22_hospital_2 - 31 - Střední zdravotnická škola Děčín


22_hospital_2 - 31 - Střední zdravotnická škola Děčín
Název projektu
Zkvalitnění vzdělání na SZŠ Děčín
Číslo projektu
Název školy
Střední zdravotnická škola, Děčín, Čsl. mládeže 5/9,
příspěvková organizace
Číslo materiálu
VY_22_INOVACE_2 - 31
Druh vzdělávacího materiálu
Pracovní list
Mgr. Jitka Němcová
Anglický jazyk
Tematický celek
First Aid II – Task sheet 31 Health and Hygiene
4. ročník
Datum výroby
Srpen 2013
Metodický pokyn
Materiál je určen k procvičování praktických
komunikačních dovedností v oblasti ošetřování
nemocných – první pomoc II (ESP – English for specific
purposes – Nursing)
Žáci pracují s daným materiálem ve dvojicích. Mohou
použít slovník. Součástí vzdělávacího materiálu je i
metodický list pro učitele s klíčem.
TASK SHEET 31 – Health and Hygiene
First Aid II
Words2know – practise pronunciation and find the meaning in a dictionary.
CASUALTY [ˈkæʒjʊəltɪ]
DISPATCHER [dɪˈspætʃə]
BYSTANDER [ˈbaɪˌstændə]
SUSPECT [səˈspekt]
APPROACH [əˈprəʊtʃ]
LOOSEN [ˈluːsən]
Instructions: In pairs or small groups, make the right decisions to save the casualty. In the end, you
can try to ACT out the situation.
You see a car accident! A man is lying on the ground outside an open car door. The car has obviously
hit a tree. There is blood on the ground. There are some people around. You take charge of the
situation, and call for help from bystanders.
1. What do you do next?
A. Run to call 911.
B. Check the scene for hazards to yourself.
2. … now you can continue. You put on your gloves. What do you do next?
A. Approach the casualty from the feet.
B. Approach the casualty from the head.
3. … you notice that his eyes are open. What do you do next?
A. Tell the casualty your name.
B. Tell the casualty not to move.
4. … What is your next move?
A. Introduce yourself as someone trained in first aid, and ask if the casualty would like you to help.
B. Introduce yourself and ask the casualty if he would like you to contact a family member.
5. … Then ask what happened, and how many people were involved. The casualty says he was the
only person involved. What do you do next?
A. Do a Rapid Body Survey.
B. Send someone to call an ambulance.
6. … The dispatcher is informed about the location and that the casualty is a responsive adult.
What else should the dispatcher know?
A. The time of the accident.
B. A head or spine injury is suspected.
7. What do you do next?
A. Kneel down and stabilize the casualty’s head.
B. Take the casualty’s pulse.
8. What do you do next?
A. Loosen the casualty's clothing.
B. Check breathing, pulse and skin temperature.
9. What do you do next?
A. Do a Rapid Body Survey. (RBS)
B. Cover the casualty.
10. You discover no major problems. You loosen his clothing, and cover him with a coat or a
blanket from the car. What do you do next?
A. Leave the scene. Your job is finished.
B. Get vital information from the casualty. (SAMPLE)
…Well done! You have saved a life!
Background information:
RBS = Rapid Body Survey
It’s fast but thorough checking from head to toe for various injuries (bleeding, burns, broken bones,
SAMPLE = questions to ask casualties (it’s a mnemonic)
Signs & symptoms
Previous relevant medical history
Last oral intake
Event history