Step by Step Unit 10 - protiklady ve větách


Step by Step Unit 10 - protiklady ve větách
1.My shirt is more expensive than yours.
Moje košile je dražší než tvoje.
My shirt is cheaper than yours
2.This is the most delicious cake I have ever eaten.
Toto je nechutnější dort co jsem kdy jedl.
This is the most disgusting cake I have ever eaten.
3. This is the fastest means of transport in this country
Toto je nejrychlejší dopravní prostředek v této zemi
This is the slowest means of transport in this country
4. She doesn´t like the rich people.
Ona nemá ráda bohaté lidi
She doesn´t like the poor people
5. I didn´t eat it becouse it was too sweet
Nejedla jsem to, protože to bylo sladké.
I didn´t eat it becouse it was too bitter.
6. My colleague always comes to work early
Můj kolega chodí do práce vždy včas.
My colleague always comes to work late
7. Today it is colder than yesterday.
Dnes je chladněji než včera.
Today it is warmer than yesterday
8. The tree is higher than the building.
Ten strom je vyšší než ta budova.
The tree is lawer than the building
9. My hands are clean but your hands are dirty.
Moje ruce jsou čisté, ale jeho ruce jsou špinavé.
My hands are dirty but your hands are clean.
10. My friend always feels ill at the weekend.
Můj přítel vždy cití být na víkend nemocný
My friend always feels healthy at the weekend
12. She is the laziest person I have ever met
Ona je nejlínější člověk kterého jsem kdy potkal.
She is the most hardworking person I have ever met
13. It is the most boring film I have ever seen.
To je nejnudnější film co jsem kdy viděl
It is the most intresting film I have ever seen.
14. This exercise is better than the exercise in the book.
Toto cvičení je lepší než cvičení v knize.
This exercise is worse than the exercise in the book.
15. John lives nearer to Prague than I do.
John bydlí blíže Prahy než já .
John lives farther to Prague than I do.
16. The swimmer was well-dressed.
Plavec byl oblečený.
The swimmer was naked .
17. She is a pretty woman and he is a handsome man.
Ona je pěkná žena a on je pohledný muž.
She is a ugly woman and he is a ugly man
18. This is the safest place in town.
Toto je nejbezpečnější místo ve městě
T his is the most dangerous place in town.
19. He was so kind to her that I couldnt believe my eyes.
Byl tak laskav, že jsem nemohla uvěřit vlastním očím.
He was so rude to her that I couldnt believe my eyes.
20.The streets in London are narrower than in Paris.
Ulice v Londýně jsou užší než v Paříži.
The streets in London are wider than in Paris.
21. He is thinner than her.
On je hubenější než ona.
He is fatter than her.
22. English language is very complicated.
Anglický jazyk je velmi těžký.
English language is very simple
23. This way is straight.
Tato cesta je rovná
This way is crooked
24. My suitcase is heavier than yours.
Můj kufr je težší než tvůj.
My suitcase is lighter than yours
25. This is the worst Vodka I have ever drunk.
To je nejhorší vodka co jsem kdy pil.
This is the best Vodka I have ever drunk.
26. I dont know if she is marreid.
Nevím zda je vdaná.
I dont know if she is single.
27. He is the strongest man in the team.
On je nejsilnější muž v týmu.
He is the weakest man in the team
28. They are very friendly people.
Oni jsou velmi přátelští lidé
They are very unfriendly people
29. When the doctor came, the patient was alive.
Když přišel doktor pacient byl naživu.
When the doctor came, the patient was dead.
30. My neighbour is always drunk when he returns from the pub.
Můj soused je vždy opilý když se vrací z hospody.
My neighbour is always sober when he returns from the pub.
31 Did you see the new building in the square?
Viděli jste nové budovy na náměstí?
Did you see the old building in the square.
32. Your trousers are too short
Tvoje kalhoty jsou příliš krátké.
Your trousers are too long.
33 This month was the wettest month in the year.
Tento měsíc byl nejmokřejší měsíc v roce.
This month was the driest month in the year .
34 This exercise is the easiest I have ever done.
Toto cvičení je nejjednodušší co jsem kdy udělal.
This exercise is the heaviest I have ever done.
35. My PC is smaller, faster and more expensive than yours.
Můj PC je menší, rychlejší a dražší než tvůj.
My PC is bigger,slower and cheaper than yours
36. Do you feel happier than yesterday.?
Máš pocit, že je šťastnější než včera?
Do you feel sedder than yesterdy?
37. It is hard to say sorry.
Je to těžké říct, promiń.
It is easy to say sorry.
38. How many people are present today ?
Kolik lidí je dnes přítomno?
How many people are absent today ?
39. There were a lot of students outside the cinema.
Je zde mnoho studentu před kinem.
There were a lot of students inside the cinema
40. English is easier than Chinese.
Angličtina je lehčí než čínština.
English is more difficult than Chinese.