The USA - Střední průmyslová škola textilní


The USA - Střední průmyslová škola textilní
Reálie anglicky
mluvících zemí
Zpracováno v rámci projektu : „EU Peníze SŠ“, reg. číslo: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/34.0053
Datum vytvoření: 2012/2013
Autor: Mgr. Hana Svrčková
Škola: Střední průmyslová škola textilní, Liberec, Tyršova1, příspěvková organizace
Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí
9. The USA – History
Výukové cíle:
 Prohloubení znalostí o historii Spojených států
 žáci dovedou hovořit o nejdůležitějších událostech a
osobnostech z rané i současné historie USA
Metodické poznámky:
 snímky 3 – 7 obsahují aktivity, kde žáci do textu doplňují
chybějící informace, vybírají z nabídnutých možností
 na závěr zařazena kontrolní úloha
What do you know about
American history?
Match the important dates with historical events:
o 1492
o 1773
o 1775 – 1781
o 4/7/1776
o 1861 – 1865
o 1950s – 1960s
o 11/9/2001
• War for independence –
the Revolution
• The Civil War
• Civil Rights Movement
• Declaration of
• WTC attacked by terrorists
• Discovery of America
• Boston Tea Party
Early History of the USA
• 1620 – 1492 – Plymouth – Britain - Indians
• Christopher Columbus discovered America in ___.
• At that time, there were about 10 mil. _____in North
• The first settlers came from England in _____ settled
in ________, Massechusetts. They were the Pilgrims.
• In the following century, white settlers came from
_____ and started their farms and businesses there.
How were the USA formed
1776 – tea – Jefferson – Washington – Philadelphia - 13
• Until 1776, there were ___British colonies and they
were prosperous.
• The British Government put higher and higher
taxes on colonies. Boston ___Party in 1773 was the
first conflict between the colonies and the British
• In ____, the USA declared independence (in
________, the author was Thomas _______) and
fought the War of Independence against Britain
1775 – 1781.
• The first president was George ________.
• South – North – Lincoln – slavery – Washington D.C. - Civil
• In 1800, the national capital moved from Philadelphia
to _________.
• During the first half of the 19th century, tension grew
between the rural ____and the industrial _____.
• It led to the ____War (1861 – 1865), the war
against_______. The North won, the South was
devastated. Abraham _______was the president.
• Slavery was banned, but the black were not
quarantied equal rights until the mid-20th century.
The 20th century
• Corean – Cold – World – Civil Rights
• The USA played an important role in both ______
wars and other international conflicts – the _______
War, the Vietnamese War and for a long time was in
the _____ War with Russia.
• The 1950s and the 1960s were the years when the
________ Movement reached its peak.
What do you know now?
• Now say which historical events happened in these
1775 - 1781
4 July 1776
1861 – 1865
1950s – 1960s
11 September 2001
Discovery of America
Boston Tea Party
War of Independence
Declaration of Independence
Civil War
Civil Rights Movement
WTC in N.Y. City attacked
Použitá literatura
BORSBEY, Janet, SWAN, Ruth: Crossing Cultures, reálie anglicky
mluvících zemí. 1. vyd. Dubicko: INFOA. ISBN 978-80-7240-683-8
BRENDLOVÁ, Světla: Reálie anglicky mluvících zemí, 2. dopl. Vyd.
Plzeň: FRAUS. ISBN 80-7238-307-8
CUNNINGHAM, Sarah, MOOR, Peter: New Cutting Edge Intermediate
Student‘s Book. 3. vyd. 2007. Harlow: PEARSON EDUCATION LIMITED.
ISBN – 13: 978-0-582-82517-8

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