

Úkol č. 1
Zkuste přijít na alespoň deset různých kosmických lodí, které hrály důležitou roli v nějaké
anglicky psané sci-fi knize, filmu či seriálu. Napište vždy název lodi, celé jméno jejího
kapitána a název knihy/filmu/seriálu. Z každého filmu/seriálu/knihy může být vždy jen jedna
0. Serenity, Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly (TV series) / Serenity (movie)
Názvy/jména musí být v originále, tedy v angličtině.
1. Daedalus, Colonel Steven Caldwell, StarGate Atlantis
2. Odyssey, Colonel Paul Emerson, StarGate SG-1
3. Enterprise, James T. Kirk, Star Trek
4. Nabukadnezar, Morpheus, Matrix
5. Planet Express Ship, Leela, Futurama
6. Galactica, William Adama, Battlestar Galactica
7. Millennium Falcon, Han Solo, Star Wars
8. Voyager, Kathryn Janeway, Star Trek Voyager
9. Babylon 5, John Sheridan, Babylon 5
10. Red Dwarf, Captain Frank Hollister, Red Dwarf
Úkol č. 2
Žánry sci-fi a fantasy bývají často házeny do jednoho pytle.
Najděte na internetu text v angličtině, který vysvětluje rozdíl mezi nimi (nepište svůj
vlastní) a uložte si ho.
Potom sestavte svůj vlastní žebříček pěti nejlepších sci-fi knih, pěti nejlepších sci-fi filmů/
seriálů, pěti nejlepších fantasy knih a pěti nejlepších fantasy filmů/seriálů.
U vítěze každé kategorie napište stručně anglicky PROČ se Vám dané dílo líbilo.
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Question: What's the difference between Sci-Fi and Fantasy?
Answer: Some would say that there is very little difference between the two forms. Orson
Scott Card, an award-winning novelist in both genres, has said that the difference is illusory.
"Half joking, I was writing to Ben [Bova] about this very subject, and I said, look, fantasy
has trees, and science fiction has rivets," Card said in a 1989 interview. "That's it, that's all
the difference there is, the difference of feel, perception."
Science fiction and fantasy both explore other realities than our own. And in the sense that
either way what really matters in human nature, the difference is one of setting and
But there is a fundamental difference -- one of aspiration. Humanity can look forward to the
kinds of achievements postulated in science fiction, while with another part of our brain we
can dream of the impossibilities conjured by fantasy. Science fiction expands our world;
fantasy transcends it.
Sci-fi knihy:
1. Michael Crichton - Sphere (I love all Michael Crichton's books and this one is full of
mysterious and exciting moments and the whole plot is very remarkable and interesting).
2. Philip K. Dick - A Scanner Darkly
3. Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
4. Isaac Asimov - I, Robot
5. Jules Verne - 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Sci-fi filmy/seriály:
1. StarGate SG-1 (The series discovers new worlds and new cultures, it contains many
interesting action and comedy moments, and all its characters are extraordinary - especially
the character of Jack O'Neill is played well)
2. Star Wars
3. Star Trek
4. Matrix
5. Red Dwarf
Fantasy knihy:
1. J.R.R. Tolkien - The Hobbit (The book is full of adventure and humorous situations. The
main character is not a typical hero, but this fact makes the story more interesting.)
2. J.R.R. Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
3. David Gemmell - Legend
4. Lewis Carroll - Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
5. Neil Gaiman - Neverwhere
Fantasy filmy/seriály:
1. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Three of the most fascinating films of all times. Great story,
great and interesting characters and very exciting action scenes make the whole trilogy
2. Stardust
3. Alice in Wonderland
4. Excalibur
5. Conan the Barbarian
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Úkol č. 3
Většina slavných sci-fi románů už byla zfilmována, některé knihy se dokonce dočkaly
zpracování několik. Vaším úkolem bude porovnat nějaký sci-fi román (popř. povídku) s
jeho filmovým/televizním zpracováním.
Toto porovnání napište anglicky v cca 150-250 slovech.
Sphere is one of my favorite books written by Michael Crichton. Usually when I read a
Michael Crichton’s book it does not take much time because I am so excited by the story
that I want to know what happens next as soon as possible. The same thing happened with
Sphere. Sphere is full of mysterious and exciting moments and you never know what is
going to happen next. I read the book before the film was created and I was really looking
forward to see it. I cannot say that I was disappointed but the book is much better
(unfortunately it applies for many film adaptations of popular books). If I had to choose
between reading the book and watching the film I would definitely prefer reading the book.
However, it has been quite long time since I read the book and saw the film. Thinking and
writing about it makes me want to read the book and see the film again.
Úkol č. 4
Vytvořte krátký test/kvíz pro skalní "scifaře". Test musí mít celkem deset otázek, pro
každou otázku musí být čtyři možné odpovědi (a, b, c, d), z nichž je jen jedna správná.
Test musí být celý psaný anglicky.
Příklad jedné otázky:
0. Arrakis is the name of a _____.
a) spaceship
b) planet
c) sand creature
d) royal family
Nakonec nezapomeňte přidat klíč k celému testu a krátký komentář ke správným
odpovědím. Tedy např:
0. b - Arrakis (also called DUNE) is a desert planet in Frank Herbert's Dune saga.
1. One member of SG-1 team in StarGate SG-1 TV series does not come from the Earth.
What is his name?
a) Apophis
b) Teal'c
c) Bre'tac
d) Bruce Wayne
b - Teal'c - Apophis is a Goa'uld System Lord, Bre'tac is Teal'c's mentor and old friend and
Bruce Wayne is the main character of Batman films.
2. Mr. Data, a member of the crew of the starship Enterprise, is special because _____.
a) he wears a special device on his eyes.
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b) he is empathic.
c) he is an android.
d) he comes from the Czech Republic.
c - he is an android - Mr. Data is an android, one of its kind.
3. In the Matrix trilogy, Zion is the name of a _____.
a) city
b) spaceship
c) weapon
d) hamster
a - city - Zion is the last human city on the planet Earth after a nuclear war.
4. One of the main characters of Red Dwarf has evolved from a _____a) dog
b) cat
c) rabbit
d) crocodile Dundee
b - cat - The character is called The Cat. He is the humanoid descendant of a modern house
cat called Frankenstein
5. In the film Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes back we find out that the actual
Luke's father is _____.
a) Darth Vader
b) Obi-Wan Kenobi
c) Lando Calrissian
d) Chewbacca
a - Darth Vader - Darth Vader (formerly known as Anakin Skywalker) is the real Luke's
6. What is the knickname/callsign of Kara Thrace character in Battlestar Galactica?
a) Athena
b) Boomer
c) Starbuck
d) Snowwhite
c - Starbuck - Kara's callsign is Starbuck.
7. Bender, the robot in Futurama, needs special kind of "fuel" to exist. What is it?
a) alcohol
b) water
c) aviation gasoline
d) human blood
a - alcohol - Bender cannot live without booze.
8. How many "Laws of robotics" are there in Isaac Asimov's novels?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
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d) 666
b - 3 - Almost all positronic robots in Isaac Asimov's novels must obey the Three laws of
9. The name of one of the most famous novels written by Jules Verne is _____ Leagues
Under the Sea.
a) Ten Thousand
b) Twenty Thousand
c) Thirty Thousand
d) Thirty Thousand and One
b - Twenty Thousand - The complete name is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
10. Almost all replicants in Blade Runner film are limited. How?
a) They can only live for four years
b) They have significant marks on their foreheads
c) They can stay activated for only eight hours
d) They have one short leg
a - Replicants in Blade Runner can only live for four years.
Úkol č. 5
Vytvořte krátký scifařský anglicko-český slovníček. Slovníček musí obsahovat nejrůznější
slovíčka objevující se výhradně (či převážně) v knihách a filmech/seriálech žánru sci-fi.
Slovníček by měl obsahovat celkem nejméně 25 slov.
1. alien - vetřelec
2. artificial - umělý
3. astrology - astrologie
4. atmosphere - atmosféra
5. extraterrestrial - mimozemský
6. future - budoucnost
7. galaxy - galaxie
8. gravity - gravitace
9. helm - řízení
10. humanoid - humanoidní robot
11. laser gun - laserová zbraň
12. moon - měsíc
13. nanotechnology - nanotechnologie
14. orbit - oběžná dráha
15. probe - sonda
16. propulsion - pohon
17. radiation - radiace
18. rocket - raketa
19. space shuttle - kosmický raketoplán
20. spaceship - vesmírná loď
21. star - hvězda
22. starfleet - hvězdná flotila
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23. subspace - podprostor
24. timespace - časoprostor
25. transmission - přenos
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