Maths: Bizarre Bazaar In this short clip, Steve is in an


Maths: Bizarre Bazaar In this short clip, Steve is in an
Maths: Bizarre Bazaar
In this short clip, Steve is in an Egyptian bazaar and needs to negotiate a price for a scarf with the
shop keeper. Once the price is agreed at $60 for two scarves Steve realises he doesn’t have enough
money. In his wallet he has $50.00 and several Euros.
The main problem of the children need to solve with the professor is, how many Euros make $10.00,
if the exchange rate is 4:5. This exchange rate is given at the beginning of the clip (at 1 minute 40)
and is repeated by the professor again at 6 minutes 08 seconds. Therefore the calculation is simply
(4 / 5) *10 = 8 which means that Steve should give the salesman $50.00 and an extra €8.00.
At the end of the clip the communication line between Steve and the professor breaks down, and he
does Steve is unsure of the maths use conned by the salesman into paying $50.00 and €16.00. The
professor then encourages the children to practice more problems like this so they won't get conned
in the future. This leaves it open for the teacher to set similar problems in the remainder of the
Suggested pauses:
What does Steve want to buy?
Steve wants to buy a present for his Mum and his girlfriend.
How much is the scarf in both Dollars and Euros?
$50.00 or €40.00
Who is belly dancing?
Steve's girlfriend
Who is belly dancing?
What is the final price negotiated for one scarf? - $30.00
How much of a discount did Steve negotiate off the original price? - $20.00
What percentage of the discount did Steve negotiate off the original price? – 40%
If $50.00 is the same as €40.00, how many Euros is $1.00? – Play until 07.00 or give the answer of
0.8 or €0.80.
How many Euros make $10.00? – play until 07.26 or give the answer of €8.00
End of the clip
How many Euros did Steve give the salesman? - €16.00
So $50.00 and €16.00 is how many dollars in total? $70.00
How many dollars more did Steve pay for each scarf above the negotiated price of $30.00? – $5.00
What is that as a percentage above the negotiated price? - Approximately 17%
Matematika: Bizarre Bazaar
V tomto krátkém klipu se Steve ocitne na tržnici v Egyptě. Chce koupit šátek své přítelkyni a své
mamince a vyjednává cenu s prodavačem. Když je cena za oba šátky dohodnuta ($60), Steve si
uvědomí, že nemám dost peněz. V peněžence má $50.00 a několik Eur.
Hlavní problém, který žáci musejí spolu s profesorem vyřešit, je, kolik Eur je $10.00, jestliže kurz je
4:5. Tento kurz měny je uveden na začátku klipu (1:40) a profesor ho opakuje v čase 6:08. Výpočet je
jednoduchý 4/5 x 10 = 8, což znamená, že Steve musí prodavači zpalatit $50.00 plus €8.00.
Na konci klipu komunikace mezi Stevem a profesorem je přerušena. Prodavač vycítí, že Steve si není
jistý v matematice a ošidí ho. Steve zaplatí $50.00 a €16.00. Profesor pak vyzývá žáky, aby řešili
podobné matematické problémy, aby v budoucnu nebyli ošizeni jako Steve. Učitel/ka pak může
zadávat další podobné úlohy k řešení.
Doporučené pauzy a otázky/úkoly pro studenty během sledování klipu:
What does Steve want to buy?
Steve wants to buy a present for his Mum and his girlfriend.
How much is the scarf in both Dollars and Euros?
$50.00 or €40.00
Who is belly dancing?
Steve's girlfriend
Who is belly dancing?
What is the final price negotiated for one scarf? - $30.00
How much of a discount did Steve negotiate off the original price? - $20.00
What percentage of the discount did Steve negotiate off the original price? – 40%
If $50.00 is the same as €40.00, how many Euros is $1.00? – Přehrajeme do času 07.00 nebo žáci
odpoví hned a pak si odpověď zkontrolují podle klipu (0.8 nebo €0.80).
How many Euros make $10.00? – přehrajeme do 07.26 nebo předem žáci odpoví (€8.00).
Konec klipu
How many Euros did Steve give the salesman? - €16.00
So $50.00 and €16.00 is how many dollars in total? $70.00
How many dollars more did Steve pay for each scarf above the negotiated price of $30.00? – $5.00
What is that as a percentage above the negotiated price? - Approximately 17%