meta-structure” entitled Joint Management (possible roles of the international community facilitating the
regional triangles)
3.1 List of shareholders with described competences
Contact PERSON
City of Hranice
Radka Ondriášová,
[email protected]
Local economic development in
Hranice, responsibility for primary
Regional Authority of
Olomouc Region
Miroslav Gajdůšek,
Department for
[email protected]
Responsibility for secondary education
in the region, links to regional
development and regional decisionmakers
Secondary Technical School
Hranice / National Association Drašnerová,
of Secondary Technical
Schools Czech Rep.
[email protected]
Representing technical schools in the
area, success stories from cooperation
between the school and local
Labor Office Hranice
[email protected]
Monitoring and connecting local labor
Pavel Remeň
1 (Shareholders must be considered those stakeholders who not only take interest in the issue and will thus be informed about activities of the triangle,
but who can actually contribute financially or organizationally to positive changes to the cooperation environment of training facilities, business sector and
public authorities).
The project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
Chamber of Commerce Přerov Jitka Palková,
[email protected]
Monitoring and supporting the needs
of companies in the distrikt
SSI Schäfer
[email protected]
Interested in highly qualified labor
Jana Kutínová HR
4. Action plan
The following activities have been proposed at the regional workshop in order to support the triangle (entrepreneurs, schools, training
facilities etc.). Each activity includes expected timeframe and responsibility.
Purchase and set up information banners – will support better access to information on possibilities in technical fields on the side of
schools and employers
R: City of Hranice
T: 30 June 2013
Organize hobby groups for youth – will motivate students to be more attracted to a variety of schools in the region
R: Secondary Technical School Hranice
T: continuously
Hold contests for pupils – will increase competition among students and increase the profile of technical education in the area
R: Secondary Technical School Hranice
T: 31 August 2013
Organize excursions, open days for parents and students – will enable to get hands-on experience for students and motivate parents
by showing them applicability of the education
R: Secondary Technical School Hranice and Sigma Pumpy / SSI Schäfer
T: 30 June 2013
Arrange and support internships in companies (write in calendar) – will support practical experience of students and enhance their
CVs that are needed when seeking first jobs
R: Secondary Technical School Hranice and Sigma Pumpy / SSI Schäfer / City of Hranice
T: 31 January 2013
Translate pre-disposition test and provide it to local primary and secondary schools – will enable to point out to possible suitable
professional directions for youth
R: City of Hranice
T: 31 January 2013 (check ASAP)
Establish a special position of triangle coordinator with the municipality – will advice all organizations integrated in the knowledge
triangle and coordinate their joint activities
R: City of Hranice
T: 30 September 2012 – FINISHED
Negotiate with shareholders on further activities – will lead to further support of matching qualifications on the labour market
R: all organizations under coordination of the City
T: 31 March 2013
For negotiation with relevant shareholders, the development plans should include:
Establishing steering and working groups actively dealing with current issues of the regional labor market.
Taking specific measures to link the demands of the regional economy with the offer of the regional education, and lobby for
changes with higher authorities, if needed.
Enlarging the scope of services provided by public authorities to schools and business to the region.
Allocating human capacities and financial resources for implementation of the action plan.
Establishing a specific fund that would support currently provided services (running the on-line and on-site regional modules,
monitoring the recent trends on the labor market etc.).
Preparing or joining a new international project that would further support development and extension of the triangle and allow for
exchange of best practices across Europe.
5. ET-Management Team
The STRATEGIC COMMITTEE and the CORE MANAGEMENT TEAM in Hranice, Olomouc Region, should be composed of three members (from
shareholders), each representing one of the three angles of the triangle (policy/economy/education). Shareholders within the branches will
elect its chairman, coordinator respectively. These persons shall be present at all meetings to identify actual needs and requirements of the
branches. The timeframe of the regular and ad hoc meetings will depend on subject matter and also the willingness and availability of its
members. The basic requirement is to identify and attempt to resolve the problem (task) in the activities outlined in Action plan. Members will
work on an honorary basis while the coordinator will be covered by public budgets.
Strategic Committee
High-level decision makers as a backbone
Influence and financial means
Preferably at the interface of economy/education /policy
The project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
Core Management Team
Mid-level officials and administrators
Regional Knowledge
Best practice examples
Core Management Team
Scheme 2: ET-Management Scheme
6. Regional / National Publicity
List of stakeholders who need to be informed (but are not engaged directly):
Contact Person
Střední soukromá odborná škola Hranice
Mgr. Petr Flajšar, ředitel
[email protected]
local school
Střední lesnická škola Hranice
Ing. Miroslav Kutý, ředitel
[email protected]
local school
Střední zdravotnická škola Hranice
Mgr. Karel Ančinec
[email protected]
local school
Gymnázium Hranice
PhDr. Radovan Langer,
[email protected]
local school
Střední průmyslová škola Hranice
Ing. Drahomíra Drašnerová,
[email protected]
local school
Úřad práce v Přerově
Ing. Michal Langoš, ředitel
[email protected]
labor office
Úřad práce v Hranicích
Ing. Pavel Remeň
[email protected]
labor office
Regionální agentura pro rozvoj Střední
Ing. Martin Kučera
[email protected]
Agentura pro podporu podnikání a investic
CzechInvest, Regionální kancelář pro
Olomoucký kraj
[email protected]
Regional Office of
Czech Invest
Krajský úřad Olomouckého kraje
Bc. Ing. Libor Kolář, ředitel
[email protected]
regional authority
Krajský úřad Olomouckého kraje
Mgr. Miroslav Gajdůšek,
MBA, vedoucí odboru
[email protected]
regional authority
The project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
Krajský úřad Olomouckého kraje
Ing. Miroslav Kubín,
vedoucí odboru investic a
evropských programů
[email protected]
Městský úřad Hranice
Bc. Ing. Vladimír Vyplelík,
[email protected] municipality
Městský úřad Hranice
Mgr. Vojtěch Bušina, vedoucí [email protected]
odboru školství
Městský úřad Lipník nad Bečvou
Ing. Jitka Suchánková,
[email protected]
Městský úřad Lipník nad Bečvou
Ing. Lucie Žídková, vedoucí
odboru školství a kultury
[email protected]
Magistrát města Přerov
Ing. Jiří Bakalík, tajemník
[email protected]
Magistrát města Přerov
Mgr. Romana Pospíšilová,
vedoucí odboru školství,
mládeže a tělovýchovy
[email protected]
Hospodářská komora okresu Přerov
Ing. Jitka Palková, ředitelka
[email protected]
chamber of
Okresní hospodářská komora Olomouc
Jaroslav Havelka, ředitel
[email protected]
chamber of
Národní asociace pro rozvoj podnikání –
[email protected]
association for
Asociace malých a středních podniků a
živnostníků ČR
Eva Svobodová, MBA,
generální ředitelka
[email protected]
SME association
Ministry for Regional Development / NCP for Ing.arch. Stella Horváthová,
CENTRAL 2013 Programme
Mgr. Tereza Tkadlečková
[email protected]
Centre for European Projects Development
Ing. Jiří Mošna, MBA
[email protected]
supporting NCP
bit CZ training, s.r.o.
Zdeněk Kotulák, MBA,
ředitel pobočky Olomouc
[email protected]
training co.
Union of Towns and Municipalities CR
Mgr. Ingrid Štegmannová,
vedoucí oddělení vnějších
[email protected]
largest assoc. of
Union of Towns and Municipalities CR
Ing. Barbora Veselá,
garantka rubriky dotace a
[email protected]
largest assoc. of
Střední škola polytechnická Olomouc
Paedr. Polášek, projektový
Poláš[email protected]
local school
Krajský úřad Olomouckého kraje
Ing. Pavel Sekanina,
náměstek hejtmana školství
[email protected]
regional authority
Krajský úřad Olomouckého kraje
Ing. Petra Hájková - Odbor
školství, mládeže a
[email protected]
regional authority
Kateřina Ondráčková,
personální manažerka
[email protected]
SIGMA PUMPY, Hranice s.r.o.
Jiřina Holubová,
[email protected]
Miroslav Milý, vedoucí
ekonomického oddělení
[email protected]
regional authority
The project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
Mgr. Dagmar Pecarová,
asistentka vedení firmy
[email protected]
Jana Kutínová, HR
[email protected]
GESS CZ .s.r.o
[email protected]
GESS CZ .s.r.o
Miroslav Kolář
[email protected]
GESS CZ .s.r.o
Mgr. et Bc.Pavel Völkl
obchodní konzultant
[email protected]
Dakr, spol. s.r.o
Lucie Ligocká, personální
personá[email protected]
Moravský dřevařský klastr
Maková Ludmila, projektový
manažer klastru
[email protected]
wood cluster
Possible communication channels that can be used in further exposure of the triangle:
Print Media
Regional press
Newsletters of the Olomouc Region
Newsletters of the schools and the City of Hranice
Marketing materials
Radio and TV (national and regional radio stations, regional TV station) for special occasions
Český rozhlas Olomouc
Radio Čas Olomouc
The activities of the management team and their effectiveness are, among others, are supported by:
Press releases
Online publications
Recommended procedures
Letters to parents
Meetings with the public
Work meetings
7. Sustainability and Future Prospects in
the Region
The long-term sustainability of ET-struct outcomes in the region is one of the greatest challenges for the partnership. There must be an ongoing evaluation and quality control established under evaluation guidelines in Work Package 5. Regional partners shall always consider the
possibility to integrate activities of the ET-Management activities in the organizational and development strategies and assure their approval.
In the meantime, new technical fields are being profiled and linked mainly to the automobile industries. It is absolutely necessary to
communicate with these companies and ask them to share their requirements imposed on the graduates.
Furthermore, the Regional Authority of Olomouc Region has been recognized as one of potential key partners. The pressure for its stronger
role and interest must come from all who take interest in matching qualifications in the labour market (E.g. primary schools representatives,
technical secondary school directors, specific companies, the city as well as the regional labour office). Greater opportunities will be created
with more participants involved.
The project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.
© 2013, ET-struct
The project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.