The sacred weed - Centrum Korálek


The sacred weed - Centrum Korálek
The sacred weed
Anglický jazyk, 8. - 9. ročník
II. stupeň ZŠ
Pokyny pro žáka:
Přečti si indiánskou legendu o tom, jak Indiáni začali pěstovat tabák. Při četbě můžeš využít
slovníček neobvyklých pojmů pod textem. Poté zodpověz otázky k textu.
Pokyny pro učitele:
Uveďte danou aktivitu motivačním rozhovorem na téma „Co jsou to legendy, jak a proč
vznikají, k čemu slouží a jak jsou obvykle předávány dál“.
Vytiskněte pro každého žáka text legendy a otázky k textu. Dále je vhodné dát žákům
k samostatné práci při písemném odpovídání na otázky slovníky.
Text legendy opatřený vysvětlivkami neobvyklé slovní zásoby a otázky k textu, eventuálně i
Doba realizace: 2 vyučovací hodiny
Co se osvědčilo:
Společná četba textu s překladem, eventuálně s dopomocí vyučujícího (zvláště vhodné u
jazykově slabších skupin) a společná kontrola odpovědí na otázky. Na závěr hodiny (pokud
zbude čas) je možné porovnat tuto indiánskou legendu s legendami z našich zeměpisných
Očekávané výstupy:
Tato aktivita procvičuje čtení textu s porozuměním a schopností získat informace ze čteného
anglického textu. Nenásilnou formou umožňuje žákům pochopit i význam složitějších
mluvnických struktur. Mimo to seznamuje žáky s kulturně historickými reáliemi z anglicky
mluvících zemí.
Mezipředmětový vztah: Zeměpis, literatura, občanská výchova, multikulturní výchova
Zohlednění žáků se SVP:
Pro tyto žáky je zvláště vhodné pracovat při písemném odpovídání na otázky ve dvojicích
s jazykově zdatnějšími spolužáky.
Autor: Ing. Alena Jankovská
Použitá literatura:
American Indian myths and legends: selected and edited by Richard Erdoes and Alfonso
Ortiz, Pantheon books New York, 1984, strany 62-65.
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Centrum Korálek
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The sacred weed
The (1) sacred weed
(by Blackfoot Indians)
For longer than anyone knows, Indians (3) throughout the Americas have smoked tobacco and
other plants (4) for pleasure and for praying. The smoke was the (5)Great Spirit’s breath
taking the (6) prayers up to the (7)Ones Above. With a (8) pipe in his hands, a man could
speak (9) nothing but the truth.
Sir Walter Raleigh learned to use of tobacco from the Indians. When he first had a
smoke in a London (10)inn, the (11)bartender, thinking that he was on fire, emptied a tankard
of ale over him.
To the white man, smoking became an (13)addiction – but to the (14) native
American, pipe and tobacco were sacred and smoking was a (15)holy ritual. A man who had
killed a member of his (16)own tribe, could not smoke ritually with the others. He had to
smoke a (17)mean little pipe all (18) by himself – (19) hard punishment.
1)sacred – posvátný
11) bartender – hostinský
12) tankard of ale – korbel piva
2) induction – úvod, zasvěcení
3) throughout – po celé, všude v, skrz na skrz
13) addiction – návyk, závislost
4) for pleasure and for praying – pro radost a modlení 14) native American – domorodý
5)Great Spirit’s breath – dech Velkého Ducha
6) prayers – modlitby
15) holy ritual – svatý rituál
7)Ones Above – Ten nad námi
16) own tribe – vlastní kmen
8) pipe – dýmka
17) mean – podřadný
9) nothing but the truth – nic než pravdu
18) by himself - sám
10) inn – hostinec
19) hard punishment – tvrdý trest
1)Why did Indians smoke tobacco?
2) What was the symbolical meaning of their smoking?
3) Could the Indian with a pipe in his hand tell the lies?
4) What happened to that Englishman who first smoked in London inn?
5) Is smoking a good habit of white people?
1)For pleasure and praying.
2)It was the Great Spirit’s breath taking the prayers up to the Ones Above.
3)They believed that he cold not.
4)The bartender poured him with the ale, because he thought, that the Englisman is in the fire.
5)No, it isn’t. It’s just an addiction without any other spiritual meaning.
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Centrum Korálek
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The sacred weed
The Legend:
There once were four brothers, all (1)spiritual men who had power. In a (2)vision the oldest of
them heard a (3) voice saying: “Out there is a sacred weed. Pick it and burn it.” The man
looked around, saw the strange weed, and put it in the fire. It gave off a very pleasing aroma.
Then the second brother had a dream in which a voice said: “Take this (4) herb.
(5)Chop it fine. Put it into a (6)hide bag.” The man did what he was told, and dry herb in his
hide bag was (7)wonderfully fragrant.
The third brother had a vision in which he saw a man (8) hollowing out a bone and
putting the strange weed into it. A voice said:” Make four pipes like this,” and the third
brother (9)carved four pipes out of an animal’s leg bones.
Then the yongest of of the four brothers had a vision. A voice told him:”You four men
(10)light your pipes and smoke. Inhale the smoke, exhale it. Let the smoke ascend to the
clouds.” The voice also taught him the songs and prayers that went with smoking.
So the four (11)medicine men, born of the same mother, smoked together. This was
the first time that men have ever smoked, and they sang and prayed together.
The brothers (12)were meant to teach its use to the people at first. But smoking
tobacco made them (13)powerful and wise and clear-minded, and they did not want to
(14)share it with others.
So there was (15)anger, war, restlessness of spirit and impiety. Smoking tobacco was
meant to (16)calm anger, (17)to make men worship, to make peace,(18)to ease mind. But
without the sacred herb,(19)unity and peace were lacking.
A young man called Bull-by himself said to his wife:”These four powerful ones have
been given something good to share with the people, but they are (20)keeping it for
themselves. So things are bad. I must (21)find a way to plant and reap the sacred weed they
call tobacco.
He and his wife went to a sacred lake and set up their tipi there. The man left every
day to hunt and look for the plant of tobacco. The woman stayed in the tipi and prepared food.
One day while she was alone she heard somebody singing beautifully. She was (22)looking
for a source of the music and (23)discovered that it was coming from a(24)beaver house close
by shore. She told about it to her husband, but he didn’t hear anything and told her:”It’s just
your imagination.” “No,”she said, “I can hear it clearly! Come with me.”
She took her knife and made a hole in the beaver house. Through it they could not
only hear the beavers sing, but also watch them performing a strange, beautiful dance.
“My young brothers,” the woman called to them, “be of sharing spirit. Teach me your
wonderful song and your medicine!”
The beavers answered:”Close the hole you have made, because it lets the cold in. Then
we’ll come out and visit you.”
That night four beavers came to Bull-by-Himself tipi. As soon as they were inside
(25)they turned themselves into humans – four nice-looking young men. One asked:”What
have you come for?” “I have come,” said Bull-by-Himself, “to find the sacred weed called
“Then you are in the right place,”said the man-beaver. “We are water people, and
tobacco is water medicine. We will give you this sacred herb, but first you must learn the
songs, the prayers, the dances and the ceremonies that go with it. And here is what you must
do. By day, go out and get the(26)skin of every four-legged and two-legged creature that lives
in and around the water – except, of course, beaver. You must get the skins of the (27)muskrat
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The sacred weed
and otter, of the duck and (28)kingfisher, of all creatures like that, because they represent
water. Sun and water mean life. Sun (29)begets life, and water makes it grow.”
So every day Bull-by-Himself went out for the skins, while his wife (30)scraped,
tanned and smoked them. And every night the four man-beavers came to teach them the
prayers, songs and dances that go with tobacco. After some time the beavers said:” Now you
have all the skons and knowledge. Make the skins, which represent water power, into a bag,
into a (31)medicine bundle. Tomorrow night we’ll come for the last time to tell you what to
The following night the beavers brought with them the sacred weeds of tobacco and
put them into the medicine bundle the woman had prepared.
“It’s planting time now,” said the Beavers. “Don’t touch the tobacco before you’re
ready to plant. Choose a place where is not too much (32)shade and not too much sunlight.
Mix (33)plenty of brown earth with plenty of black earth, and (34)keep the soil loose. Then
you, Bull-by- himself, must take a (35)deer horn and with its point make holes in the earth –
one hole for each (36)seed. And you, his wife, must use a (37)buffalo-horn spoon to drop one
seed into each hole. Keep singing the songs we taught you all the time. The both of you
dance lightly over this earth, (38)tamping down the seeds. After that you just wait for
tobaccos to grow. Now (39)we have taught you everything and we go.” And the nice-looking
young men left, turning back into beavers as they went.
Bull-by-Himself and his wife planted the sacred weed (40)as they had been told. The
four medicine-men brothers said to one another:”What can this man and his wife be planting?
Their songs sound (41)familiar.” They sent somebody to find out, and this person came back
saying: ”They are planting tobacco, doing it in a sacred manner.” The four powerful men
began to laugh. “No, it can’t be. It’s just some (42)useless weed they’re planting. No one but
us can plant tobacco, use it and no one but us has its power.”
But when it was the time to(43)harvest tobacco, a great (44)hailstorm destroyed the
secret tobacco patch of the four medicine brothers. Nothing was left and they had not saved a
single seed. They said to each other: ”Perhaps the hail didn’t destroy that man and his wife’s
field.” And they sent again someone to find out. This person came back saying:”They had no
hail on their field. And here are the leaves which they are growing.” “It’s indeed tobacco,” the
brothers said, (45)shaking their heads in wonder.
So with the help of the beaver people, Bull-by Himself and his wife brought
the sacred tobacco to the tribes, who have been smoking it in a sacred manner(46)ever since.
1) spiritual – duchovní
2) vision – vize, vidění
3) voice – hlas
4) herb – bylina
5) chop it fine – nasekej ji najemno
6) hide bag – skrytý váček
7) wonderfully fragrant – nádherně vonící
8) hollowing out a bone – vydlabal kost
9) carve – vyřezat
10) light – zapálit
11) medicine men – šamani
12)were meant – zamýšleli
13)powerful and wise and clear-minded
- mocní, moudří a s jasnou myslí
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26) skin - kůže
27) muskrat and otter – ondatra a vydra
28) kingfisher – ledňáček
29) beget – vyvolávat, plodit
30) scraped, tanned and smoked oškrabala, vyčinila a vysušila nad ohněm
31) medicine bundle – šamanský svazek
32) shade – stín
33) plenty of – spoustu
34) keep the soil loose –
udržujte půdu prokypřenou
35) deer horn – paroh
36) seed – semeno
37) the buffalo-horn spoon –
Jazyk a jazyková komunikace
The sacred weed
14)share – sdílet
lžíce z bizoního rohu
15)anger, war, restlessness of spirit and impiety 38) tamping – dusat, pěchovat
- hněv, války, neklid ducha a bezbožnosti
39)we have taught you – naučili jsme vás
16)calm anger – tišit hněv
40) as they had been told 17)to make men worship – přimět muže
tak, jak jim bylo řečeno
ke spolupráci
41) familiar – povědomý, známý
18)to ease mind – projasnit mysl
42) useless weed – neužitečný plevel
19) unity and peace were lacking –
43) harvest – sklízet
jednota a mír chyběly
44) hailstorm – krupobití
20) keeping it for themselves –
45) shaking their heads in wonder –
nechávají si to pro sebe
vrtíc hlavou v úžasu
21) find a way to plant and reap –
46) ever since – od těch dob
najít způsob, jak pěstovat a sklízet
22) )looking for a source – hledala zdroj
23) discover – objevit
24) beaver house close by shore –
bobří hrad blízko břehu
25) they turned themselves into –
proměnili se v
Who did get the first Tobago seed?
What was wrong on their use of it?
What were peole lacking without that sacred weed?
Who brought the tobacco to their peole?
How did they get it?
What is nessecary for planting tobacco?
What else is nessecary for planting it for the secret rituals?
How and why did the four brothers-medicinemen loose their tobacco?
The four brothers – medicinemen.
They didn’t share it with the other people from their tribe.
People were lacking the unity and peace.
Young man called Bull-by-himself and his wife.
They got it from the beaver people who taught them everything about it.
The convenient place with the good black and brown loose soil and end enough water.
To sing, dance and pray special songs, dancing and prayers during the planting.
Their plants were destroyed by the hailstorm, because they wanted it just for
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Centrum Korálek
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The sacred weed