Kterak se prodává Canon po internetu


Kterak se prodává Canon po internetu
Kterak se prodává Canon po internetu
Poté, co jsem inovoval strojový park, rozhodl jsem se prodat svůj zachovalý Canon EOS 50D prostřednictvím
internetového bazaru. Je ve výborném stavu, určitě někomu ještě dobře poslouží.
Prodával jsem po internetu už hodně starších modelů, ale asi byla jiná doba či co. Po zkušenostech z minulosti
jsem se vyhnul publikaci telefonního čísla a mojí mailové adresy a pro prodej jsem zvolil mailovou adresu
fiktivní ženy na serveru Centrum.cz. A začaly se dít věci. Z českých zájemců se ozval jeden pražský uchazeč,
který by případně koupil, ale jen v případě, že bych mu ho dovezl do Prahy. Po pár dnech se ozval první uchazeč
ze zahraničí. Začal obligátní otázkou, jestli je prodávaná položka ještě k dispozici a za kolik. A protože jsem
okamžitě věděl, že vítr vane z rovníkové Afriky, zavětřil jsem příležitost si s dotyčným zájemcem začít hrát.
Komunikace probíhala v angličtině. Je otázkou, která angličtina je horší, zda jeho nebo moje, ale když dva chtějí,
tak se vždycky nějak domluví...
Kurňa, když nabízí, tak trochu našponujem cenu, ne?
Yes. This item is still available. It cost $350.
------------------------------------------------------------> Od: Raul lauram <[email protected]>
> Komu: <[email protected]>
> Datum: 24.04.2015 16:16
> Předmět: Canon EOS 50D
Is the item available for sale. How much ??
Tak kolik dá navíc jenom, abych se chytil?
Thank you for your response, i will offer you $ 430 for the item
including the shipping cost to my son in Nigeria by Via POST,about the
payment i make the payment by Via bank to bank transfer, but if i make
the payment today can you send it today?if you want to call me here is
my number...+447053847216.
Nigérie, kam jinam taky, to se dalo čekat. A číslo do britské mobilní sítě, před kterou je netu mraky varování
na volání s vysokou tarifikací. Nic, hošánku. Budeme si dopisovat. S nabídkou samozřejmě souhlasím.
Hello Mr. Lauram
Thanks for your offer.
Today is Sunday, Post offices in our country are closed. I will prepare package for you son
and I will send it tomorrow.
Please send me your son's postal address.
My bank account for international payment is CZ92 0300 0000000222444555
Swift code: CEKOCZPP,
Bank: CSOB, a.s.
Bankovní účet patří nadaci Člověk v tísni jeho jméno je „Postavme školu v Africe“. Odpověď přišla
Name: Dare Michael
Address : 22,Eleyele Road
City : Ibadan
State : Oyo
Zip Code : 200284
Country : Nigeria
my son number....+2348088809497.
Člověk tohoto jména se podle Googlu nedávno snažil koupit něco z Ruska a oni ho tam vyfuckovali. To je
úroveň, takhle se chovat k rozvojovým krajinám.
A mezitím přišel ještě dovětek
ok friend,i will proceed with the payment now,so pack the item for
sending,also i want you to send me the picture of the item now,what is
your name friend?
Ano, obchod má být založen na důvěře. Tak to má být.
Dear friend.
Your package is prepared.
It contains Canon 50D body, battery charge, 3 battery blocks (1 in device, 2 extra) , 5
Compact Flash card (46 GB in total), cable remote control, video cable, Canon D50 belt,
instructions in English, 3 CD with Canon software, original package.
Tomorrow I will send this packace to your son. I will send you a copy proof of dispatch
Please send me e-mail with some proof of bank remittance.
My address is Maria Krajciova, Na Cihadle 917/32, Praha 6, ZIP 16000, Czech republic
Best regards
Jsem důvěřivá osoba. S klidem jsem mu poskytl(a) svoji adresu. Kdyby mě tam chtěl hledat, tak tam najde
nigerijskou ambasádu, tam mu třeba pomůžou.
K mailu jsem přiložil několik fotek, aby si snad, nedejbože, nemyslel, že ho chci oblafnout.
Tak, příteli, a teď je řada na tobě.
thanks for this friend,i will go and make the payment now,friend pls
it is only via register POST i want you to use and ship the item,so it
to be easy for my son to collect so that it wont cost in him money,you
know is in school,pls note use register POST to send to him,ship it in
time tomorrow morning and send the shipping details to my bank for
confirmation so that you can cash you money tomorrow also.
No, jistě, nebudu otálet, hned zítra ráno s tím letím na poštu …
Friend I’m glad to inform you that i have made the payment of the item
,and I’m sure you must have receive the confirmation mail of the payment
from my bank by now,because i have got the carbon Copy of the payment
confirmation mail from my bank.So i want you to check you INBOX,BULK And
JUNK E-mail for the payment confirmation.So i want you to proceed with the
shipment,since the payment has been approved and you have got a
confirmation mail.So i want you to go and make the shipment and send the
shipment details to my bank ,and then after the shipment has been
successfully done,so that they can able to activate your account
quickly,and here is my son number....+2348088809497.
However this is the shipment address below…
Name: Dare Michael
Address : 22,Eleyele Road
City : Ibadan
State : Oyo
Zip Code : 200284
Country : Nigeria
my son number....+2348088809497.
I urge you to kindly proceed with the shipment,because since the
payment has been confirmed ,it can never be refunded to me, so i
promise you that your account will be activated as soon as you make
the shipment and you send my bank the shipment details.
Aha, tak teď si budu dopisovat s jeho „bankou“, hmm. Tak, proč ne? Jen ten balík ještě musím stihnout
A ještě jeden mail. Panečku, ten je rychlý,
friend have finish making the payment now,go and ship and send the
shipping details to my bank for confirmation and cash your
money,friend remember send it with register POST only.
Name: Dare Michael
Address : 22,Eleyele Road
City : Ibadan
State : Oyo
Zip Code : 200284
Country : Nigeria
my son number....+2348088809497.
Odesílám potvrzení o tom, že balík byl podán na poštu.
Hello Mr. Lauram
Package for your son was sended.Czech Post
office parcel number is BX025863700444.
Direct service without additional charge and
duty. All fees are paid.
Shipping time to Nigeria is ten days.
My bank account for international payment is
CZ92 0300 0000000222444555
Swift code: CEKOCZPP,
Bank: CSOB, a.s.
Please send me some proof of paymenet
Best regards
Pravda chvilku trvalo, než jsem našel nějaký font, který
se aspoň přibližně podobá poštovním jehličkovým
tiskárnám a taky pouze s windowsím Malováním to
bylo trochu složitější, ale můj obchodní partner bude
pravděpodobně spokojený. Telefonní číslo na podacím
lístku patří nigerijskému velvyslanectví v Praze.
A začíná přihořívat. Zatím jenom potvrzení od něj, že už zaplatil v bance. Přecházíme na HTML dopisování
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Lloyds Bank International <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 8:47 AM
Subject: *** Lloyds Bank International ***Finish Auction Transaction For Recent Transfer Updates!!!!
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Dear Valued Customer Maria Krajciova
Congratulations !!! You have received an AUCTION Payment of $ 430;00 from Mr Raul Lauram and As
mentioned in the receipt of Payment and as per New Lloyds Bank Auction Payment policy, we have fully debited the total
amount (above) from the buyer's account which included the Transport/Delivery(Local Post Office).
In order to complete this transaction and get the funds approved in your account. We advice you go to
nearest Courier Office, and send the Shipment Tracking Number to us and send us a Scanned Copy/Photograph
of your Courier Office Receipt (in .JPG Format).
NOTE: This is important as a security measure to ensure safety of this transaction. Please, contact the payee of
the transfer and have the name and address of the Shipping Address where the Item would be sent...Your
Account will be credited accordingly upon the receipt of details requested should either be sent in JPG format or
send type details..
ATTENTION : We were ordered to do this by the State government to cancel fraud from Online business.. We
assure you 100% of getting your money once you make the shipment and send the full shipment document to us
because we will contact you and your bank with the Activation Pin and Link to cash all your money... ..
You may contact Lloyds Bank customer service at [email protected] and Quote the Above Transfer
Number for quick recognition of this transaction or reply to this message directly using the reply button in your email to
submit the required information .
Thanks for Using Lloyds Bank for your Online Transfer....
ANTONIO HORTA-OSORIO President &Chief Executive Officer..
Lloyds Banking Group Dept..
E-mail :[email protected]
Tak významná banka a má zákaznický servis na freemailu. To jsou věci, to by jeden neuvěřil.
A vzápětí potvrzení o tom, že peníze jsou „na účtě“
Dear Valued Customer Maria Krajciova
Congratulations !!! This acknowledgment sets forth certain terms upon which {Mr Raul Lauram} is
interested in acquiring some Items concerning your Adverts and has completed and transfer the Total Amount of
430;00 To your Bank Account..
The Financial Details of the Transaction are stated below:
CSOB, a.s.
Czech Republic
Maria Krajciova
CZ92 0300 0000000222444555
$ 430;00
This is to confirm to you that the said amount has been successfully transferred by the
Sender and been deducted from his Bank Account which is ready to be credited into your
account, been that this Payment has been subjected to be a Payment for a ITEM purchased
from you, we reserve the right to make sure this transaction is safe and secured also to
verify the legitimacy level on this transaction because of the high sum of funds involved.
Reakce na zaslaný podací lístek
ok friend i will want you to send it also to my bank so that they can
confirm it and activate your money for you now,when my bank get back
to you let me know ok,thanks.
Dobrá tedy, hrajeme dál. Kontaktuju „banku“
I send you a proof about shipping an ITEM via Czech Post Office for activate payment
The Financial Details of the Transaction are stated below:
CSOB, a.s.
Czech Republic
Maria Krajciova
CZ92 0300 0000000222444555
$ 430;00
A bance to není recht (vynechávám všechny ty loga a podpisy)
Dear Valued Customer,
We are sorry for getting back to you so late, Our management confirmed that the
tracking number you have sent to us is not valid and has not be activated or updated online
and we need to verify all this so as to assure both parties of good transaction..We urge
you to contact the
POST and make a complain about the tracking number so that they can
update it in other to get it tracked online.....LLoyds will await your fast response
Thanks for using Lloyds Bank for your online transfer and we want you to bear with
us and we are here to serve you better...
Sakra, ani kupující Afričan se nemůže dostat na trackování balíku. Že by nějaká chyba.
Thanks for the email..i track the item now and it has not been updated
online..kindly contact the post to know how you can track it ok...
No, jo. Chudáci se nemůžou podívat, jestli balík skutečně odešel. Tak to se musí vyřešit. Vše pro zahraničního
klienta. Využívám toho, že jeden z českých freemailů má doménu post.cz a zakládám mailovou schránku
[email protected] a potřebnou informaci zasílám „bance“.
I contacted a customer service center of Czech Post office and I have these results for
Tracking service is available from Czech IP addresses only because this service was abused
by international groups of fraudsters. For international customers is needed to be
registered via internet form and registration process must be confirmed by notarized copy
of passport for individuals or deed of foundation for the organization. Access is charged.
The cost is $ 30 per year. Registration process is very long way. May be a month.
Other faster way for you. Please contact tracking center of Czech post at mail address
[email protected] and send needed tracking number (package number). After the necessary
checks they send you a tracking history. No payment is needed. This service is free.
Best regards
Maria Krajciova
A teď ze sebe musím udělat trošku idiota a současně zprávu, co jsem poslal „bance“, poslat ještě klientovi.
Which tracking do you mean? Payment transfer or package delivery?
For payment contact your bank.
About problems with delivery tracking posted via Czech post office I wrote to Lloyd Bank
International these informations.
"I contacted a customer service center of Czech Post office and I have these results for
Tracking service is available from Czech IP addresses only because this service was abused
by international groups of fraudsters. For international customers is needed to be
registered via internet form and registration process must be confirmed by notarized copy
of passport for individuals or deed of foundation for the organization. Access is charged.
The cost is $ 30 per year. Registration process is very long way. May be a month.
Other faster way for you. Please contact tracking center of Czech post at mail address
[email protected] and send needed tracking number (package number). After the necessary
checks they send you a tracking history. No payment is needed. This service is free."
Best regards
Banka bude řešit, co s tím dál. Asi jsem je trochu vykolejil
OK..Our management will get back to you soon
A Raul taky odpovídá
friend i don't understand again,you should have cash your money by now
but the tracking number is not tracking,and if he did not track my
bank wont release the money yet,maybe you should go back there and
tell them that the tracking number did not track online,you too can
check it your self,when i check it now see what he tell me......
Consignment No. CS032606065CZ: There is no record for a consignment
with this posting number.
Co to mele za blbost, takové číslo jsem mu neposílal, kde to vzal? Chvíle googlení a ejhle. Odkaz
z vyhledávače vede při vyhledávání trackování balíku České pošty na tohle číslo balíku. To se musí využít,
když si takhle pěkně naběhl na vidle.
Dear friend
I don't know what tracking number is CS032606065CZ
I sended to you yesterday at 10:52am this
-----------------------------------------Package for your son was sended.Czech Post office parcel number is BX025863700444.
Direct service without additional charge and duty. All fees are paid.
Shipping time to Nigeria is ten days.
Ráno moudřejší večera, nechávám Raula i uživatelskou podporu banky vyspat a trochu do nich začnu šít.
Podráždím banku. (na fiktivní adrese trackování balíků se neozvali)
I still waiting for proof about payment process.
Do you may inform me about this. I meen that payment process is prolonged by your side.
Banka přece nebude před klientem vypadat blbě a tak tedy
Valued Customer,
Our management are very sorry for getting back to you so late..We want you to know
that we have confirmed the shipment details from you and the payment is under processing
because we have proceed with the Activation of all your money to your account and we will
send you and your bank the Activation Pin and Link of all your money within the next 24 to
48 Hours so that you can cash your money at your bank account...
Thanks for using Lloyds Bank for your online transfer and we are sorry for the
inconveniences this may have caused but we want you to bear with us and we are here to
serve you better...
Sakra, jak se jim ten balík povedlo ověřit? Jsou to pašáci. Tak sláva, peníze jsou na cestě :-D
Ale Raul v tom má nějaký hokej, on blbýho dělat může…
friend where did you see the number you send again?friend go back to
the post now tell them that they did not update the item online,let
them now that the tracking number did not track online,ask them how
can will track it,you should have cash your money by now but the item
you send did not track what happen?the number you send to me now when
i try to track it see what is saying..................
Consignment No. CS032606065CZ: There is no record for a consignment
with this posting number.
you can see i don't understand again.
Ach bože, Raule, to tě musím vodit za ručičku. Co neudělat pro dobrý obchodní vztah. Tak tedy polopatě.
In my e-mail with date 27.04.15 10:52am I was attached scan proof of posting.
Tracking number in this document is BX025863700444
I sending it again. The number in attachement is now highlighted.
I say again. I don't know the number CS032606065CZ. This number I didn't sent to you in any
my e-mail.
Your bank confirmed that the deposited amount was transferred to my account. I mean that
tracking number was verified by bank in this case.
Pohádka o komunikaci s bankou
wait let me contact my bank.
Problémy s trackováním má Raul pořád, je to lopata
friend you too track for your self now anything you see send it to me.
No, dobrá, tak mu to teda pošlu, když mi nevěří, ale mohl bych trošku začít s tou nedůvěrou i já (trocha
editace uložené HTML stránky České pošty) a schválně v češtině, ať si hoch trochu užije
To tell you the truth. I'm starting to worry about your confidence in me. :-(
Raul mě vyvádí z nejistoty. Všechno je v pořádku. Moje peníze jsou na cestě. Ještě, že má tak dobrou banku.
Sežral to i s navijákem.
Im sorry for the late response..so you have nothing to worry about and my bank have
confirmed the shipment details from you so my bank will credit your account within the next
24 to 48 hours and this is because it is an international transfer and thats the normal
international transfer limit..
so you have nothing to worry about..
let me know once my bank contact you ok.
Tak a teď si Raul myslí, že je všechno v pořádku, tak mu trošku zabrnkám na nervy
Dear "Mr Lauram"
Do you try to deceive me?
Confirmation of payment at the bank Lloyd is false. No money from you are not placed in
those bank.
Now we'll start again and it will be by my rules.
- Now (i mean today) you will send the amount of $ 430 to my account number: CZ92 0300
0000000222444555, SWIFT CODE:
CEKOCZPP in bank CSOB, a.s., Czech republic through the
- I will not receive a certificate of deposit in a non-existent bank
- Immediately you will send me a scan of a bank statement. This will be confirmed by the
bank. On it will be today's date, amount, payee's account and the bank's stamp. This
document is issued by any bank in the world including Nigeria.
- The package is currently suspended in postal depot in the port of Naples. It will be
released after the amount is credited to my account.
- In case I do not get requested confirmation I cancel a delivery service and I give the
command to return the package. The Post will be enforce a cost of transfer back in the
amount of insurance of package + administrative fees to the recipient ie. Mr. Michael Dare.
- An action for fraud against Michael Dare, 22 Eleyele Rd, Ibadan is ready at the same
time. It will be submitted to a court of Oyo State through the Czech Embassy in Abuja.
Initially, it is prepared to deal with a lawyer in Ibadan, who will represent me.
Thank you for understanding
Tak se ukaž, frajere.
Odpověď trvala celý den, asi nemohl najít doklad. Ale zato se pěkně rozhorlil. Musím uznat, že kreativita mu
What do you mean?. Did you not receive the notification from the Bank in your email
address?. Check your email thoroughly including your spam/bulk messages, maybe the payment
confirmation/notification got stock somewhere in about the safety of this transaction
because, I am already out of my money and yet to set my eyes on what I paid for. I
will like to inform you that Lloyds Bank is a world payment body and will not jeopardize
the name of there company because, of this single transaction.Lloyds Bank is responsible
for the completion and processing of this transaction. I have already had your money sent
and the total amount deducted from my account and this process can not be undone due to
Lloyds Bank high security measures.
Lloyds Bank will not release the hold on your money until they confirm all transaction data
from you correctly. Implore you to proceed as instructed because, with Lloyds Bank ,you
are always on a secured transaction. I will also notify Lloyds Bank of this development for
record purpose. I hope to read from you as soon as possible
I wait to hear from you soon....I understand but i want u to know that u will not be able
to cash any money in your account without my bank not confirming the shipment details
correctly from u..so i want u to try your possible best to get the shipment done and get it
updated online correctly after i have made the payment and get back to my bank for them to
confirm the shipment details correctly after it has been tracked online so that they can
send u and your bank the activation pin and link to cash all your money in your account and
above document is the payment receipt for this transfer i have made..
hope u understand me and i will be looking forward to hear from u soonest…
Tak přitvrdíme. Trocha Photoshopu a voilá (zejména adresa pobočky se povedla)
What do you try? I know
my mailbox. I did read
all the e-mails from
you and from the
I wanted a bank
document from you. With
date, with bank stamp.
You're writing, you're
gonna pay via
international bank
transfer. And yesterday
you sended me an
embarrassing copy of
counterfeit bank check
and you pretend it like
bank deposit. Without
date, without bank
stamp but with crazy
photoshoped my billing
informations and some
signature. Do you thing
that you write with a
stupid blonde?
I am sending a document
for you in the email
attachment. Because it
is in Czech I'll
translate to you some
important sentences.
... Lloyds 'bank does
not record the
LY4487092TSB dated
April 27, 2015 in favor
of IBAN CZ92 0300
000000222444555 in the
amount of 430 USD.
... Submitted
verification of online
transactions does not
come from the
information system
Llyons bank.
... Lloyds Bank does
not deferred
transaction is dependent on third party verification.
... E-mail address on the submitted certificate isn't the contact address Lloyd Banks or
other entity Lloyds group.
... This confirmation is granted to her own request as evidence for legal action.
I still waiting for some valid document from you. You know the conditions.
Dám mu pár dní a pak mu ještě trochu zahýbu žaludečníma šťávama.
A hned druhý den. (všimněte si naprosté změny stylu psaní, na mail odpovídá někdo jiný z bandy)
so what re you trying to say....do u think i e fraud u or what?i dont
Ano, přesně to chci říct. Když dojdou argumenty, dělá ze sebe hloupýho
Poslední výhrůžka a v pondělí mu pošlu nějaké potvrzení, že se balík vrací zpátky do Čech
You understood very well.
I'm thinking only, but the bank is sure.
Your time has run out.
Command to return the package will be given on Monday, because the public holiday is in our
country today and the next two days post offices are closed.
Until Monday you can still change the situation when you will send the required bank
Raulův poslední mdlý pokus zvrátit situaci
I have told you everything and the transfer is still valid and ready
to be activated to your account..so do not disturb the shipment of the
item and contact my bank on monday morning to credit your account ok..
hope you understand me..
Nebudu se bavit s tvojí bankou, už to sakra pochop. Beru jeho bankovní potvrzení o platbě a maličko ho
Dear fraudster
I will not contact your bank because "your bank" is not a bank but your fictitious page on the
internet copied into the email text. "Your bank" customer service email address is your email
adress on some freemail server.
I visited Real Lloyds Bank on Wednesday and a copy of the confirmation I sent you.
What are you still playing? Are you playing for time? Unnecessarily. The package is
SUSPENDED in the port of Naples. It is still in Europe and will stay there until I will give
an order.
To Ibadan it arrive on condition that you pay through REAL BANK.
I refund your fake money too
---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Lloyds Bank International <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Apr 30, 2015 at 3:21 PM
Subject: *** Lloyds Bank International ***Transfer # : LY449868TSC***
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Dear Valued Customer Raul Lauram
Congratulations !!! Your money transfer to {Mrs. Maria Krajciova} was cancelled and Total Amount of
430;00 was refunded to your Bank Account..
The Financial Details of the Transaction are stated below:
Lloyds Fraud Bank
Raul Lauram
NG89 1234 0000000876543210
$ 430;00
This is to confirm to you that the said amount has been successfully refunded by the
Receiver and been prepared for your Bank Account which is ready to be credited into your
account, been that this Payment has been identified as a fake..
Please check the above Information if they are correct as Entered by our Numerous Customer.If you are having any
problem with it just contact the Transfer Manager at ( [email protected] )...
Your bank account will be activated with the money immediately after you made the payment for recipient via existing
bank. This measure is taken in order to protect both seller and buyer interests and to reduce the occurrence of fraudulent
NOTE: This is to confirm to you that the said amount has been successfully refunded by the Receiver and been deducted
from his Bank Account which is ready to be credited into your account, been that this Payment has been subjected to be a
payment for receiver from you via existing bank, we reserve the right to make sure this transaction is safe and secured also
to verify the legitimacy level on this transaction because of the high sum of funds involved.
You will not receive a Message from the Lloyds Bank Customer Verification Department (As per Lloyds Fraud Bank REAL
PAYMENT POLICY). You may contact Lloyds Bank customer service or by replying directly to this confirmation message by
using the reply button in your email and Quote the Above Transfer Number for quick recognition of this transaction.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience or delay this may cause,we will like you to verify your bank information properly
and see that there is no mistake.If there is, kindly contact us through: [email protected]
Thanks for Using Lloyds Fraud Bank for your Online Transfer....
ANTONIA HORTENSIA-NASERSI President &Chief Executive Officer..
Lloyds Fraud Banking Group Dept..
E-mail :[email protected]
Tak a teď, když už jsem mu „vrátil“ tebou „poslané“ peníze, jsem zvědavý, s čím zase přijde
Je pondělí ráno. Je čas podráždit podvodníka
Because you did not pay, package is returned to me.
All costs will be charged to the Michael Dare. Czech Post joins the filed action.
Other issues will execute my lawyer Mr. Emmanuel Chambers, 80 Adekunle Fajuyi Rd., Ibadan.
Ještě, že jsem si nehrál s žádným potvrzením od České pošty, protože vzápětí přišlo toto
This is the mail system at Centrum Holdings
I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.
For further assistance, please contact your system administrator.
If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.
The mail system
---------Reporting-MTA: dns; gmmr1.centrum.cz
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: E957B8004768
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; [email protected]
Arrival-Date: Mon,
4 May 2015 08:53:14 +0200 (CEST)
Final-Recipient: rfc822; [email protected]
Original-Recipient: rfc822;[email protected]
Action: failed
Status: 5.2.1
Remote-MTA: dns; gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.2.1 The email account that you tried to reach is disabled.
ex20si21276326wjd.87 – gsmtp
A to to je konec pohádky, podvodník smazal mail... A založil nový a zkouší to dál. Nemá cenu publikovat jeho
adresu jako varování. Takhle jsem ho alespoň okradl o čas, který mohl věnovat někomu, koho by se mu třeba
okrást podařilo.