Informace o nádstavbovém systému pro dynamickou tvorbu reportu


Informace o nádstavbovém systému pro dynamickou tvorbu reportu
Informace o nádstavbovém systému
pro dynamickou tvorbu reportu a grafu.
(c) 2002 - I.F.T. DIGI TRADE spol. s r.o.
[email protected]
Postupné zanorovací sestavy jsou velmi efektivním zpusobem, jak získávat pozoruhodné informace z
vašich dat. Pomocí této metody si mužete vytvorit mnoho variací ruzných sestav.
Vlastnosti (legenda k obrázku níže):
1. Nástrojový pruh poskytující další možnosti zpracování vybraných dat.
a) zobrazit pro tisk - zobrazení nadefinované sestavy tak, aby byla vhodná pro tisk
b) uložit dotaz/sestavu - uložení definice sestavy s možností následujícího zobrazení.
c) exportovat do souboru - vyexportuje seznam položek tak, jak jsou videt na obrazovce, do textového
souboru, který je možno použít v dalších aplikacích napr. MS Excel atp.
d) zobrazit detailu - zobrazení seznamu jednotlivých položek
2. Informace o tom, jak je sestava nadefinována. Poklikem na položky smerem dozadu je možno se v
nadefinované sestave pohybovat.
3. Casový rozsah, kterým je zobrazená sestava limitována. Jedná se o datumové položky specifikující
cas "od" "do". Lze zadat i jednotlivé datum, které pak tvorí pouze jednu casovou hranici.
4. Poklikem na obrázek knihy lze zobrazit detailní seznam položek pro danou kategorii.
5. Spodní cást sestavy je ukoncena sumarizacními informace
6. Do vybrané kategorie je možno se zanorit zvolením další položky v rozbalovacím menu.
Podrobné výpisy jednotlivých položek, které patrí do vybrané kategorie. Z této cásti je možno se
dostat na informace o jednotlivých položkách.
Vlastnosti (legenda k obrázku níže):
1. Nástrojový pruh poskytující další možnosti zpracování vybraných dat.
a) zobrazit pro tisk - zobrazení nadefinované sestavy tak, aby byla vhodná pro tisk
b) exportovat do souboru - vyexportuje seznam položek tak, jak jsou videt na obrazovce, do
textového souboru, který je možno použít v dalších aplikacích napr. MS Excel atp.
c) zpet do sestavy - vrátí uživatele zpet do predchozí sestavy .
2. Poklikem na jednotlivé položky se zobrazí karta s informacemi o dané položce.
Touto volbou se uživatel dostane na nejnižší úroven informací, které je možno ze systému získat.
Vlastnosti (legenda k obrázku níže):
1. Informace o položce je možno pohodlne vytisknout.
2. Karta obsahuje všechny informace o záznamu uložené v databázi.
Grafické zobrazení prináší novou dimenzi do práce s daty. Graf pomuže s vytvorením rychlé a pritom
jasné predstavy o tom, co data vypovídají.
Vlastnosti (legenda k obrázku níže):
1. Vodorovná osa vždy odráží uživatelem vybranou kategorii.
2. Svislá osa obsahuje vyjádrení obratu a marže pro jednotlivé kategorie.
3. Obrázek vždy v sobe integruje dva grafy: modrá cást vyjadruje velikost marže, zelená cást velikost
obratu v dané kategorii.
Casto používané sestavy je možno uložit. Tato vlastnost uživateli umožní vytvorení nekolika pro nej
zajímavých sestav a pak se k nim vracet. Pracuje-li s aplikací nekolik ruzných uživatelu, mají možnost
uloženou sestavu oznacit jako verejnou a takto ji dát ostatním uživatelum k dispozici.
A) Ukládání dotazu:
1. Pojmenování dotazu
2. Pokud uživatel chce, aby byla uložená sestava k dispozici ostatním uživatelum, nastaví ji jako
B) Práce se seznamem uložených dotazu
1. Poklikem je uložený dotaz otevren ve výchozím okne.
2. Dotaz, jehož je uživatel autorem, muže odstranit.
Systém "DRILL-DOWN reports&graphs" byl primárne vyvinut pro potreby datové manipulace a
vizualizace, která vznikají v databázích Lotus Notes. Celkove jde o nádstavbový systém nad dnešní
možnosti Lotus Notes.
Možností prenosu dat z prostredí Lotus Notes do SQL databáze je nekolik a její konkrétní použití je
odvislé od konkrétní situace a struktury dat.
Mezi zpusoby exportu dat z Lotus Notes do SQL patrí:
1. DECS - DECS je standardní soucástí instalace LN servru a umožnuje provádet dynamický export
adt z Lotus Notes databáze do SQL systému. . (LN server musí být na platofrme WinNT/2000)
2. Export pres ODBC - export je prováden schedulovaným agentem, který v pravidelných intervalech
aktualizuje data v SQL databázi. (LN server musí být na platofrme WinNT/2000)
3. Import z DRILL-DOWN systému pres NOTES SQL: toto je možné pokud DRILL-DOWN reports beží
na platforme WinNT/2000. . (LN server nemusí být na platofrme WinNT/2000)
About Zope
Zope is an Open Source application server that builds high-performance, dynamic Web sites. The
software platform contains a high-performance server, powerful object database, and rich framework.
Content Creation at Warp Speed
Creating and formatting content can be an arduous task. Web designers often use a cut-and-paste
method to copy screen templates from one page to another. Then they customize the individual
pages. To then modify the site means to change every customized page, a time-consuming,
expensive process. Zope provides the superior alternative via document templates, which enable
authors to concentrate on writing and publishing, not the mechanics of formatting.
Distributed Control
System integrators may establish roles for users within a Zope application. For example, a system
integrator may establish the roles "System Manager", "Content Manager" and "Author" within a custom
Zope application. The Content Manager may establish templates for Authors to use for publishing. The
Author's work thus inherits the style established by the Content Manager. Authors can then focus on
content, not style. Zope enables the Content Manager to change styles, and have it automatically
applied to the content.
Rapid Development
Zope's layered environment manages all three tiers of content: data, business logic and presentation all through the Web. Content creators become more productive by reusing existing Zope objects.
Zope contains built-in and FTP Web servers. Zope can also run with an existing Web server (e.g.,
Apache, Microsoft IIS, iPlanet/Netscape). Client programs can get or set data with HTTP, WebDAV,
FTP, or XMLRPC. Existing content creation tools like Adobe GoLive, Macromedia DreamWeaver, or
the Microsoft Office toolset can store content directly in Zope.
Transactional Support
The transactional nature of Zope is part of its extraordinary power. When script authors embed actions
into Zope routines, they do not need to worry about having to rollback changes in case of a failure.
Zope will do this automatically with all compliant objects. Transactional support means scripts can be
constructed in less time, because the complexity is already handled by Zope.
Open Source
Traditional systems are proprietary. Users commit to a vendor as a sole provider for the duration of
their use of the product. Zope is Open Source; users can always use their version of Zope. Even
Zope's underlying language, Python, is Open Source. This eliminates much of the risk of choosing a
particular vendor, and puts the user in control.
Object Database
The object database is a collection of objects which define names, actions and data for content
contained in Zope. Data in the object database is all controlled through the Web, via management
screens, so any user with a Web browser can create content. Performance can be tuned by expanding
the cache of objects that are allowed to be activated at any time.
Strength in Numbers
Zope has a community of thousands of users who create, test and deploy Zope objects. The user
community is a great strength; members answer questions and contribute developed objects back to
the community at large.
Operating Systems
o BSD - FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD
o Linux - Red Hat, Mandrake, SUSE, Caldera OpenLinux, etc.
o Solaris (Requires Python with threading support)
Microsoft Windows
o Windows 95
o Windows 98
o Windows ME
o Windows NT
o Windows 2000
(Zope for Windows includes Python)
Web Servers
o Apache
o Microsoft IIS
o iPlanet/Netscape
(Zope runs with a built-in webserver, or with CGI or FastCGI)
o Interbase/Firebird
o mySQL
o Oracle 7.0 or higher
o PostgresSQL
o SQL Server via ODBC
o Sybase
System Requirements
o 32 MB free RAM o 166 MHz CPU or faster o 20 MB of disk space
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In August 2000, Borland Software Corp. (formerly known as Inprise) released the beta version of
InterBase 6.0 as open source. The community of waiting developers and users preferred to establish
itself as an independent, self-regulating team rather than submit to the risks, conditions and
restrictions that the company proposed for community participation in open source development. A
core of developers quickly formed a project and installed its own source tree on SourceForge. They
liked the Phoenix logo which was to have been ISC's brandmark and adopted the name "Firebird" for
the project.
Because Borland's open source efforts regarding InterBase never really take off beyond prime release
of source code and the company returned its focus to closed commercial development, Firebird
became THE Open Source version of InterBase.
Although we did many attempts to reunite our efforts with Borland's to strengthen position of InterBase
and its further development, it's obvious (especially in the light of events around recent release of
Borland InterBase 6.5) that our definitive divorce is inevitable. So you can see Firebird as an
independent product that's almost 100% compatible with Borland InterBase. Our intention is to keep
backward compatibility with Firebird/InterBase, but we can't guarantee that Firebird will support all
InterBase features beyond its version 6.0. Anyway, because Firebird and InterBase user's community
overlap in large, we'll always look on ways how to facilitate coexistence of both products, or at least
secure the migration path.
What is Firebird RDBMS ?
As it's stands today, Firebird 1.0 is basically the InterBase® 6.0 engine released by Borland with a lot
of bug fixes and some improvements. So, if you want to know what Firebird can do for you, you have
to look at InterBase 6.0 first...
About InterBase®, the Firebird's predecessor
InterBase® is an open source relational database that runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix
platforms. It is the same commercial database that Motorola, Nokia, Boeing, and the Boston Stock
Exchange have used for many years. InterBase® offers excellent concurrency, high performance, and
a powerful language for stored procedures and triggers. Since 1985 InterBase® has provided the
strength of a powerful, high performance, proven architecture with the sophisticated technology
applications need to be successful.
InterBase® was released by Borland under InterBase Public Licence, a variant of Mozilla Public
Licence (MPL).
About Firebird, the InterBase's successor
In contrast to the open source InterBase 6 and new InterBase provided by Borland that both runs only
on Windows, Linux and Solaris, Firebird was successfully built and run on additional platforms like
MacOS X (Darwin), FreeBSD and OpenBSD, HP-UX and AIX as well. Currently, Firebird project
regularly release Firebird builds for Linux i386, Win32, Solaris Sparc and i386, FreeBSD, MacOS X
and HP-UX.
But Firebird 1.0 exceeds InterBase® in more ways than just in count of platforms where you can run it.
First of all, Firebird excel in how bugs found (and some bugs always appear in any piece of software)
are handled. As in any other Open Source project, the whole development is transparent to anyone,
so you can know exactly in what state is a bug you're reported (or anyone else), when it's fixed and
how, and get the fixed product as soon as possible. Although bugs are found and squashed by
development team almost every day on their own pursuit, you can have an influence on the
development process, by your feedback, your cooperation or money.
Of course, Firebird development team don't concentrate itself only on bug fixes, but on new features
and improvements as well. Because Firebird developers are mostly also Firebird everyday users, they
are focused on features and improvements that really "scratch an itch", rather than on features for
features like in many commercial products.
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