Biology - Steve`s Anatomy In this clip, Steve is late for


Biology - Steve`s Anatomy In this clip, Steve is late for
Biology - Steve’s Anatomy
In this clip, Steve is late for a meeting with the Professor. We see Steve shaving in the bathroom
when the professor appears on a TV screen to tell him to hurry up. Steve then undergoes a series of
accidents that finally puts him in hospital. While Steve is in casualty he drifts in and out of
consciousness and the Dr examines him only to find that there is nothing wrong with him.
Steve passes out for the last time, but not before he makes eye contact with an attractive young
nurse, who gets Steve’s heart beating quickly.
Steve is woken by the professor who appears on a big plasma screen at the end of Steve’s bed. Steve
describes the series of accidents that put him in hospital and the professor shows the different parts
of Steve’s anatomy that could be damaged by such accidents. This can be viewed as a springboard
which leads to a more in-depth discussion / analysis of the human anatomy and issues of safety.
At 05.37 the students are asked to use what the professor told Steve to match internal organs to the
parts of the skeleton that protect them. For higher level language students you may wish to give the
following template: The (organ) is protected by the (part of skeleton). This can also lead to
discussion and analysis of passive forms and structures when the students are focusing on language.
Finally the students are asked a series of discussion questions.
Have you ever broken a bone? Which one? Then tell your friends about it.
As well as being a fluency based language exercise, this could be followed up with a review of the
present perfect, re: Have you ever...
Suggested Pauses
01.05 – Is Steve having a good day? No. Can you write a list of the accidents Steve has had? What
has happened to him? Please finish this sentence:
Steve is in hospital because...
he has cut himself shaving.
he has hurt his leg / has pulled a muscle in his leg.
he has banged his head.
he has fallen down some steps.
he has been run over / hit by a car
If your students are not comfortable using the present perfect, answers in the past simple can be
01.35 - Why does the screen keep going black? Who is Steve smiling at, and why?
Steve is losing consciousness / Steve is unconscious.
Steve is smiling at the nurse because he likes / fancies / loves her.
02.26 – What should you do before you start running?
You should stretch your muscles before you start running.
03.11 – The professor told Steve about two possible injuries from hitting your head. What are they
and which one is the most serious?
A bruise and concussion / MTBI
Concussion / MTBI is more serious than a bruise.
What should you do to avoid banging your head?
You should look where you are going.
04.24 – What do you usually have to do after breaking a bone?
You have to wear a plaster cast and you have to go to physiotherapy.
05.34 – What bones has Steve broken? Why is Steve’s heart beating faster?
Steve hasn’t broken any bones
Steve’s heart is beating faster because he is attracted to / in love with the nurse.
06.01 – Give the students time to complete the task and check that they have written the following
The brain is protected by the skull
The heart is protected by the ribcage
The spinal cord is protected by the backbone / spine
06.14 – Give the students time to discuss their answers to the professors questions. Have you ever
broken a bone? Which bone did you break?
06.15 - Before playing the final section of the clip ask the students what they think happens next.
The answer is that Steve does a cartwheel and runs out of the hospital.
Přírodopis - Steve’s Anatomy
V tomto klipu Steve přichází pozdě na schůzku s profesorem. Vidíme Steva, jak se holí v koupelně,
když se v daném okamžiku na televizní obrazovce objeví profesor, který Stevovi říká, aby si pospíšil.
Stevovi se cestou za profesorem stane několik nehod, a tak nakonec musí do nemocnice. Zatímco
Steve leží na úrazovém oddělení, střídavě upadá do bezvědomí a probouzí se z něj a lékař ho
vyšetřuje, aby zjistil, zda nedošlo k vážnému zranění.
Steve naposledy omdlí, ale ještě před tím se jeho oči střetnou s očima mladé atraktivní sestřičky,
která Stevovi zvýší tepovou frekvenci.
Steve je probuzen profesorem, který se objeví na velké plazmové obrazovce u Stevova lůžka. Steve
popisuje sérii nehod, které ho přivedly až do nemocnice, a profesor ukazuje různé části Stevova těla,
které mohly být při takových nehodách poškozeny. Tuto část klipu můžeme využít jako odrazový
můstek pro hlubší diskusi/analýzu o lidské anatomii a otázkách bezpečnosti.
V čase 5:37 jsou žáci vyzváni, aby spojili vnitřní orgány s částmi skeletu, které je chrání. Žáci s vyšší
jazykovou úrovní mohou tvořit věty podle vzoru: The (organ) is protected by the (part of skeleton).
V tomto případě se můžeme věnovat, co se jazykové stránky týče, pasivním formám sloves.
Na závěr žáci dostávají různé otázky: Zlomil/a sis někdy kost? Kterou? Povídej nám o tom. Zde
můžeme opakovat pravidla užívání předpřítomného času v otázce a odpovědi.
Doporučené pauzy a otázky/úkoly pro studenty během sledování klipu:
01.05 – Is Steve having a good day? No. Can you write a list of the accidents Steve has had? What
has happened to him? Please finish this sentence:
Steve is in hospital because...
he has cut himself shaving.
he has hurt his leg / has pulled a muscle in his leg.
he has banged his head.
he has fallen fell down some steps.
he has been run over / hit by a car
Pozn.: Pokud mají žáci problém užívat předpřítomný čas, necháme je odpovídat v minulém čase
prostém. Je to z jazykového hlediska přijatelné.
01.35 - Why does the screen keep going black? Who is Steve smiling at, and why?
Steve is losing consciousness / Steve is unconscious.
Steve is smiling at the nurse because he likes / fancies / loves her.
02.26 – What should you do before you start running?
You should stretch your muscles before you start running.
03.11 – The professor told Steve about two possible injuries from hitting your head. What are they
and which one is the most serious?
A bruise and concussion / MTBI
Concussion / MTBI is more serious than a bruise.
What should you do to avoid banging your head?
You should look where you are going.
04.24 – What do you usually have to do after breaking a bone?
You have to wear a plaster cast and you have to go to physiotherapy.
05.34 – What bones has Steve broken? Why is Steve’s heart beating faster?
Steve hasn’t broken any bones
Steve’s heart is beating faster because he is attracted to / in love with the nurse.
06.01 – Dáme žákům čas splnit úkol a zkontrolujeme, zda napsali následující věty:
The brain is protected by the skull
The heart is protected by the ribcage
The spinal cord is protected by the backbone / spine
06.14 – Opět necháme žákům čas, aby si připravili odpovědi na profesorovi otázky:
Have you ever broken a bone? Which bone did you break?
06.15 – Než žákům pustíme poslední část klipu, zeptáme se jich, co si myslí, že se stane: „What do
you think happens next?“ Odpověď zní: „Steve does a cartwheel and runs out of the hospital.“