Government – the USA, the UK The states


Government – the USA, the UK The states
Název projektu: „ŠKOLA21 - rozvoj ICT kompetencí na ZŠ Kaznějov“
reg. číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.3428
jméno autora DUM: Mgr. Radka Lavičková
datum (období), ve kterém byl DUM vytvořen / ověřen při výuce: říjen 2012/20.11.2012
ročník, pro který je DUM určen: 8.A
vzdělávací oblast (vzdělávací obor) - dle požadavků šablony III/2: anglický jazyk
anotace (výstižný stručný popis způsobu použití DUM ve výuce): Politics: Government-práce
s časopisem-English across the curriculum – pracovní list
seznam použité literatury a pramenů: učebnice New Project 5-str.77, čas. Hello 3/2012-str. 12
(George Washington), str. 15 (Prince Philip);
obr.(obrázek) č.1:
Government – the USA, the UK
The states
The USA is a federal republic. There are ___________1
states in the USA. Each state has its own government, its own state capital city and its own
governor. The states control things like education, the police, marriage, drinking laws and so
on. Some things (e.g. gambling) can be legal in one state and illegal in another. The USA also
has a federal government in Washington DC.
obr. č. 1
The president
The president is elected for ___________2 years and he can´t be elected for more than
_____________3 terms. The president is the head of state and head of government. He can´t
make laws, but he can veto them.
Congress makes and passes laws. There are two houses of Congress:
- The House of Representatives has ____________4 members. They are elected for
____________5 years. The states with more people have more representatives than the
smaller ones. California, for example, has got ___________6 representatives, while
Alaska has only got ___________7 .
- The Senate has ____________8 members and They are elected for ____________9
years. Each state has ____________10 senators, so the big states and the small states
are equal. A new law must be passed by both houses of Congress and the president.
obr. č. 2
Political parties
There are two political parties – the Republicans and the Democrats. The symbol of the
Republican Party is an elephant; the symbol of the Democrats is a donkey. The same party
doesn´t always control all parts of the government.
There might be a Republican president, while the majority of Congress members are
Democrats, for example.
obr. č. 3
reading and listening to the text. Complete the text with the missing numbers
časopis Hello 3/2012 – str. 12
- some little information about the first US President, his wife and friends
- competition: answer the questions about the new US President
- dialogue: Barack Obama x George Washington )

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