Music: The Cocktail Cock-up Steve is invited to a party


Music: The Cocktail Cock-up Steve is invited to a party
Music: The Cocktail Cock-up
Steve is invited to a party by the professor but is not given any information relating to what type of
party it is, only that it will be attended by “cool people”. Steve looks on the internet and discovers
that Hip-Hop fashion is currently the look favoured by young “cool” people.
Steve dresses in what he thinks looks cool and goes to the party. As Steve doesn’t know which flat
the party is being held at he visits a number of apartments and listens in to the music being played in
order to find the appropriate Hip-Hop party.
Throughout the clip, Steve uses question tags, such as:
You know what type of music this is, don’t you?
We haven’t found our party yet, have we?
This can be given further attention in a language lesson, while focusing the children on Steve’s
description on each genre of music can be developed and practiced in a music lesson. The genres
Steve hears are approximately chronological in ascending order as Steve climbs the stairs in the
block of flats. This could be effectively depicted in a pictorial form.
When Steve finally finds a door behind which we can hear Hip-Hop music, he knocks on the door and
goes in. Upon entering the party we soon learn that it is a cocktail party and the Hip Hop music we
could hear was due to the professor tuning the radio.
Suggested pauses:
00.50 – What type of party does Steve think he’s going to? What clothes do you think he should
A hip hop party.
Record the student’s suggestions
01.43 – What instrument did Steve say he can hear? What type of music is it?
Violins (and others stringed instruments)
Its classical music
02.16 – Steve looks directly to the camera and asks the children if they think he looks stupid because
he is dressed in Hip-Hop clothing.
Most of the children will probably think Steve does look a little silly, because he is an older
man dressed like a teenager. If most of the children agree, ask them why they think the way they
do, and to justify their thoughts if appropriate for the level.
02.25 – encourage the children to answer Steve’s question, and to tell you what type of music is
being played. – What type of music is this?
It’s swing
02.45 - encourage the children to answer Steve’s question, and to tell you what type of music is
being played. – What type of music is this?
It’s rock'n'roll
03.04 - What instruments did Steve say he could hear? What type of clothes did Steve say people
who like rock'n'roll wear?
Guitar and drums
Jeans and leather jackets
03.40 - Do you prefer punk or dance music? How did Steve describe people who like punk music?
Record the student’s thoughts. Steve say’s punks are crazy
04.28 - Is Steve wearing the right sort of clothes to the party? – No.
What type of party is it? – A cocktail party.
After the clip has finished, give the students time to answer the Professors question and play the
recommended game of ‘This is you, isn’t it?’ if the students language ability is high or play find
someone who for lower levels and abilities. (See supporting publication)
Music: The Cocktail Cock-up
Steve je pozván profesorem na večírek, ale nedostane žádné informace o tom, jaký večírek to je,
pouze to, že tam přijdou “cool people”. Steve se dívá na internet a zjišťuje, že současnou módní linií
mladých “cool people” je móda Hip-Hop.
Steve si obleče to, v čem si myslí, že vypadá cool a jde na večírek. Steve neví, ve kterém bytě se párty
koná, takže navštíví několik bytů a poslouchá hudbu, která z bytu zaznívá, aby zjistil, kde se koná HipHop párty.
V klipu Steve používá tázací dovětky jako:
You know what type of music this is, don’t you?
We haven’t found our party yet, have we?
Tomuto jazykovému jevu můžeme věnovat pozornost v hodině anglického jazyka. V hudební výchově
se zaměříme na to, jak Steve popisuje jednotlivé hudební žánry. Žánry, které Steve slyší, jsou řazeny
vzestupně, jak Steve jde nahoru po schodech v paneláku. To by mohlo být dobře demonstrováno
v obrazové formě.
Když Steve konečně najde dveře, za kterými zní Hip-Hop, zaklepe na dveře a vstoupí. Brzy nám dojde,
že se jedná o koktejlový večírek a že Hip-Hop je slyšet z rádia, které profesor právě ladí.
Doporučené pauzy a otázky/úkoly pro studenty během a po sledování klipu:
00.50 – What type of party does Steve think he’s going to? What clothes do you think he should
A hip hop party.
01.43 – What instrument did Steve say he can hear? What type of music is it?
Violins (and others stringed instruments)
It’s classical music.
02.16 – Steve se dívá přímo do kamery a ptá se žáků, zda si myslí, že vypadá hloupě, když si vzal na
sebe oblečení ve stylu Hip-Hop.
Většina žáků si asi bude myslet, že Steve vypadá trochu hloupě, protože je to dospělý muž
oblečený jako teenager. Pokud s tím většina žáků souhlasí, zeptáme se, proč si to myslí.
02.25 – Povzbuzujeme žáky, aby odpověděli na Stevovu otázku a sdělili, jaká hudba hraje.
What type of music is this?
It’s swing.
02.45 - Povzbuzujeme žáky, aby odpověděli na Stevovu otázku a sdělili, jaká hudba hraje.
What type of music is this?
It’s rock'n'roll.
03.04 - What instruments did Steve say he could hear? What type of clothes did Steve say people
who like rock'n'roll wear?
Guitar and drums
Jeans and leather jackets
03.40 - Do you prefer punk or dance music? How did Steve describe people who like punk music?
Record the student’s thoughts. Steve say’s punks are crazy.
04.28 - Is Steve wearing the right sort of clothes to the party? – No.
What type of party is it? – A cocktail party.
Po skončení klipu dáme žákům čas rozmyslet si odpověď na profesorovu otázku a zahrajeme si hru
‘This is you, isn’t it?’, pokud je jazyková úroveň žáků vysoká, nebo si žáci s menšími jazykovými
znalostmi zahrají 'Find someone who...'

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