
1. Doplň tvary slovesa být:
John ____ my brother. You _____ a girl. She ____ at school. Tom and Ben ____
friends. I ____ good at Math. The lion ____ dangerous. He ____ in the library. You
____ pupils. How ____ you? What ____ her name? How old ____s he? They ____ at
2. Doplň tvary slovesa mít:
I ________ two sisters. You ________ one brother. He ________ a new book. Who
_______ a dog? Ben ________ a new bike. He ________ some biscuits. ________
you _____ any chocolate ? Yes, I ________. They _______ some apples.My grandma
________ a new house. We ________ a big family.
3. Přepiš zkrácenými tvary:
she has got
you have got
I have not got
he has not got
you have got
she is not
you are
I am not
they are not
he is
4. Přepiš věty v záporu:
I am happy.
You have got many brothers.
She's at school.
He 's in the library.
We are hungry.
5. Přelož:
já nejsem
on není
vy nejste
on je
ona má
vy máte
já nemám
oni mají
6. Přelož a přepiš čas plnými tvary (použij o’clock, a quarter/ a half, past/to )
Je 3, 15.
Je 11 hodin.
Je 9, 30.
Je 6, 45.
7. Doplň řadu :
…....................... Tuesday ….......................
….......................... ……………………….
8.Doplň řadu:
April …....................... …........................ …................................ August
…........................ …................................... …................................
January …............................. …....................................
9.Odpověz na otázky:
What’s your favorite sport?
What do you like doing?
How many children are there in your class?
What animal is bigger than the lion ?
What do you have for lunch ?
10. Spoj správně věty:
On Saturdays I play
On Fridays I watch
On Thursdays I have
On Mondays I do
my favourite animal programme.
an English lesson.
judo .
There isn’t
There are
There aren’t
any cartoon on TV today.
some big shops in the shopping centre.
a bus next to the cinema.
any children in the restaurant.
11. Napiš : What are you wearing today?

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