ICT: Digital Holiday It is possible to give the students


ICT: Digital Holiday It is possible to give the students
ICT: Digital Holiday
It is possible to give the students practice in using computers and the internet during this video clip,
but if you do not have internet enabled computers to hand it is also possible to use this clip anyway.
The concept in this clip is that Steve is wasting time playing computer games so the professor sets
Steve the task of organising his business trip by booking flights and a hotel online. Steve supplies
appropriate internet terminology as he begins his task but soon gets distracted again with another
computer game.
When Steve is playing his computer games there is an opportunity to focus the student’s attention
to the use of the phrase ‘used to’ to describe past habits. Alternatively this sketch opens a potential
discussion, which could be held within the civics syllabus, as to time management and distracting
media content of the internet.
Through the clip it becomes apparent that Steve has not booked anything as he keeps getting
distracted with old computer games he used to play as a child. The twist at the end of the clip is that
it turns out that the trip to Glasgow, in Scotland, is not for the professor but is in fact part of Steve’s
early birthday present to see his favourite music band ‘The Happy Mondays’ play live. Before the
final questions from the professor Steve frantically gets to work booking flights and a hotel for his
Suggested Pauses:
What’s Steve doing?
He’s playing computer games
Where does the professor want to go?
He wants to go to Glasgow, in Scotland.
Which search engine is Steve using?
He’s using Google
What’s other search engines do you use or know?
Record the student’s responses
Did Steve finish booking the flight to Glasgow?
What’s Steve doing now?
He’s playing computer games again
Did Steve finish booking the hotel?
What’s Steve doing now?
He’s playing computer games again.
If time and computer facilities permit, give the students time to surf the Internet and find a hotel in
Glasgow for around £80.00. If computer facilities are not available as the students to fill in the
handout supplied.
Is the holiday for Steve or the professor?
It’s for Steve.
Why is Steve angry?
Steve is angry because nothing is booked for the holiday.
Give the students time to discuss the computer games they used to play. Make a list on the board
and be sure to check that they are games the students don’t play anymore by writing the age at
which they stopped playing the game next to it. Then practice the following sentence:
I used to play (name of game) when I was (age).
Repeat the above by extending your whiteboard record to show the games and activities the
students think their parents and grandparents played when they were children.
End the video clip here unless you have computers available and can let the students practice surfing
the Internet.
Use as many computers as you have available to let the students find their house on Google maps.
Set up a race between the students have to find the time of the next train to Prague and reward the
first group to succeed.
Repeat the above with the students racing to find a flight to London. Once again, reward the first
group to succeed.
Výpočetní technika: Digital Holiday
Běhen tohoto videoklipu si žáci mohou procvičit užívání počítače v praxi, ale pokud nemáme k
dispozici počítače připojené k internetu, nevadí, i tak je klip použitelný. V tomto klipu Steve tráví čas
hraním počítačových her, takže profesor mu zadá úkol zorganizovat obchodní cestu včetně online
rezervace letenek a hotelu. Steve se tedy pustí do vyhledávání, ale brzy se opět nechá rozptýlit další
počítačovou hrou.
Když Steve hraje hry, můžeme pozornost žáků zaměřit na používání fráze ‘used to’, pomocí které v
angličtině popisujeme návyky v minulosti (co jsem dělával/a). Tento klip také otevírá diskusi na téma
time management a internetový obsah, který odvádí naši pozornost od práce/povinností, jako např.
hry, klipy apod., vhodné pro hodinu občanské výchovy.
Je jasné, že Steve nerezervoval nic, protože se neustále nechává rozptylovat hrami, které hrával jako
dítě. Na konci klipu se dovídáme, že cesta do Glasgow není pro profesora, ale ve skutečnosti pro
Steva, který má brzy narozeniny a jako dárek dostal vstupenku na koncert své oblíbené skupiny ‘The
Happy Mondays’. Než profesor vysloví poslední otázky, Steve se zběsile pustí do práce, aby pro sebe
rezervoval let a hotel.
Doporučené pauzy a otázky/úkoly pro studenty během sledování klipu:
What’s Steve doing?
He’s playing computer games
Where does the professor want to go?
He wants to go to Glasgow, in Scotland.
Which search engine is Steve using?
He’s using Google
What’s other search engines do you use or know?
Did Steve finish booking the flight to Glasgow?
What’s Steve doing now?
He’s playing computer games again.
Did Steve finish booking the hotel?
What’s Steve doing now?
He’s playing computer games again.
Pokud nám čas a podmínky dovolí, necháme žáky surfovat po internetu, aby našli hotel v Glasgow za
přibližně £80.00. Pokud nemáme k dispozici internet, použijeme kopii formuláře pro rezervaci
hotelu, který žáci vyplní.
Is the holiday for Steve or the professor?
It’s for Steve.
Why is Steve angry?
Steve is angry because nothing is booked for the holiday.
Žáci si povídají, jaké počítačové hry hrávali, když byli mladší/menší. Na napíšeme jejich seznam a
zkontrolujeme, zda jde opravdu o hry, které už nyní nehrají (vedle každého názvu hry napíšeme věk,
kdy žák přestal hru hrát). Potom procvičujeme následující větu:
I used to play (name of game) when I was (age).
Zeptáme se žáků, jaké asi hry a aktivity hráli a dělali jejich rodiče a prarodiče. Opět procvičujeme
větu: My Mum/Dad/They used to play (name of game/activity) when she/he was /they were (age).
Pokud nejsme u počítačů, klip zde ukončíme.
Pokud máme k dispozici internet, zadáme žákům, aby našli svůj dům na mapě Google.
Vyhlásíme soutěž mezi skupinami. Musejí vyhledat nejbližší spoj do Prahy. Vítěznou skupinu
Stejně postupujeme, když žáci mají za úkol vyhledat nejblížší let do Londýna.