č. 5 - Podpora výuky a vzdělávání na GVN J. Hradec


č. 5 - Podpora výuky a vzdělávání na GVN J. Hradec
Název projektu OPVK: Podpora výuky a vzdělávání na GVN J. Hradec
Klíčová aktivita: II/2
Číslo dokumentu: VY_22_INOVACE_AJ.S1.23
Typ výukového materiálu: Pracovní list pro žáka
Název výukového materiálu: Mass media
Autor: PhDr. Jana Burianová
Škola: Gymnázium V. Nováka Jindřichův Hradec
Obor vzdělávání: Gymnázium (všeobecné)
Ročník: 4.
Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk
Tématická oblast: Anglický jazyk - V.-VIII. ročník osmiletého a 1.-4. ročník čtyřletého gymnázia
Datum vytvoření: 21. 2. 2013
Anotace: Žáci se seznámí se základními pojmy konverzačního tématu „Mass media“
v anglickém jazyce. Jejich úkolem je samostatně doplnit text chybějícími výrazy. Prověření získaných znalostí je
provedeno v závěru formou otázek.
1. Complete the text with correct words.
(tabloids , printing press , advertising , websites , crosswords, soap operas,
entertainment, front page, supplements, 1940s, British Broadcasting Corporation)
Mass media usually refers to the press (newspapers and magazines), radio, television
and the Internet. They play an important role in our life. They bring information about various
events in the world, they provide education and ………. .
Newspapers. It was the first form of mass media, it started when the ………. was
invented in Germany in 1450. Many copies of newspapers and posters were quickly printed
and distributed to many people. Newspapers inform readers about the latest news in politics,
culture, economy, sport. The ………. usually contains the most important information with
documentary photos. Newspapers come out daily or weekly and readers can receive them in
the morning through delivery service or at the news stand. Inside the main newspaper we can
sometimes find some ………., usually once a week, specializing in one topic – hobbies,
housing, job advertisements.
There are two kinds of newspapers: quality papers (or serious newspapers or
broadsheets) and ………. (or popular newspapers). Quality papers are larger in size, with
few black and white picture. Their text is serious and reliable. Tabloids are smaller in size,
with many cloured pictures and photos, large headlines. They are not very serious, we can
find there just gossips and sensational news. The information is very subjective and
unreliable. The most quality papers in Britain are: The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The
Guardian and The Independent. Popular Britsh tabloids are The Daily Mirror or The Sun.
Magazines bring information and entertainment. Women prefer fashion magazines, men
are interested in technical magazines, magazines for sportsmen, fishermen, magazines about
gardening, housing, animals or ………. magazines. There are lots of photographs with
articles, magazines are more attractive than newspapers. There are also specialized magazines
for children and various experts as doctors, economists and others.
Television plays a very important role in our life. It offers news, entertainment and
education. It started to be popular in ……… . Our country has two public service channels:
ČT1 and ČT 2, and also some commercial channels – Nova, Prima. Commercial
channels/stations are not so serious, they are sensational exciting and full of ………. . On TV
we can watch a lot of programmes: news, debates, documentaries, historical and
psychological films, comedies, fairy tales, never ending ……….. , musical programmes and
concerts, sports matches, quiz shows. Children like watching cartoons and bedtime stories.
Main channels in Britain are: BBC 1 (…… …… …….), BBC 2. There are also commerial
stations: ITV, Channel 4 or Channel 5. If you pay extra money, you can use a satellite dish or
cable TV and have more channels.
Radio was invented in about 1914. Is a useful thing, it may work 24 hours a day. When
people are too busy to watch TV they can turn the radio on and listen to various stations there.
We can choose news, reports, interviews, music, sport.
Internet is the most popular form of getting information now. You can travel across the whole
world, just browse the web, send e-mails, read newspapers or magazines, watch film or listen
to music, chat, use e- banking or do your shopping. Everything is very fast and cheap. Almost
all institutions and firms have their ………. . The letters www stand for World Wide Web.
There are also some negative things connected with the Internet. There are lots of hackers
and they can hack and destroy your computer system, there are various dangerous viruses.
Children spend a lot of time playing computer games and they have no time for their friends
or other hobbies.
2. Answer the questions:
1. How do you understand he term „mass media“? What role do they play in our life?
2. What do you know about newspapers? Can you explain the difference between broadsheets
and tabloids?
3. What British newspapers do you know?
4. Do you read any newspapers or magazines? How often?
5. What can you say about TV? What TV channels are your favorite?
6. What is the Internet?
7. What are the positive and negative things about the Internet?
Text byl vytvořen bez použití literatury.
Prohlašuji, že při tvorbě výukového materiálu jsem respektoval(a) všeobecně užívané právní a morální zvyklosti, autorská a jiná práva třetích
osob, zejména práva duševního vlastnictví (např. práva k obchodní firmě, autorská práva k software, k filmovým, hudebním a fotografickým
dílům nebo práva k ochranným známkám) dle zákona 121/2000 Sb. (Autorský zákon). Nesu veškerou právní odpovědnost za obsah a původ
svého díla.
Prohlašuji dále, že výše uvedený materiál jsem ověřil(a) ve výuce a provedl(a) o tom zápis do třídní knihy. Dávám souhlas, aby mé dílo bylo
dáno k dispozici veřejnosti k účelům volného užití (§ 30 odst. 1 zákona 121/2000 Sb.), tj. že k uvedeným účelům může být kýmkoliv
zveřejňováno, používáno, upravováno a uchováváno.

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