vzdělávací materiál - Střední zdravotnická škola Děčín


vzdělávací materiál - Střední zdravotnická škola Děčín
Název projektu
Zkvalitnění vzdělání na SZŠ Děčín
Číslo projektu
Název školy
Střední zdravotnická škola, Děčín, Čsl. mládeže 5/9,
příspěvková organizace
Číslo materiálu
VY_22_INOVACE_1 - 24
Druh vzdělávacího materiálu
Pracovní list
Mgr. Martina Volfová
Anglický jazyk
Tematický celek
Extremist tendencies; Social Care
4. ročník
Datum výroby
Červenec 2013
Metodický pokyn
Materiál je určen k procvičování slovní zásoby a
praktických komunikačních dovedností v oblasti sociální
péče – Extremistické tendence (ESP – English for specific
purposes – Social Care)
Žáci pracují s daným materiálem nejprve individuálně a
potom téma probírají ve skupině. Mohou použít slovník.
Součástí vzdělávacího materiálu je i metodický list pro
učitele s klíčem.
Extremist tendencies
Extremism is a tendency to take extreme opinions of any kind and not to allow any doubts or
compromises. Racism then is a tendency to connect people with various characteristics, both positive
and negative, based on their appearance and a set of visual signs. Both tendencies respond to human
feelings of insecurity in the life. That is why we can meet them most often at times when people go
through hard times, face economic crises or during adolescence when people are often insecure about
themselves. Young people often want the things to be either black or white, just like they saw them
when they were children and extremist theories give them such possibility. Adults usually turn to
extremist and racist visions when the life gets hard for them and the atmosphere in the society is
insecure. Racist and extremist theories usually identify the guilty ones for such a situation. Of course,
the view is often simplified and over-generalized. It often takes the attention of people away from real
troubles. Unfortunately in the past those theories often brought people to violence against innocent
people and to a lot of bad events but still they appear again and again.
Find the following words and expressions in the text:
Čelit ekonomické krizi
Extremistické nebo rasistické teorie
Na základě vzhledu
Pocity nejistoty
Určit viníka
Zjednodušený pohled
Try to formulate five racist prejudices common in the Czech Republic.
What would you recommend to parents of a child who inclines to an extremist group?
What can help to reduce the risks of racism and extremism in the society?
Decide between the past and present perfect tenses:
He is not here for the first time, he …………………….. (visit) Děčín already 5 times.
He ……………………. (write) a better novel yet.
He is tired because he ………………………. (not, sleep) well last night.
He is late because he ………………………. (oversleep).
Where ……………………….. (you, find) the passport?
You should go and see Hamlet, we really …………………. (love) the play.
………………………………….. (you, already, finish) the homework?
We will finally buy the car, we …………………(save) for it for five years.