Term Planner 3 - Reception


Term Planner 3 - Reception
Term Planner 3 - Reception
National Curriculum of England
Communication and Language
During Term 3, children will continue to learn their letter sounds and move on to digraphs. We will continue to expand our vocabulary
to answer 'how' and 'why' questions. Children will be encouraged to use more complex sentences to link thoughts using words such
as 'and, because'.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Reception has been working hard on becoming more independent throughout the day. Children will now work towards using the
confidence they have built up to take more risks. We will encourage them to initiate conversations and communicate freely with
others. Show and Tell will continue during this term, which has been very successful so far!
Physical Development
In PE this term we will be focusing on movement through dance. We will experiment with rhythm and how to move to express
ourselves. We will be learning a variety of songs and dances during the next few weeks. Children will also be working on a dance to
perform just for you at the end of the term!
Children will be working with fantasy stories this term. Reception will be looking closely at fairy tales and other types of books to learn
story language and openers. Children will continue to link sounds to letters and begin to read words and simple sentences. We will
also begin to write simple words using the phonics knowledge we have been building the past few terms.
Reception will continue to work on counting up to 100, recognising double digit numbers independently. Children will start to count in
various ways, counting in 10's and counting backwards from 10. We will be comparing items by length, height, and weight this term,
using manipulatives and scales to help us make observations.
Understanding the World
This term we will be focusing on the topic of Space. We will explore and discover the planets, stars, and all about the galaxy. We will
be learning through a fun Role-Play Area, excursions, and hands-on play. Children will be encouraged to comment on and ask
questions about the world around them and investigate to find the answers.
Expressive Arts and Design
Children will be focusing on Native American art this term. They will use symbols and pictures to think about and create their own
stories. Reception will construct dream catchers and teepees using a variety of materials. Children will make feathered headdress and
learn to dance and move like a Native American.
Czech Curriculum
V českém jazyce se budeme nadálet věnovat poznávání písmenek T, D, N, Ť, Ď, Ň. Provázet nás budou také číslice od 1 do 10 a
početní operace s nimi. Budeme je porovnávat a třídit dle různých kritérií. Budeme si také povídat o světě dinosaurů. Nadále se
budeme věnovat tématu zimy ve městě i v přírodě. Naučíme se písničku Měla babka 4 jabka a naučíme se k ní jednoduchý taneček.
Welcome back, Reception! I
hope you all had a wonderful
holiday. I cannot believe term 3
is already here. We will
continue working hard, meeting
our goals while learning about
Planetarium - TBA
Diary Dates
6 January - Return to school!
Thank you for all your support
with Big Talk! The kids enjoy
talking about what they
discussed with you at home.
15 January - Reading
Workshop with Miss Sarah
22 January - Music Day
Parent Assembly - 20 February
Miss Sam
24-28 February - Holiday
This term we will begin Big