Název materiálu - Základní škola Javorník


Název materiálu - Základní škola Javorník
NÁZEV ŠKOLY: Základní škola Javorník, okres Jeseník
REDIZO: 600 150 585
NÁZEV: VY_22_INOVACE_144_Příslovce
AUTOR: Ing. Magdalena Nemeškalová
DATUM: 4. 6. 2012
VZDĚL. OBOR, TÉMA: Anglický jazyk, Příslovce
Pracovní list určený pro žáky sedmého ročníku. Žáci si zopakují a procvičí použití tzv. příslovcí četnosti
děje a jejich postavení ve větě. Druhé cvičení se zaměřuje na příslovce tvořená z přídavných jmen včetně
probraných výjimek. Žáci by měli poznat, zda ve větě mají použít přídavné jméno nebo příslovce. Poslední
cvičení představuje práci s textem – kromě porozumění základní linii příběhu se v něm objevuje značné
množství příslovcí. Pracovní list slouží k upevnění probraného učiva.
učebnice Project 2, Student’s book, str. 64
1. How often? Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. (Jak často? Přepište věty a slova
v závorkách vložte na správné místo).
1) We go to a restaurant for lunch. (sometimes).
2) The weather is nice in June. (usually)
3) I’m late for school (never)
4) We can stay up late on Fridays. (normally)......................................................................................................
5) There’s a sports programme on Saturdays. (often)..........................................................................................
6) I send birthday cards. (always)
2. Write the adverbs and Czech translation. (Napište příslovce a český překlad).
careful ..............................
horrible ............................
3. Adverb or adjective? Circle the right word. (Příslovce nebo příd. jm.? Zakroužkuj správné slovo).
1) I always do my homework quick / quickly.
2) I like loud / loudly music.
3) He was a horrible / horribly man.
4) Luke can drive very good / well.
5) He pushed the door very hard / hardly.
6) We are happy / happily now.
7) It is raining heavy / heavily.
8) My bag is very heavy / heavily.
4. Read the text. Translate it into Czech, use a dictionary if necessary. (Přečtěte si text a přeložte ho do
češtiny, použijte slovník, pokud je to třeba.)
Luke Ryan opened his eyes slowly. He was on a bed in a strange room. Kirsty was there, too.
‘Are you all right?’ she asked quietly.
‘It doesn’t matter. You’re both going to die.’ It was Luke’s old enemy, Doctor Dread. He laughed horribly.
‘I’ve got the computer chip now. So goodbye, Mr. Ryan. ’He left the room and the guard locked the door.
‘It looks like the end,’ said Kirsty sadly.
‘No, we must stop him,’ said Luke. ‘With that computer chip he can destroy all the world’s satellites.’
‘I know,’ said Kirsty. ‘The guard is very slow. We can escape easily.’ She pointed to the blanket on the bed
and whispered to Luke.
‘That’s a good idea,’ said Luke and started to shout very loudly. ‘Oh, my stomach. Help! My stomach!
The guard rushed in. ‘What’s all that noise?’ he said. Kirsty threw blanket over the guard’s head. Luke hit
him hard in the stomach and quickly grabbed his gun and the keys.
‘You did that very well,’ said Luke, as they locked the guard in that room and ran out.
‘Oh, it was easy,’ said Kirsty.
There was a car in the street. Luke pushed the driver out and they drove as fast as possible to the airport.
When they arrived at the airport, they saw a small plane.
‘That’s Dread’s plane,’ said Luke. They ran to the plane. It was empty so they got in and hid behind the
Soon Doctor Dread got into the plane. He carefully put a bag on the seat next to him, started the plane and
took off. Ten minutes later, when they were over the sea, he looked at the bag.
‘With that chip I’m going to be master of the world,’ he said proudly.
‘No, you aren’t,’ shouted Luke. He jumped up from behind the seat and grabbed the bag.
‘Give that to me,’ said Doctor Dread. He quickly grabbed the bag and pulled hard. The door behind him
suddenly opened and he fell out. With the bag in his hand he fell down and down and down into the sea.
Kirsty flew the plane back to the airport and they landed safely.