

Spoleènost Zdeòka Fibicha
Vìra Šustíková, PhDr., born in Uherské Hradištì, Jan. 9, 1956, studied guitarplay with Prof. A.
Menšík, graduated in guitar from Brno Music Conservatory under Prof. A. Sádlík, she attendet GuitarMasterclasses with Prof. C. Cotsiolis in Volos (Greece). In 1971–1977 she concerted and she also appeared at
Internationale Guitarfestivale in Oestergom (Ungarn). In 1977 – 1982 she continued in her studies of Musicology
and Bohemistic at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague, (PhDr.1982). In 1982 she began her carrier
in the National Muzeum – Czech Muzeum of Music. Her domain is the Czech music of the 19th and 20th century.
In the years 1986 – 1992 she headed the research project of the National Muzeum Úloha velkých skladatelských
osobností v dìjinách èeské hudby – Bedøich Smetana. She is the author of the project of International Anniversary
of Zdenìk Fibich held under the auspices of UNECSO in 2000, part of which was the International Scientific Conference in
Prague, and the project of Resuscitatiom of Concert Melodrama (part of this project is her work Research of the Sources
of Czech Melodrama History). She is the author of many exhibitions, e.g. Remembrance of Bedøich Smetana (Benátky
n. Jizerou 1992), Bedøich Smetana - Legend of My Country (Montreal - Ottawa - Toronto 1994), Zdenìk Fibich 1850
– 1900 (Prague, Lobkovic Palace 2000/1), Štìdrý den (Prague, ÈMH 2005/6), Život je jen náhoda - J. Ježek
(Prague, ÈMH 2006/7, Bratislava, NM and Hodonín, Masaryk Muzeum 2007).
Besides her expert activities she is active in
interpretation of melodrama as a performer and especialy director of concert melodrama (e. g. concert tours up towns of
USA and Canada with pianist B. Krajný in 1996), she collaborates with the Czech Radio, Academy of Performing Arts in
Prague, Charles University and the universities in Olomouc and Ústí n. Labem etc . She is a long time member and since
2000 the chairwoman of Zdenìk Fibich Society which realizes some of the goals of the project of Resuscitatiom of Concert
Melodrama; in 1997 she founded and since then she heads Workshops of Melodrama, International Festival of Concert
Melodrama Prague, International Zdenìk Fibich Competition in Interpretation of Melodrama, Tours of Czech Melodrama
(appreciated by a certificate of Ministry of Culture by the name of Pavel Dostál in 1999) which are newly continued as
the project Live Anthology of Melodrama in collaboration with the Pierot Agency. Since 2002 she is an external lecturer of
Melodrama at the Theater Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.
Publikace / Publications /
- Bedøich Smetana - Legend of My Country (42s), Pragokoncert + MK ÈR Praha 1994
- Zdenìk Fibich – Master of Scenic Melodrama (42s), SZF + MK ÈR, Litomyšl 1996
- Zdenìk Fibich 1850 – 1900, èeská verze (42s), anglická verze (42s), NM Praha 2000
Studie ve sbornících / Essays in Almanacs /
- Prodaná nevìsta na nìkterých cizích scénách, in: Sto let odkazu Bedøicha Smetany, SÈSKU Praha 1985
- The Path Torward Hubièka II, in: Bedøich Smetana 1824 – 1884, NM-MBS Praha 1995
- Má vlast a její vìdecká reflexe, in: Z pokladnice Národního muzea 1818 – 1998, NM Praha 1998
- Problematika Fibichovy korespondence, in: Kritické edice hudebních památek III, UP Olomouc 1999
- Der heutige Zustand der Quellenbasis von Zdenìk Fibichs Leben und Work; Czech Concert Melodrama From Zdenìk
Fibich to the Present in: Fibich –melodram – secese, NM-MÈH Praha 2000
- Kytice a hudba in: Kytice v nás, M.knih. Jièín 2003
- Poèátky melodramu v Evropì a v èeské hudební kultuøe in: Èeská hudba 2004, UJEP Ústí n.L. 2004
Pøíspìvky v èsp. pro zahranièí / Articles in magazines for abroad /
- Fibich´s Concert Melodrama in America in: Czech Music 5, 1996, CMIC Praha
- Melodrama in Czech Musical Culture (Part 1, 2) in: Czech Music 3 a 4, 2001, CMIC Praha Èlánky a kritiky / Articles and
rewiews /
- v odborných èasopisech Hudební rozhledy, Gramorevue, Harmonie, Talent v letech 1983 – 1989 (vyhodnocena
cenou ÈHF v letech 1984, 1985, 1986, 1989)
Editorská èinnost / Editions /
- Sborník „Fibich –melodram – secese“ (spolu s dr. J.Fojtíkovou), NM-MÈH Praha 200
- Notová edice Zdenìk Fibich: melodramy Štìdrý den a Vodník – 60 s. èesko-nìmecko-anglické znìní +
pøedmluva. AMOS EDITION, Praha 2003
- Sborníky „Melodram“ z Mezinár. soutìží Z. Fibicha v interpretaci melodramù (èesko-anglická verze)
- ÈHS –SZF Praha 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006
- Zdenìk Fibich: Koncertní melodramy/ Concert Melodramas (2 CD souborné vydání) /dramaturgie, režie slova, sleevenote: v èeské verzi 25 s, v anglické verzi 25 s. / AMU Praha 2000
Mezinárodní vìdecké konference / International Conferences /
- Prodaná nevìsta na nìkterých cizích scénách, 12.–14. 3.1984 Praha: „100 let spoleèenského pùsobení
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Spoleènost Zdeòka Fibicha
Smetanova díla v národním a mezinárodním kulturním životì“
- ref. The Position and Signification of Melodrama in Czech Musical Culture, 24.- 26.5.1996 USA, Stanford University:
„Opera and Song without Singing – Musical Melodrama“
- ref. Souèasný stav pramenné základny k životu a dílu Zdeòka Fibicha, 2.–22.10.2000 Praha: „Fibich
–Melodrama – Art Nouveau“
Pøednášky / Lectures and speeches /
- Semináøe v NM Písemný projev B.Smetany a edièní problematika jeho korespondence (1990)
- Semináøe na FFUK- kat.ÈJ : Osobitost jazykového projevu B.Smetany (1992)
- Pøednáškové turné SBS k výstavì B.Smetany, 20.10.- 22.11.1994 Kanada (Zakladatelská generace èeské
nár. hudby, B.Smetana) Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto + TV- èeské vysílání
- Pøednáškové turné SZF 19.5.-15.6.1996 USA a Kanada: ( Z.Fibich, Z dìjin èeského melodramu)
- Los Angeles, San Francisco, Stanford, Portland, Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, New York+ Radio Oregon
- Od r. 1998 pravidelné pøednášky o melodramu a jeho interpretaci (pro PFUK Praha, FFUP Olomouc, UJEP Ústí
n.L., NM, konzervatoø, VOŠH, gymnázia i širší veøejnost - vèetnì rozhlasu).
MgA. Marta Hrachovinová, born in Prague on Sept. 3, 1955, spent most of her childhood abroad (Libya, the USA,
Cyprus). After leaving school she graduated from the Theater Faculty of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. During
her studies she made guest appearences at the National Theatre and the Theatre of Jiøí Wolker, where she undertook an
engagement after her graduation. She carried on working for this theatre until it closed in 1996, here she created many
roles (e.g. Dorotka in Strakonický dudák by J.K.Tyl or Tornado Lou in the adaptation of Limonádový Joe).
On her account are roles in Czech and foreighn films, e.g. Panna a netvor (CR 1978), Cena medu (CR 1985), Hidden in
Silence (USA 1996), she has also appeared in television where she created roles in e.g. Lakomec (CR 1980) or The
Ring (USA 1987).
Her career was fokused on poetry recitals since her years of as a student, for several times she was the winner of the
Neumannovy Podìbrady Contest. After completing her studies she became a teacher of recitation at he Academy of
Performing Arts in Prague and remained there until the year 1991. Currently she is the lecturer of recitation at the
College of Acting in Prague and is herself actively involved in artistic recital as a peformer and director.
Constantly she is involved as a performer in interpretation of melodrama for the Festival of Concert Melodrama Prague
since it was established in 1998, for the edition Triga she created the Fibich’s melodrama Christmas Eve (CD).
In the Zdenìk Fibich Society she is involved in organising the International Competition of Zdenìk Fibich in the
Interpretetion of Melodrama from the very beginning in the year 1999. Her contemporary post is the Substitute
Chairwoman of the Zdenìk Fibich Society and she is appointed to be the Director of the Competition.
Mgr. Jiøí Kopecký, Ph.D. - musicologist, born October 12, 1978 in Vysoké Mýto. After completing his high school studies in
1997 he studied musicology in Olomouc at the Palacký University. In 2000 he spent the summer term on St. Cloud State
Univerzity in Minnesota thanks to the project Study Art and Music in the Czech Republic. He finished his basic
musicological studies with the thesis Jaroslav Šeda a hudební život pováleèného Èeskoslovenska in 2002. He
entered his doctoral studies at the philosophic faculty of Masaryk University in Brno in the same year. As a scholarshipholder he took part at the summer festive plays of Richard Wagner 2003 in Bayreuth. He studied winter term 2003/2004
at the Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg. He wrote his dissertation thesis Opery Zdeòka Fibicha na libreta Anežky
Schulzové and gained the title Ph.D in 2005. He is interested in music history of 19th and 20th century, music theatre,
he is attracted by psychological and esthetical views.
Currently he works as pedagogue and an Executive Decretary of the Department of Musicology at the Palacký University
- Novelty of Fibich´s work and problem of its interpretation, Koloquium Horror novitatis, Brno 30. 9.-2. 10. 2002.
- Hudební dramatik Zdenìk Fibich a jeho libretistka Anežka Schulzová, (ne)originalita a intimní hry, Studentská
konference, in: Miscellanea doctorandica I (Pavel Klapil, Jiøí Pospíšil - editoøi), Olomouc 2004, s. 69-72.
- Zdenìk Fibich a (brnìnská) muzikologie, konference Racek - Štìdroò - Blažek, Brno 28. 1.-29. 1. 2005.
- Hesla pro elektronický Èeský hudební slovník osob a institucí (projekt brnìnského Ústavu hudební vìdy,
( Jaroslav Šeda, Lubor Bárta, Divadlo hudby, Walk Choc Ice, Zdenìk Fibich.
- Popularizaèní texty pro hudební festival Mladé pódium, Karlovy Vary 2003, 2004, 2005.
- Roèenka Mìstského divadla Brno: Slibný let brnìnského Netopýra (2005).
- Zpracování Hudebních listù 1871 a Dalibora 1900-1908 pro RIPM.
MgA. Jaroslav Mrázek, born June 5th 1949 in Prague, finished his studies of solo singing at the Prague Conservatory
(1970) and Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (1979). He attended international vocal seminars in Weimar, Germany
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Spoleènost Zdeòka Fibicha
(prof. P. G. Lisizian) and in the Accademia Musicale Chiggiana Siena, Italy (Maestro E. Campogaliani).
During his professional carrier he undertook engagements in Silesian Theater in Opava, in Krušnohorské
Theater in Teplice, in Municipal Theater in Magdeburg, in States Theater of Brno, in Chamber Opera Prague, as guest
star he performed at the National Theater in Prague and in the Opera House Leipzig. He has given concerts at festivals of
spiritual and chamber music in many major halls of Czech Republic and abroad, mainly featuring the song repertoire.
Several times he was awarded a premium of Czech Music Fund for the presentation and promotion of contemporary
Czech songs at home and abroad. Recordings at Czech Radio, Television, on vinyl records and CDs. Since 1997 he
works as pedagogue of solo singing at Gymnasium and Music School of Prague. Frequently he is invited as an expert to
vocalist workshops and master classes in Czech Republic and abroad (Poland, Germany, Belgium, Estonia etc.). He has
served as a member of juries of many Czech and international singing contests. He is a member of the Zdenìk Fibich
Society since 1998. From the very beginning of the International Zdenìk Fibich Competition in Interpretation of Melodrama
he serves as the Secretary of the Jury. For number of years he has been appearing as a performer in International
Festival of Concert Melodrama Prague and other concerts of the ZFS. He collaborates as an organizer as well. In 1999
he became the official partner of ZFS by means of his Concert Agency MKM. At the General Meeting on January 17th
2013 he was elected a member of the Committee of ZFS and charged with creating the conditions for obtaining talented
young artists and arranging concerts.
In the beginning of nineties he began to collaborate with the society ŠANSON, VÌC VEØEJNÁ and he performs with
this group up to these days. Besides that he has his own chanson recitals. As member of the vocal group HAPPY DAY
QUINTET he sings also songs of various genres.
Currently he works as a lecturer of speech at College of Acting – Prague.
Since 2005 he started to interpret concert melodrama; he has been appearing as a performer in International Festival of
Concert Melodrama Prague periodicaly in the last years. Together with pianist Miron Šmidák he has been
awarded the first prize in the 2006 International Zdenìk Fibich Competition in Interpretation of Melodrama.
Josef Marek, born in Prague on Oct. 13, 1948, graduated in singing from Prague Music Conservatory. For a short period,
he joined the Karlín Music-Hall Theatre, between 1974–2004 he was member of Prague Philharmonic Choir.
Having taken up composition as an autodidact at first, he later studied the discipline at the Academy of Performing Arts in
Prague with Václav Riedlbauch. He authored a number of remarkable orchestral, chamber and vocal pieces many of
which have been appreciated at composer competitions both at home and abroad. His favourably-received compositions
include the premiered cantata to Hebrew texts from the Books of Moses Pentateuch, symphonic piece Cantus tristis
– Requiem for orchestraAward, concert symphonic melodrama Commentary, King David Comments on
Pentateuch, madrigals Amor omnia vincit for solos, mixed choir, oboe and harp, and, above all, Cantus hominis - Ad
memoriam Gideon Klein for wind quintet, harp and strings, dedicated to Eliška Kleinová, sister of the composer
who had been tortured to death in a nazi concentration camp. Marek also composes melodramas, collaborating on their
interpretation with leading Czech actors. He has served as member in a number of both composer and performer contest
juries. In his composerwise capacity, he is in high demand among top soloists and ensembles for whom he has written a
number of pieces.
Between 2004–2005, he held the post of contemporary & vocal music editor with Editio Bärenreiter Prague. At
present, he collaborates as a freelance editor with a number of Czech and foreign publishers. As regard his collaboration
with Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Marek is partly involved in repertory counselling while being fully engaged in
organising contemporary music festivals, Prague Premieres. (which won Gideon Klein Foundation
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