Autor Jiří Vondráček Cílová skupina žáci 9.roč. Klíčové kompetence


Autor Jiří Vondráček Cílová skupina žáci 9.roč. Klíčové kompetence
Cílová skupina
Klíčové kompetence
Očekávané výstupy
Číslo PL
Jiří Vondráček
žáci 9.roč.
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Mobile phones have transformed the way we communicate
In last 25 years the mobile phone has transformed the way we communicate.
1. Telephone - The telephone is one of the most popular ways to communicate.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. He wanted to invent a way in which
he can talk to his friends without moving. And he succeeded. With the telephone, you
can easily talk to your friends and family even if you are in far away country. As time
passed, there have been many changes in the design and working of telephone,
2. On New Years Day, 1985, Michael Harrison phoned his father Sir Ernest to wish him
a happy new year. Sir Ernest was chairman of Racal Electronics, the owner of
Vodafone, and his son made the first mobile phone call in the UK.
3. At that time mobile phones weighed almost a kilogram, cost several thousand pounds
and with some mobile phones you could talk only for 20 minutes.
4. In the first year Vodafone sold about 15.000 to 20.000 phones. The portable Motorola
cost about £3000 but most of the phones that Vodafone sold were car phones from
companies Panasonic and Nokia. Almost noone believed there would come a day
when mobile phones were so popular that there would be more phones in the UK than
there are people. In 1999 one mobile phone was sold in the UK every four seconds and
in 2004 there were more mobile phones in the UK than people.
5. The boom was the result of more competition which pushed prices down and changed
the way the mobiles were sold. The companies also reduced the monthly charge and
introduced local call tariffs. Nokia, a company from Finland, made the step from
phones as technology to phones as fashion with the Nokia 3210.
6. The Nokia 3210 is iconic, because it is the first phone that didn´t have an external
7. The mobile phone industry has spent the last few years trying to persuade people to do
more with their phones then just call and text. This resulted in the fight between the
iPhone and its touch screen rivals – including Google´s new Nexus One.
8. John Cunliffe, chief technology officer at Ericsson in north-west Europe believes the
future for mobile phones will come from connecting phones with wireless network.
Everything from company vehicles and smart electric and water meters to people´s
fridge freezers will one day communicate.
V souvislosti s textem odpověz na otázky v tabulce (vždy celou větou!!):
1. Why did Mr. Harrison phone his father?
2.What does Mr. Cunliffe do?
3. How long could you talk with the first mobile
4.How many mobile phones were there in the UK
in 2004?
5.Why is the Nokia 3210 an icon among other
6. Who made the first mobile phone call in the
7. What has the mobile phone companies tried to
persuade people in the last few years about?
II. Přiřaď vynálezy k jejich vynálezcům (v případě neznalosti vyhledej potřebné
informace na Internetu)
Johaness Guttenberg
Albert Einstein
Wilhelm Conrad Rentgen
Kirkpatrick MacMillan
Karlheinz Brandenburg
theory of relativity
MP3 technology
bicycle with pedals
letterpress printing
Konrad Zuse
Felix Hoffmann
Levi Strauss
Vinton Cerf
Samuel F. B. Morse
Thomas Alva Edison
the X-rays
Alessandro Volta
Gottleib Daimler
John Logie Baird
electric light bulb
III. Vyber si některého z vynálezců uvedených v části II. a zjisti o něm následující
Name of Inventor:
Date of Birth:
What country is the inventor from?:
Any other interesting information about the inventor:
Copyright: © Jiří Vondráček , 2010
[cit. 2011-01-30]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: