Term Planner Y1 - Term 2


Term Planner Y1 - Term 2
Term Planner Y1 - Term 2
National Curriculum of England
In Maths this term, we will continue to handle data and use positional language to give directions. We will also be estimating and
weighing moon rocks and measuring the length and width of space ships. We will be starting to explore subtraction and addition in
more detail and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
In Literacy, children will be exploring fantasy stories with a large focus on alien stories by the end of the term. Children will also
continue to label and classify animals at the beginning of term. Children will learn to write instructions for the first time in detail.
In Science this term, we will continue to look at Czech forests, it's wildlife and plants. Then we will be begin to look at space. We will
explore the planets, the sun and basic forces. We will also investigate different sorts of materials; identifying, exploring and describing
In Geography we will distinguish between near and far. We will also identify landmarks on a map such as forests and think about how
towns and villages might affect local forests. We will think about weather patterns in Prague and explore the history of NASA and
famous people that have been there.
Art and Design Technology
In Art, students will create self-portraits and lanscapes in the style of famous artists. Children will also help to create a space-themed
role-play, make planets and build moon buggies for small world play. They will also explore drawing with a dark and light theme.
This term we will learn about making and controlling a space craft. We will also create a rocket animation picture and create a picture
storybook using ICT elements of a space exploration story. Children will also use exciting ICT resources to explore light and dark at
Physical Education
In PE this term, the children will be completing a NASA style obstacle course with Mr Simon and perform a space dance. Children will
complete astronaut training, which includes lots of movement and dance. Children will also begin to practice for their Winter Concert in
Czech Curriculum
V těchto podzimně-zimních měsících budeme sledovat změny v přírodě, tradice a zvyky v ČR. Budeme poslouchat a vyprávět si
dobrodružné pohádky i příběhy. Naučíme se vánoční básničky a budeme zpívat písničky a koledy. Seznámíme se s písmenky V F K G
H CH. Budeme počítat do sta, porovnávat čísla, odhadovat délku a rozeznávat geometrické tvary.Uvědomíme si čas.
Please remember to bring your
green bag for the childrens'
homework. We don't want
them to lose it before it gets
home :)
Prague Planetarium - TBC
Black Light Theatre - TBC
Diary Dates
17.11: School Closed
20.11: PL/Nessie Open Day
21.11: Environment Day
5.12: Mikulas and Winter
13.12: Winter Market @
Prague 1 campus
19.12: 1/2 of school, Winter
Holidays begin
5.01: Back to school!
-Spelling Log: to be completed
Monday through Friday
-At Home Reading: please
remember to read with your
child at least 3 times per week,
along with their sight words.
Many thanks for your support
on this! The children are
making great progress!