Maths – a fraction of a party


Maths – a fraction of a party
Maths – a fraction of a party – teacher’s notes
Heavy metal or techno? Steve and the Prof are planning a party by can’t seem to agree. After going
through what food and drink they have (using there is/are/is some and there isn’t/aren’t any/isn’t
any for various countable and uncountable nouns) it seems that the best thing to do is to divide the
food and drink and have two parties, a techno party for Steve’s eight guests and a heavy metal party
for the Prof’s six guests. So, how much pizza will Steve’s eight guests get if he takes 2/3 of the
whole? It is this problem that leads the Prof to explain how to divide fractions, and the students get
some practice of doing this while thinking about negotiating and compromising under the ‘personal
development’ cross curricular subject.
Suggested pauses
How many things on the table can you remember? Use; there is/there are/there is some...
There is a cake, there is a sandwich, there are some biscuits, there is some orange juice and
there is some pate.
How many things does the Prof say is missing? Use; there isn’t a/there aren’t any/there isn’t any...
There isn’t a watermelon, there aren’t any nuts, there aren’t any bread sticks, there isn’t
any coke.
(NB: sandwiches are not listed here because they are not missing from the table, they are there but
just not enough)
Why did they decide to have two parties instead of one?
Because the Prof wants a heavy metal party but Steve wants a techno party.
How do you write eight as an improper fraction?
8/1 or continue watching to find out
How would you make 8/1 into a reciprocal fraction?
1/8 four continue watching to find out
Continue watching if dividing fractions is new for your students, if not as your students to complete
the following:
¾ ÷8 and ¼÷ 6
Answer 3/32 and 1/24 or continue watching to listen to the working out.
Encourage the students to work out the calculation on the screen
½ ÷ (6+8) =- ?
Answer 1/28
Listen to the Prof giving the students and the final language based task, to plan their own party and
to describe what there is to eat and drink using; there is/ there are / there is some.
Matematika – A Fraction of a Party
Heavy metal nebo techno? Steve a profesor se nemohou shodnout, jaký typ večírku uspořádat.
Když zjistí, jaké jídlo a pití mají (používají there is/are/is some and there isn’t/aren’t any/isn’t any),
nakonec to vypadá, že jídlo a pití rozdělí a uspořádají večírky dva - techno party pro osm Stevových
přátel a heavy metalovou party pro šest profesorových přátel. Jak ovšem jídlo rozdělit? Profesor se
tím dostává k tomu, jak dělit zlomky.
Doporučené pauzy a otázky/úkoly pro studenty během sledování klipu:
How many things on the table can you remember?
Používáme vazby there is/there are/there is some...
There is a cake, there is a sandwich, there are some biscuits, there is some orange juice and
there is some pate.
How many things does the Prof say is missing?
Používáme vazby there isn’t a/there aren’t any/there isn’t any...
There isn’t a watermelon, there aren’t any nuts, there aren’t any bread sticks, there isn’t any
(Pozn.: sendviče zmíněné nejsou, protože na stole nechybějí , jsou ale, ale není jich dost)
Why did they decide to have two parties instead of one?
Because the professor wants a heavy metal party but Steve wants a techno party.
How do you write eight as an improper fraction?
How would you make 8/1 into a reciprocal fraction?
Žáci vypočítají následující:
¾ ÷8
¼÷ 6
Správná odpověď: 3/32 a 1/24
Vyzveme žáky, aby vypočítali příklad, který je na obrazovce: Work out the calculation on the green.
½ ÷ (6+8) =- ?
Odpověď: 1/28
Žáci mají za úkol naplánovat svou vlastní party a popsat, co všechno nakoupí.