Overview of advertising formats


Overview of advertising formats
BURDA DIGITAL – ONLINE AD FORMATS OVERVIEW Name Megaboard Leaderboard Skyscraper Big Skyscraper Square Large Board Rectangle Branding Name Interstitial Pushdown banner Scrollfooter Name PR article short (+ promoted by a text tip) PR article long (+ promoted by a text tip or by a carrousel) STANDARD BANNERS Size Data Web width x 120 px 45 kB 745 x 100 px 45 kB 120 x 600 px 45 kB 160 x 600 px 45 kB 300 x 300 px 45 kB 300 x 600 px 45 kB 490 x 310 px 45 kB 1 700 x 1 200 px (hrej.cz 1 920 x 840 px) 150 kB CREATIVE BANNERS Size Data Up to 800 x 600 px 50 kB Starter: 745 x 100 px / web width x 120 px Starter: 45 kB Layer: 745 x 600 px / web width x 600 px Layer: 70 kB 990 x 250 px 70 kB TEXT ADVERTISEMENTS Scope Notes Linkage: text tip (square banner) Includes: "Komerční článek" (commercial article) 1 500 characters May include client`s URL 1 picture (minimum) Linkage: text tip (square banner), or by caroussel (for 24 hours) Includes: "Komerční článek" (commercial article) 3 000 characters May include client`s URL 1 picture (minimum) BURDA Praha, spol. s r.o., Přemyslovská 2845/43 Praha 3 • Tel. +420 221 581 111 • Fax +420 221 589 368
• Zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku Městským soudem v Praze, spisová značka C 1405 • IČ 15273598 • DIČ
CZ15273598 • Člen holdingu Hubert Burda Media • www.burda.cz
Name Pre-­‐roll Videospot VideoAd Square VideoAd Megaboard VideoAd Rollband VideoAd Cube VIDEO ADVERTISEMENTS Size 1 280 x 720 px Promoting banner 300 x 300 px Starter: 300 x 300 px Layer: 1 000 x 700 px Starter: web width x 120 px Layer: 1 000 x 700 px Starter: 1 000 x 300 px Layer: 1 000 x 700 px Starter: web width x 120 px / 300 x 300 px Layer: 6 x 300 x 300 px Video length / data Max. 30 s 1 minute Starter: 50 kB Layer: 500 kB Starter: 80 kB Layer: 500 kB Starter: 80 kB Layer: 500 kB Starter: 50 kB Layer: 500 kB Name Directmail Microsite OTHER FORMATS Basic specifiactions HTML format optimized for e-­‐mail clients (maximum width 700 px). Data format: text (.doc), pictures (.jpg, .png), url and the headline of the e-­‐mail May include: Bookmark on homepage linking to the section / microsite (size 80x40 px), video in a section / microsite, FB widget, competition form etc. Individual technical requirements shall be discussed with the Development Department in advance. Banner size 300 x 300 px, maximum data range 45 kB, only in JPG format Banner in newsletter For further details, please, see individual technical specifications of each online format. We are able to carry out standard adjustments of each format by the next working day (limited by two change requests). The data according to individual technical specifications shall be handed over to the Coordination Department at least 5 working days prior to the launch of the campaign (if not agreed upon otherwise, especially in case of non-­‐standard requirements, creative formats, microsites, sections etc.). The data based on print shall not exceed 72 dpi. BURDA Praha, spol. s r.o., Přemyslovská 2845/43 Praha 3 • Tel. +420 221 581 111 • Fax +420 221 589 368
• Zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku Městským soudem v Praze, spisová značka C 1405 • IČ 15273598 • DIČ
CZ15273598 • Člen holdingu Hubert Burda Media • www.burda.cz

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