č. 7 - Podpora výuky a vzdělávání na GVN J. Hradec


č. 7 - Podpora výuky a vzdělávání na GVN J. Hradec
Název projektu OPVK: Podpora výuky a vzdělávání na GVN J. Hradec
Klíčová aktivita: II/2
Číslo dokumentu: VY_22_INOVACE_AJ.S1.07
Typ výukového materiálu: Pracovní list pro žáka
Název výukového materiálu: Canada – text completion
Autor: Mgr. Milan Kadlec
Škola: Gymnázium V. Nováka Jindřichův Hradec
Obor vzdělávání: Gymnázium (všeobecné)
Ročník: 4.
Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk
Tématická oblast: Anglický jazyk – V.-VIII. ročník osmiletého a 1.-4. ročník čtyřletého gymnázia
Datum vytvoření: 5 .4. 2013
Anotace: Na tomto pracovním listu si žáci procvičí celou řadu různých faktů týkajících
se Kanady a současně se naučí další zajímavosti ohledně historie, správního rozdělení, politického systému,
národních symbolů a typických rysů.
Canada is the world's …..……..-largest country by total area (after ………..). It is
located in the northern part of …………. America. It is washed by …… oceans – the
Pacific, the Atlantic and the …………. . In the south, it borders on the …….. . Its population
is nearly 35 million. It consists of ten ……………….. ( just to name a few: ………………,
…………………, ……………………. and ……………..) ..... territories. The largest cities
are Toronto, Montreal and …………………, which hosted the 2010 Olympic Winter
Canada was formed in 1867 when 3 British colonies became a dominion of four
provinces. But the British were not the only …………….. nation who colonized the territory
where indigenous peoples lived. (They were the Indians and the Eskimos but now these
names are considered pejorative and were replaced by the First Nations and the Inuit).
Around the year 1000 the …………. reached the shores of what is now Newfoundland. The
first British expedition was led by John Cabot towards the end of the ….… century. French
navigator Jacques ………..., who explored the shores of the ……………… River, gave
Canada its name. In 1535 he heard two Indian youths say “…………….” when they were
referring to the village. Cartier incorrectly interpreted it as the native word for land and used
the word as Canada to designate the whole area and local people, who he had seen, as
Canada is still a constitutional monarchy, with Queen ……………….. as its head of
state. Her last visit to Canada took place in 2010. She is represented by the Governor
General, who she appoints mostly for five years. The Governor General carries out her
constitutional and ceremonial duties.
Canada is governed as a …………………… democracy. The Parliament of Canada is
the federal ……………….. body, seated at the Parliament Hill in the national capital,
……….. . It consists of the Senate and the House of Commons. The Prime Minister is the
chairman of the ……………., and thus the head of government for Canada. He is the ……….
of the political party which holds the largest number of ……... in the elected House of
Canadian soldiers took part in both world wars. At the end of World War II Canada
was among those nations who established the United Nations. In 1949, Canada also belonged
to the founding members of ………. . In the 1960s it adopted the current ……….. ………..
Flag and implemented official bilingualism, which means that official languages are
………….. and ………… . Only Quebec declared itself officially unilingual (only ………..).
The National Flag of Canada consists of two bordering ……… fields and a …………
square in its centre. In the middle of the white field is a ………. maple leaf. The maple leaf
has served as a symbol celebrating the nature and environment of what is now Canada since
the 18th century.
Maples are important as source of wood and ……….. . Dried wood is often used for
smoking food. The sugar maple is tapped for sap (míza), which is then boiled to produce
maple syrup.
The national anthem called “O Canada” replaced the British anthem “…… ………..
……. …………..”. It glorifies the love of patriotic citizens to such a great country.
The national animal is …………… . It is one of the largest rodents in the world. It can
see underwater, swims excellently and remains submerged up to 15 minutes. It builds homes
out of sticks, twigs, rocks and mud in lakes, …………. and rivers. And it also constructs
dams using logs from trees that it cuts down with its strong incisor teeth (řezáky).
Other animals living in Canada include ground hogs, caribous (sobi), moose (losi), grizzly
bears, chipmunks and wolverines.
Canadian National Parks preserve beautiful and important natural areas for public and
future ……………… to enjoy. They represent a variety of landscapes in the country. They
exist in each of the nation's 13 provinces and territories. The first out of current 36 national
parks, located in Banff, was established in 1885.
Canada is the cradle of …… ………….., the game which enjoys immense popularity
there. Known simply as “hockey” it is played on …….. with a black hard rubber ………,
which five skaters shoot into their opponent's net to score. Both teams also have a
…………………., who tries to stop the puck from going into the goal (net). The best
Canadian clubs (such as ………….. ……….. ……….., ………….. ………………………
and …………….. ……………..) play together with the American ones in the competition
called the National Hockey League (NHL).
Another national sport is ………………… . This team sport has Native American
origin. It is played using a small rubber ………. and a long-handled stick ended with the net.
The lacrosse stick is used to catch, carry and pass the ball. The objective of the game is to
score by shooting the ball into the opponent's ……… .
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dílům nebo práva k ochranným známkám) dle zákona 121/2000 Sb. (Autorský zákon). Nesu veškerou právní odpovědnost za obsah a původ
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Prohlašuji dále, že výše uvedený materiál jsem ověřil(a) ve výuce a provedl(a) o tom zápis do třídní knihy. Dávám souhlas, aby mé dílo bylo
dáno k dispozici veřejnosti k účelům volného užití (§ 30 odst. 1 zákona 121/2000 Sb.), tj. že k uvedeným účelům může být kýmkoliv
zveřejňováno, používáno, upravováno a uchováváno.