The wife of Bath`s Tale


The wife of Bath`s Tale
The wife of Bath’s Tale
Anglický jazyk, 8. - 9. ročník
II. stupeň ZŠ
Pokyny pro žáka:
Na si v sekci „Četba“ – „Zjednodušená literární díla“ přečti povídku
„The wife of Bath’s Tale“ (by Geofrey Chaucer’s Cantenbury Tales) a odpověz (česky i
anglicky!) na zadané otázky.
Při četbě na daných webových stránkách můžeš využívat přímo jednoduchý anglicko-český
slovníček zabudovaný do textu. Funguje tak, že po kliknutí na žádané slovíčko v textu se ti
objeví žlutý rámeček s jeho překladem.
Pokyny pro učitele:
Danou četbu zadáte žákům jako domácí úkol – případně si ji můžete v počítačové učebně
společně najít, vysvětlit a začít. Poté ji žáci za domácí úkol dokončí do další hodiny angličtiny
doma a písemně zodpoví zadané otázky.
Velkou výhodou četby „on-line“ je možnost využít překládací slovník zabudovaný do textu.
Dané webové stránky jsou zdarma a není potřeba se na ně registrovat.
Odpovědi na otázky:
1) Po čem ženy touží nejvíc? (What do the women want most?)
2) Chtějí být bohaté. (They want to be rich.)
Chtějí krásné oblečení. (They want beautiful clothes.)
Chtějí, aby jim muži říkali, jak jsou krásné. (They want men to tell them how beautiful
they are.)
Moje maminka chce děťátko. (My mother wants a baby.)
3) Jedna stará dáma. (An old lady.)
4) Ze všeho nejvíce chtějí ženy ovládat své muže. (Most of all, women want to have
power over their husbands.)
5) Oženit se se starou dámou. (To marry the old lady.)
6) Jiní muži nebudou navštěvovat jeho dům. (Other men will not come to his house.)
7) Nechal starou dámu, aby si sama vybrala nejlepší řešení. (He let the old lady choose
the best solution herself.)
8) Políbil ji a ona se proměnila v krásnou mladou ženu. Prožili pak spolu velmi šťastný
život. (He kissed her and she changed into a young and beautiful woman. They had a
very happy life.)
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The wife of Bath’s Tale
Vytisknout žákům otázky k četbě s internetovou adresou stránky, kde četbu najdou.
Pracovní list se zadanými otázkami a internetovou adresou dané stránky. V případě četby
z vytištěného textu i příslušný text povídky a anglicko-český slovník.
Doba realizace:
1 přípravná hodina v počítačové učebně + v následující vyučovací hodině 30-45 minut.
Co se osvědčilo:
Osvědčil se výše uvedený postup s 1 vyučovací hodinou v počítačové učebně s četbou „online“ dokončenou i s otázkami za domácí úkol, následovanou další hodinou se společnou
kontrolou odpovědí na zadané otázky. V případě, když zbude čas, je možno ho využít
k procvičení slovní zásoby získané z článku.
Očekávané výstupy:
Čtení anglického textu s porozuměním, získání informací z textu. Nenásilné seznámení se
s ukázkou z díla známého anglického spisovatele.
Mezipředmětový vztah: Český jazyk – světová literatura, občanská nauka
Zohlednění žáků se SVP: Možnost četby „on-line“ s využitím zabudovaného slovníčku
Autor: Ing. Alena Jankovská
Použitá literatura, zdroj obrázků:
Webové stránky:četba - povídka „The wife of bath’s tale“ by Geofrey
Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, retold by Marek Vít.
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The wife of Bath’s Tale
Otázky k četbě povídky (odpověz česky i anglicky):
Na jakou otázku měl mladý rytíř hledat odpověď?
Jaké 4 různé neuspokojivé odpovědi nejprve dostal?
Kdo rytíři pomohl vyřešit jeho úkol?
Jak zněla správná odpověď?
Jaká byla cena, kterou měl rytíř za poslední radu zaplatit?
Proč se zdráhal splnit svůj slib?
Jak to rytíř nakonec vyřešil?
Čím byl rytíř odměněn za své dobré rozhodnutí?
Text povídky:
The wife of Bath’s Tale (by Geofrey Chaucer‘s Canterbury Tales, retold by Marek Vít)
A long, long time ago, in the times of King Arthur, there was a young knight. He did a very
bad thing and the King got very angry.
"The knight must die!" he cried.
But the Queen said, "Please, don't take his life, my Lord."
And because King Arthur loved her, he agreed.
The Queen told the knight, "You will live if you can answer one question: What do women
want most? Go and return in a year. If you come back without the answer, you will die."
The knight was very unhappy. He travelled around the whole country and asked the people he
met: "What do women want most?" But everybody gave him a different answer.
"They want to be rich," one man said.
"They want beautiful clothes," said another.
"They want men to tell them how beautiful they are."
"My mother wants a baby," a child said.
The knight was very sad. "I will never find the answer," he thought. "I'm going to die."
The year was over and he had to go back and meet the Queen. When he was riding through a
large forest, he saw twenty-four beautiful women. They were dancing and singing. "I will ask
these ladies," he thought. "Perhaps they will know the answer." But as he came near, they
disappeared. He could only see an old woman sitting in the grass. She was very ugly.
She stood up. "Sir knight, what are you looking for? Maybe I can help you. We old people
know a lot of things!"
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The wife of Bath’s Tale
Centrum Korálek
The knight answered, "Old lady, I will die today if I don't find the
answer to the Queen's question. What do women want most? Tell me
and I will pay you well."
"I will tell you the answer," she said, "if you promise to do what I
"I promise," the knight said.
"Then you will live," she said and whispered something in his ear.
Then she smiled. "That is the correct answer. Even the Queen will agree."
Then the knight returned to the Queen's castle. She was waiting for him with all her ladies and
many other women. "I have the answer," the knight said.
"Listen to the knight," the Queen said.
"Most of all, women want to have power over their husbands," he said.
All the women agreed with him. They smiled and shouted, "That is true, it is the right
"You may live," the Queen said and smiled.
But suddenly the old woman from the forest came to the front. "Dear Queen," she said. "I
gave the knight the right answer. He promised to do what I ask him. So I ask him now: Sir
knight, marry me. I saved your life and now I want you to be my husband."
The knight was very unhappy. "I can't!" he cried. "Please, ask me anything else, I can give
you gold!"
"I don't want your gold," she replied. "I want to be your wife, I want you to love me."
"I could never love you!" the knight answered.
But he had to marry the woman, because he had promised. It was a sad wedding, nobody
danced or sang.
That night he was lying in bed with her. She looked at him and smiled. "What's wrong my
dear husband? I am your wife. I have never done anything wrong to you. Why are you like
that on our first night together?"
"You are very old and ugly and poor, how can I love you?" he said.
"If I am poor, it is not bad," she said. "Jesus himself chose a poor life. It is good to be poor. I
am ugly, but real beauty is not what you can see, real beauty is the beauty of the heart. I am
old, but I know what men like. I will make you happy.
"You can choose," she continued. "I can be old and ugly and I will be yours forever, until you
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The wife of Bath’s Tale
die. Or I can be young and beautiful, but other men will come to your house when you are
away. Decide now. Which do you want?"
The knight thought about it and then said, "My love, my wife, choose yourself. You know
which is best for both of us. Do which will make you happy, and then I will be happy, too."
"So kiss me," she said.
And when he looked at her, she was no longer old and ugly. She was young and very
beautiful, the most beautiful woman in the world. The knight was very surprised and gave her
a thousand kisses. And they had a very happy life.
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The wife of Bath’s Tale