velká zkouška!! midterm exam!!


velká zkouška!! midterm exam!!
Čeština 115/351
•Nová slova!
-Can you use all our words in short sentences?
-What words have antonyms or synonyms in Czech that we already know?
-What are typical word combinations?
-Could you write a dialog similar to those in the lessons?
-What questions can we ask and answer (kdo, co, jak, čí, proč, jaký, který)?
-Can you answer those questions about yourself and your family?
-Can you ask those questions of another person?
-Numbers 1-89
-jeden/jedna/jedno + nominativ singuláru, dva/dvě, tři, čtyři + nominativ plurálu
-Sloveso ‘být’
-Slovesa: dělat, mluvit, studovat, psát, číst... How do they conjugate?
-’se’ (jmenovat se, učit se, mít se): 2nd position in the sentence!
-maskulinum, femininum nebo neutrum?
-adjektiva! (jaký/jaká/jaké...)
-můj, tvůj, jeho, její, náš, váš, jejich (čí?)
-vokativ [when to use it and what the endings are]
-nominativ singuláru a plurálu!
-formální versus neformální situace
-Američan versus americký (versus americky), Rus versus ruský, Rakušan versus rakouský...
-ten, ta, to (tenhle, tahle, tohle / tamten, tamta, tamto) :: ti/ty, ty, ta…
-tvrdé nebo měkké?
-adverbia: plynně, velmi dobře, docela dobře, trochu, málo...
- písničky! texty v učebnici!
Test format (similar to test for Lekce 1): open-ended questions; section on the vocative;
section on nom plurals; fill-in-the-blanks section to test word and grammatical form
knowledge; vocab section (antonyms?); and sentence-writing/essay section. For the oral, see >
Čeština 115/351, Guide to Oral Test
The oral may consist of any of the following:
•A sample reading: you will read a short text outloud (can you read Czech smoothly?)
and then answer questions on the passage (in Czech).
•General questions about you (how you are, what languages you know, what your family
members’ names are and what languages they know, your nationality, etc.).
•Questions about things (what’s there? how many? what are they like?).
•A situation (dialog!) in which you ask ME questions (since I’m a shy Czech that you’ve just
met at a party).