Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, WORKBOOK


Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, WORKBOOK
Gymnázium, Brno, Slovanské nám. 7, WORKBOOK - Biology
Topic 1: Protists
 acrasin – chemical given off by starving amoeba-like cells that serves as a signal to
the cells to form a sluglike colony
 alternation of generations – reproductive life cycle that alternates between a diploid
(2n) sporophyte generation and a haploid (n) gametophyte generation
 bioluminescent – able to emit light
 colony – group of cells that join together, forming a close association
 contractile vacuole – organelle that collects excess water in the cytoplasm and expels
it from the cell; maintains homeostasis in hypotonic environments
 microsporidium – microscopic protozoan that lives in a termite’s gut and produces
wood-digesting enzymes
 pellicle – membrane layer that encloses a paramecium
 plasmodium – feeding stage of a slime mold(AE) in which it is a mobile cytoplasmic
mass with many diploid nuclei but no separate cells
 protozoan – heterotrofic, unicellular, animal-like protists
 pseudopod – temporary cytoplasmic extension that sarcodines use for feeding and
 test – hard, porous, shell-like covering of an amoeba
 trichocyst – elongated, cylindrical structure that can discharge a spinelike structure
that may function in defense, as an anchoring device, or to capture prey