Jan Kom|rek - Mosquito Net


Jan Kom|rek - Mosquito Net
Jan Kom|rek
[email protected] | http://www.mosquito-net.eu/ | +44 (0) 20 7955 6364
lecturer in EU law, European Institute and Department of Law
London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, WC2A 2AE, London,
United Kingdom
Research Interests:
I am interested in the role of judicial institutions in the European integration and theories of
European constitutionalism in general. Contrary to some lawyers, I am not excited by “many
interesting things you could do with the law”, but rather the limitations of law and legal
institutions – things that cannot be achieved by them. Examining such questions involves
comparative institutional analysis and the “legal process school” approach, which takes
inspiration from the work of constitutional scholars in the United States.
Academic Qualifications:
 2007-2011: Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.), University of Oxford, Faculty of Law; supervisor
Professor Stephen Weatherill)
 2006-2007: Master of Studies in Legal Research (M.St.), University of Oxford, Faculty of
Law (supervisor Professor Stephen Weatherill)
 2003-2004: LL.M. in European law, Stockholm University, Faculty of Law
 1996-2001: Master of Laws, Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague
 2006: Total Law - Central European University Diploma in Advanced European Union
Legal Practice, magna cum laudem (Budapest)
 2004: Diploma of Academy of European Law/EU Law Session, European University
Institute (Florence)
 2001: Diploma in English and European Union Law, University of Cambridge, Institute of
Continuing Education (Prague)
 spring semester 2008: Hauser Global Visiting Doctoral Researcher, New York University
School of Law (academic mentor Professor Barry Friedman)
Language Competence:
 Czech – native speaker
 English - fluent (TOEFL score 287/300 (8 July 2005 ) – computer based test
 French - working knowledge (Ministry of Foreign Affaires, Language Qualifications Exam level 3 of 4 (6 February 2006)
Scholarships and Awards :
 2009: awarded Max Weber Post-doctoral Fellowship by the European University Institute
in Florence for 2010-2011 (declined)
 2008-2009: Dulverton Scholarship (University of Oxford)
Jan Kom|rek – Curriculum Vitae
 2008-2009: Modern Law Review Scholarship (Modern Law Review)
 2007-2009: Postgraduate Award 2007 Doctoral Competition (Arts & Humanities Research
Council, UK)
 2007-2008: Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Scholarship (Faculty of Law, University of
 2007-2008 and 2008-2009: Ruth Adler Scholarship (Somerville College, University of
 2008: Janet Watson Fund (Somerville College, University of Oxford)
 2006-2007: Scatcherd European Scholarship (University of Oxford)
Work Experience:
 October 2009 – July 2010 (10 full months): legal secretary to the President of the Czech
Constitutional Court (assisting in preparation decisions of the Court including the second
decision concerning the Lisbon Treaty, Pl. ÚS 29/09)
 July 2008 – September 2008 (3 full months): legal advisor to the Czech Constitutional
Court (assisting in preparation decisions of the Court including the first decision concerning
the Lisbon Treaty, Pl. ÚS 19/08)
 July 2004 - September 2006: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic, legal counsellor
working with the Czech Government Agent before the European Court of Justice
(participation in preparation of oral and written submissions to the Court of Justice, drafting
legal opinions in internal governmental legislative procedure dealing with Community Law
etc., participation at sessions of the Council’s Working Group „COUR”, preparation of the
Czech Republic’s positions)
 January - February 2005 (two full months): European Court of Justice, Cabinet of Mr. A.
Rosas, Luxembourg, trainee (research for pending cases, preparation of short notes on
particular topics and arguments in pending cases, both in English and French)
 February 2002 - July 2003: Institute for Environmental Policy, Prague, legal advisor
(various research projects dealing with EC environmental law)
 2010-2011: convenor and lecturer in the course “European Union: Law and Government”
(EU420) – MSc programme, European Institute
 2010-2011: lecturer and in Lent Term convenor in the course “Advanced Issues of European
Union Law” (LL4B2) – LL.M. programme, European Institute
 2010-2011: lecturer in the course “Justice, Liberty and Security in the European Union”
(EU464) – MSc. programme, European Institute
 2010-2011: lecturer in the course “Law and Institutions of the European Union” (LL232),
LL.B. programme, Department of Law
Other academic teaching
 31 January 2011: SciencesPo Paris, teaching in Joint Seminar Double Degree Masters in
European Studies, seminar “Judicial Lawmaking and Precedent in the Court of Justice” (2
 September 2010, University of Lund, Faculty of Law, lecturing in LL.M. course, two seminar
modules, Foundations of EU law and Enforcement of EU law (6 hours each)
Jan Kom|rek – Curriculum Vitae
 2008-2009: teaching 1 seminar entitled “The Court of Justice as a Constitutional Court” within
a postgraduate course (BCL/M.Jur.) - Constitutional Principles of the EU
 2008-2009 (Michaelmas Term): tutor, New College, FHS Course (undergraduate), EC Law
 2007-2008: Graduate Teaching Assistant in European Community Law in the Faculty of Law,
University of Oxford, tutor at Magdalene College and Exeter College - FHS Course
(undergraduate), EC Law
 numerous lectures and seminars at the Charles University, Faculty of Law, Masaryk
University, Faculty of Law, Academy of the Judiciary and other events aimed at judges and
practitioners – a complete list is available here: http://www.mosquito-net.eu/
Lecturing to Practitioners
 11 January 2010, Academy of Taxation of the Chamber of Tax Advisors of the Czech Republic
and the Czech Bar Association, seminar "Aplikace pr|va Evropské unie aneb „Co, kde a jak“ v
pr|vu EU" ["What, where, and How in European Law; seminar in methodology"], 6 h.
 14 September 2007, Chamber of Tax Advisors of the Czech Republic, seminar "Co, kde a jak v
evropském pr|vu; metodologický semin|ř" ["What, where, and How in European Law;
seminar in methodology"], together with M. Bobek, 4,5 h.
 26 June 2007, publishing house C.H. Beck, Co, kde a jak v evropském pr|vu; metodologický
semin|ř [What, where, and How in European Law; seminar in methodology], together with
M. Bobek, 4,5 hours
 5 January 2007, Chamber of Tax Advisors of the Czech Republic, Principy aplikace pr|va EU na
vnitrost|tní úrovni [Principles of application of EU law on the national level], 4 hours
 29 June 2006, publishing house C.H. Beck, Vym|h|ní komunit|rního pr|va II – vnitrost|tní
úroveň [EC law enforcement II - national level], together with J. Passer, judge of the Supreme
Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, 4,5 hours
 26 May 2006, publishing house C.H. Beck, Vym|h|ní komunit|rního pr|va I – evropsk| úroveň
[EC law enforcement I - EC level ], together with D. Petrlík référendaire at the ECJ, 4,5 hours
 19 May 2006, law office Salans, Informační zdroje pr|va EU na Internetu [Where to find EU
law on the Internet] , 3 hours
Lecturing to Judges
 30 March 2006, Regional Court for the Central Bohemia, Pr|vo ES v akci [EC law in action] ,
together with P. Bříza, Director of the EU Department, Ministry of Justice, 5 hours
 21 March 2006, Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, Zastupov|ní České republiky před
komunit|rními soudy, judikatura Evropského soudního dvora a Soudu prvního stupně s
důrazem na její význam pro české obecné soudnictví [Representation of the Czech Republic
before the Community Courts, Case Law of the Court of Justice with an Emphasis on Its
Influence on the Czech Judiciary] , together with T. Boček, Czech Government Agent before
the ECJ, 2 hours
 14 February 2006, Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, Zastupov|ní České
republiky před komunit|rními soudy a judikatura komunit|rních soudů Representation of
the Czech Republic before the Community courts and the case law of the Court of Justice] ,
together with T. Boček, Czech Government Agent before the ECJ, 2 hours
 1 November 2005, Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, Komunitarní pr|vo v
akci: porušení pr|va ES na ochranu životního prostředí před českými spr|vními soudy [EC
law in action: breaches of EC environmental law before Czech administrative courts] , Forum
"Directives in the field of the environment and Czech administrative judicature, organized by
Public Interest Lawyers Association (PILA) in coopperation with the Association of Judges of
Jan Kom|rek – Curriculum Vitae
the Czech Republic, together with J. Passer, judge of the Supreme Administrative Court of the
Czech Republic, 1 hour
 12 October 2005, Academy of the Judiciary, Z|klady pr|va Evropské unie [Foundations of EU
law] , lecture for judges and trainee judges, 3 hours
 6 October 2005, Academy of the Judiciary, Kolik soudů m| Evropsk| unie? Z|klady soudního
systému EU [How many courts does the EU have? Foundations of the EU judicial system ,
lecture for judges and trainee judges, 2 hours
 6 October 2005, Academy of the Judiciary, Anatomie předběžné ot|zky [Anatomy of the
preliminary ruling procedure]lecture for judges and trainee judges, 2 hours
Other Relevant Activities:
 2009-: reviewer for and from September 2010 member of the Editorial Board of European
Constitutional Law Review (Cambridge University Press)
 2007-2010: Assistant Editor, Civil Justice Quarterly (Sweet & Maxwell)
 2007-: member of the Advisory Board, Review of European Public Law (Europa Law
 co-founder and former secretary (December 2007 – December 2010) of the Czech Society for
European and Comparative Law, member of FIDE
1. Jiné právo off-line (Auditorium, Prague 2008), edited together with M. Bobek, 296 p.
2. Předběžná otázka v komunitárním právu [Preliminary Reference in Community Law], (Linde,
Prague 2005), together with M. Bobek, J. Passer and M. Gillis, xl+507 p.
3. Právo životního prostředí Evropských společenství - praktický průvodce [Environmental Law of
the European Communities – A Practical Guide], (Linde, Prague 2003), together with E.
Kružíkov| and E. Adamov|, 416 p.
1. Questioning Judicial Deliberations, (2009) 29 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 805
2. Judicial Lawmaking and Precedent in Supreme Courts: The European Court of Justice
Compared to the US Supreme Court and the French Cour de cassation, (2008-2009) 11
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies 399; this article was selected among the
materials for Global Constitutionalism Seminar 2009, Yale Law School (edited by R. Post)
3. Legal Professional Privilege and the EU’s Fight Against Money Laundering, (2008) 27 Civil
Justice Quarterly 13
4. Vztah pr|va Evropské unie a pr|vního ř|du ČR očima tří rozhodnutí Ústavního soudu, [The
Relationship between European Union Law and the Czech Republic Legal Order Through the
Eyes of Three Decisions of the Constitutional Court], Soudní rozhledy č. 10/2008
5. Infringements in Application of Community Law: Some Problems and (Im)possible Solutions,
(2007) Review of European Administrative Law 87
6. Nejvyšší soudy členských st|tů, soudní hierarchie a efektivita soudního systému Evropské
unie [National Supreme Courts, Judicial Hierarchy and Effectiveness of the EU Judicial
System], in: V. Šimíček (ed.): Role nejvyšších soudů v evropských ústavních systémech - čas pro
změnu? (Masarykova univerzita, Mezin|rodní politologický ústav, Brno 2007), 110-126
7. “In the Court(s) We Trust?” On the need for hierarchy and differentiation in the preliminary
ruling procedure, (2007) 32 European Law Review 467, also published in F. Fontanelli, G.
Jan Kom|rek – Curriculum Vitae
Martinico and P. Carrozza (eds), Shaping Rule of Law Through Dialogue (Europa Law
Publishing, Groningen 2010)
8. European Constitutionalism and the European Arrest Warrant: In Search of the Limits of
“Contrapunctual Principles”, (2007) 44 Common Market Law Review 9
9. European Constitutionalism and the European Arrest Warrant: Contrapunctual Principles in
Disharmony, Jean Monnet Working Paper No. 10/05
10. Federal Elements in the Community Judicial System – Building Coherence in the Community
Legal Order, (2005) 42 Common Market Law Review 9
11. Creating a Quasi-Federal Judicial System of the European Communities, Institute for
European Law at Stockholm University, No. 54, 2006
12. Pluralismo constitucional Europeo tras la ampliación. - un an|lisis de la jurisprudencia
comunitaria del Tribunal Constitucional Polaco, Revista Espanola de Derecho Europeo No
13. Inter-Court Constitutional Dialogue After the Enlargement – Implications of the Case of
Professor Köbler, (2005) 1 Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy 75
14. “Velký hybatel” – Evropský soudní dvůr a hled|ní vnitřního souladu pr|vního ř|du
Společenství, [The “Big Manipulator” - The European Court of Justice in Search of Coherence
of the Community Legal Order], Pr|vník č. 5/2006
15. Česk| republika před Soudním dvorem ES, [The Czech Republic before the Court of Justice],
Jurisprudence č. 2/2006
16. Řízení o předběžné ot|zce před Soudním dvorem ES, [Procedure before the Court of Justice
in Preliminary References], Bulletin advokacie č. 1 a 2/2005
17. Koho v|žou rozhodnutí ESD o předběžných ot|zk|ch? Úvahy o úloze judikatury ESD v
českém pr|vním ř|du, [Who is Bound by a ECJ’s Preliminary Ruling Decision? Some
Thoughts on the Role of the European Case Law in the Czech Legal System], Pr|vní rozhledy
č. 19 a 20/2004, together with M. Bobek
18. Soudnictví, [The Judiciary], in: Česká soda v Evropské unii. Scénáře strategického chování ČR v
EU (Praha, CESES, FSV UK, 2004)
19. Vyhn|ni z rajské zahrady neodpovědnosti; n|rodní soudy a porušení komunit|rního pr|va
[Expelled from the Paradise of Irresponsibility; National Courts and Breaches of Community
Law], Soudce č. 9/2004, together with M. Bobek and J. Passer
20. Životní prostředí v budoucí Evropě- krok zpět?, [The Environment in the Future Europe - A
Step Back?], Parlamentní zpravodaj č. 6/2003
21. Evropské pr|vo životního prostředí v České republice, [European Environmetal Law in the
Czech Republic], České pr|vo životního prostředí č. 4/2003
22. Aktivní legitimace neprivilegovaných žalobců v řízení o žalobě na neplatnost aktů org|nů EU
ve věcech životního prostředí, [The Standing of Unprivileged Applicants in Review of
Legality in Environmental Matters], České pr|vo životního prostředí č. 1/2003
23. Does the Harmonization of Contract Law Work for Consumers?, Common Law Review, No
Case Notes:
1. Fallimento Olimpiclub: Účinky pravomocných rozhodnutí a jejich meze vyplývající z pr|va
Společenství [Fallimento Olimpiclub: Effects of Res Judicata and Its Limits Stemming from
Community Law], Soudní rozhledy č. 11/2009
2. Pod|v|ní předběžných ot|zek obecnými soudy jako ot|zka ústavnosti [Preliminary
reference as a Question of Constitutionality], Soudní rozhledy č. 10/2008
3. Soudní dvůr Evropských společenství: Vysíl|ní televize na hotelových pokojích je
“sdělov|ním veřejnosti” ve smyslu směrnice 2001/29/ES, [The European Court of Justice: A
Jan Kom|rek – Curriculum Vitae
TV Broadcasting at Hotel Rooms Is “Communication to Public” in the Meaning of Directive
2001/29/EC], Pr|vní rozhledy č 6/2007
4. Tentýž čin v Prostoru svobody, bezpečnosti a pr|va [The Same Act” in the Area of Freedom,
Security and Justice], Jurisprudence č. 3/2006
5. Soudní dvůr Evropských společenství: Francie zaplatí dvacet miliónů EUR za nesplnění
rozsudku Soudního dvora, [The European Court of Justice: France Will Pay 20 million EUR
for Not Fulfilling a Judgment of the Court of Justice], Pr|vní rozhledy č. 18/2005
Book Reviews:
1. Book Review of The Fundamentals of EU Law Revisited: Assessing the Impact of the
Constitutional Debate?, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, edited by
Catherine Barnard, (2008) 45 Common Market Law Review 597
2. Book Review of L’autorité de l’Union européenne, edited by Loic Azoulai and Laurence
Burgorgue-Larsen, (2007) 44 Common Market Law Review 1529
3. Book Review of The National Courts’ Mandate in the European Constitution, by Monica Claes,
(2006) 25 Yearbook of European Law 661
Popular Media:
Věrnost celku, Respekt č. 10/2009
Tajn| demokracie, Respekt č. 5/2009
Komu chceme, pomůžeme..., Respekt č. 2/2009
Neviditelní asistenti, Respekt č. 48/2008
Vůle a rozum v politickém systému, Respekt č. 44/2008
Hamburgerizace pr|va, Respekt č. 37/2008
Privatizace (pr|vního) st|tu, Respekt č. 31/2008
Hlas lidu a hlas rozumu, Respekt č. 27/2008
Justice v kyberprostoru, Respekt č. 20/2008
Pr|vníkovy spr|vné odpovědi, Respekt č. 12/2008 [pdf]
Kdy se smí porušovat z|kony, Respekt č. 7/2008 [pdf]
Problémy, které nejsou, Respekt č. 3/2008 [pdf]
Cenn| lekce, Respekt č. 15/2008
Všichni prezidentovi mladí soudci, Respekt č. 31/2007
Spravedlnost v ohrožení, Respekt č. 7/2006
Lid versus Francie, Respekt č. 38/2005
Rafinovaně falešné větičky, Respekt č. 17/2005
Co opravdu hrozí novin|řům, HN ze dne 18. 2. 2009
Poplatky aneb Pr|vo podle ČSSD, HN ze dne 6. 2. 2009
Kvalitní esej do Hospod|řských novin, HN ze dne 18. 12. 2008
Rušení poplatků a naše ústava, HN ze dne 21. 10. 2008
Klaus von Hayekovi navzdory, HN ze dne 24. 1. 2008
I hotel m| pr|vo na spravedlnost, HN ze dne 17. 1. 2007
Academic Presentations:
As an Organiser:
Jan Kom|rek – Curriculum Vitae
1. 11 January 2008 I co-convened and co-chaired symposium “Four Visions of Constitutional
Pluralism” (with J. Baquero Cruz, M. Kumm, M. Poiares Maduro and N. Walker) at the EUI
2. 20-21 March 2009 I co-organized conference “Constitutional Pluralism in the European
Union and Beyond” at the Institute of European and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law,
University of Oxford
Invited Lecture s:
1. 26 June 2010, Europa Institute of Leiden University, invited lecture at the 49th meeting of
the British Institute for International and Comparative Law in London and the Europa
Institute of Leiden University, “Minimalism at the Czech Constitutional Court and
Competence Review in EU Law Matters”
2. 23 April 2009, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, guest lecture, “Judicial Precedent
and Constitutional Pluralism in the European Union”
3. 11 March 2009, Centre for European Legal Studies in the Faculty of Law, University of
Cambridge, luncheon seminar, “Precedent in European Law: A Doctrine without a Theory?”
4. 10 May 2007, Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, “Kdo je nejvyšší?
Evropské soudy a Eurozatykač v laboratoři ústavního pluralismu” [“Who is the Supreme?
European Courts and the European Arrest Warrant in the Laboratory of Constitutional
5. 24 April 2007, Florence, European University Institute, Florence, Working Group on Courts
and Judges, paper “‘In the Court(s) We Trust?’ On the need for hierarchy and differentiation
in the preliminary ruling procedure”
6. 3 April 2007, Utrecht University, Faculty of Law, lecture “European Constitutionalism and
the European Arrest Warrant”
7. 6 December 2006, University of Lund, Faculty of Law, lecture “‘In the Court We Trust.’ But
Should We?”
Presentations at Conferences and Workshops:
1. 4 February 2011, French Law Discussion Group, Oxford University French Law Society,
paper “Judicial lawmaking { la française: in search of the missing ‘case law technique’”
2. 28 - 29 January 2011, Social Science Research Center Berlin (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
für Sozialforschung, WZB), invited paper “The Legal World Beyond the State: Constitutional
and Pluralist?”, conference “Constitutionalism in a New Key? Cosmopolitan, Pluralist and
Public Reason Oriented”
3. 19 January 2011, LSE Department of Law Staff Research Seminar, paper “Reasoning with
Previous Decisions of the European Court of Justice”
4. 30 September 2010, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Law, presentation “Three Models
of Precedent: Reasoning with Previous Decisions of the Court of Justice”
5. 10 September 2010, Durham University, invited paper "Is the Citizen at the Heart of the
National Courts' Lisbon Judgments?" presented at the workshop "In the Name of the
Citizen?", part of the seminar series "Empowerment and Disempowerment of the European
6. 20-21 May 2010, University of Illinois College of Law, Fifth Annual Comparative Law Works
in Progress Workshop, paper "Judicial Lawmaking and Precedent in Supreme Courts"
selected for discussion
7. 20-21 March 2009, Institute of European and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, University of
Oxford, conference “Constitutional Pluralism in the European Union and Beyond”, paper
“Judicial Precedent and European Constitutional Pluralism: How the Two Relate?”
8. 22 January 2009, University of Oxford, Faculty of Law, EC Law Discussion Group, paper
“Judicial Precedent in European Constitutional Pluralism - A Framework of Analysis”
Jan Kom|rek – Curriculum Vitae
9. 14-16 January 2009, Bergen, international doctoral course/workshop “Hope, Reluctance or
Fear? The Democratic Consequences of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice”, paper
“Theories of European constitutionalism and European courts: An institutional turn”
10. 8 December 2008, Utrecht University, Faculty of Law, conference “Challenges for New EU
Member States: Discussion from a National Perspective”, presentation “‘So long as ... we like
it.’ The Czech Constitutional Court’s ruling on the Lisbon Treaty”
11. 1-3 September 2008, UACES Annual Conference, Edinburgh, “Exchanging Ideas on Europe
2008. Rethinking the European Union”, 2 papers: “‘Quality’ of the Court of Justice’s
Reasoning: What It Is and How It Can Be Measured” (panel “‘Quality’ in the Functioning and
Performance of the European Judiciary”) and “Uniformity and the Central Courts: The United
States and the European Union”(panel “Questioning Uniformity”)
12. 3-4 July 2008, The Institute of European Law at Birmingham Law School, conference “The
Next 50 Years: The Future of European Law & Policy”, paper “The Future of the ECJ’s
Precedent in a Comparative Perspective”
13. 21-22 April 2008, Legal Education Enhancement Programme, association Všehrd and
Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague, conference Reforma pr|vnického vzdil|v|ní a
globalizace [Reform of Legal Education and Globalisation], invited as discussant and
moderator of a panel
14. 9-10 April 2008, Graduate Law Conference at Osgoode Hall Law School, Quo Vadis
Constitution?: The Boundaries of Modern Law, paper “Judicial Precedent in Constitutional
Pluralism: The United States and the European Union Compared”
15. 26 November 2007, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, conference “Beyond Lisbon: The
Constitutional Challenges of Tomorrow’s European Union,” discussant
16. 20 November 2007, University of Oxford, Faculty of Law, Discussion Group within the course
“Principles of Civil Procedure” (Professor Adrian Zuckerman), paper “Legal professional
privilege before the Court of Justice: some puzzles concerning its rationale and justification”
17. 11-12 October 2007, Utrecht University, Faculty of Law, conference “Europeanization of
Public Law, paper “The Use of EU law as a Conclusive Argument to Everything
18. 1-7 August 2007, Krakow, XIII World Congress of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy,
paper “EU precedent as a means of communication in the pluralistic European
19. 14 May 2007, University of Oxford, Faculty of Law, EC Law Discussion Group, paper “‘In the
Court(s) We Trust?’ On the need for hierarchy and differentiation in the preliminary ruling
20. 11 May 2007, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, conference “Evropské
soudnictví na ústavní křižovatce” [“The European Judiciary at a Constitutional Crossroads”] panelist in the panel “Soudní dvůr jako souč|st soudního systému členských st|tů - vrchol
pyramidy nebo n|stroj rozkladu soudních hierarchií?” [“The Court of Justice - a part of of the
national judicial systems - a top of the pyramid or a means of destroying judicial
21. 9-10 March 2007, British Law Centre in Warsaw and the Centre for European Legal Studies
of the University of Cambridge, Warsaw, Conference to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the
Treaty of Rome, paper “‘In the Court(s) We Trust?’ On the need for hierarchy and
differentiation in the preliminary ruling procedure”
22. 27 October 2006, University of Oxford, Faculty of Law, EC Law Discussion Group, panel “Do
national courts and the European Court of Justice really treat EC law in the same way?”
together with Alicia Hinarejos, Dorota Leczykiewicz and Prof. Paul Craig
23. 18-19 November 2005, Aix en Province, European Law Journal together with Centre
d’Études et de Recherches Internationales et Communautaires Université Paul Cézanne (AixMarseille III) Faculté de droit et de science politique and College d’Europe de Natolin,
conference “Designing the European Union - 4th International Workshop for Young Scholars
Jan Kom|rek – Curriculum Vitae
(WISH), paper “European Constitutional Pluralism in Action after the Enlargement:
defending the constitutional identities of the new Member States”
London, 25 October 2010
Jan Kom|rek – Curriculum Vitae
Jan Komárek

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