Participant`s report


Participant`s report
Participant’s report
to the National Nominating Authority and the National Contact
Meeting report
In the three weeks after the event, please complete this report. It contains two sections:
1. Reporting: this is intended as a feedback on the event, on what was learnt, on how the
event will affect your work and on how it will be disseminated. In addition to the ECML
National Nominating Authority and the National Contact Point in your country the ECML
will use the report1 in the “Experts involved in ECML activities” section of each ECML
member state website (please see
This section should be written in one of the project’s working languages.
2. Public information: this is intended as an information on the ECML project and its
expected value for your country. The content should be of interest for a larger audience.
Thus it should link up to interesting publications, websites, events etc. which were
discussed on the occasion of the workshop or which are relevant in your country. The
public information should be a short, promotional text of about 200 words.
This section should be written in (one of) your national language(s).
The completed file should be sent to
the ECML National Nominating Authority and the National Contact Point in your country (contact
details can be found at
and in copy to ECML Secretariat ([email protected])
within the given deadline.
1. Reporting
Only if you authorised the ECML to publish your contact details.
Name of the workshop
Jitka Tůmová
National Institute for Education,
School Counselling Facilities
And Facilities for the Further Education of Pedagogical
E-mail address
[email protected]
Title of ECML project
Plurilingual and intercultural competences: Descriptors and
teaching materials
ECML project website
Date of the event
Brief summary of the content
of the workshop
The seminar was focused on the production of material, based on
the Common European Framework of Reference for languages,
especially in terms of multilingual and intercultural competence.
Project and material elaborates all descriptors (knowledge, skills
and attitudes, including examples), which are considered
necessary from the perspective of multilingual and intercultural
What did you find particularly
Very useful was cooperation and with the other colleagues and
team member.
How will you use what you
learnt/ developed in the event
in your professional context?
I can use knowledge and materials in the conceptual work of
language education.
How will you further contribute
to the project?
Nowadays :
- we prepare analysis and development of training materials (the
dissemination of material at conferences and publication on the
website (ongoing).
How do you plan to
disseminate the project?
- to colleagues
- to a professional
- in a professional
I would like to inform my colleagues, Association of teacher
trainers (AMATE) and to write an article on website
in a newspaper
1. Public information
Short text (about 200 words) for the promotion of the ECML event, the project and the envisaged
publication with a focus on the benefits for target groups. This text should be provided in your
national language(s) to be used for dissemination (on websites, for journals etc.).
Evropské středisko pro moderní jazyky Rady Evropy v rakouském Grazu se v minulých
programových obdobích (2004 – 2007 a 2008 – 2011) podrobně zabývalo problematikou
vícejazyčnosti. V rámci projektu nazvaném CARAP/FREPA byl vytvořen materiál A
Framework od Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languaes and Cultures, který je
v plném rozsahu publikován na webové adrese: V minulém
období proběhl ve dnech 31.5.2012 – 1.6.2012 seminář pro tzv. National Contact Points,
který byl zaměřen na představení projektu a dokončeného materiálu. Na tento seminář
plynule navázal seminář v listopadu 2012, jehož cílem byla tvorba sítě kontaktních osob a
webových stránek za každý členský stát. Dále se zabýval rozpracováním materiálu na
národních úrovních dle potřeb jednotlivých států. Na semináři se řešila terminologie,
diseminace materiálu. V současné době se dokončují národní stránky, které budou
obsahovat název projektu a popis v jednotlivých jazycích, úvodní stránky a nejdůležitější
části materiálu. Jednotlivé státy dle potřeb a možností budou pracovat na dalším rozvoji
výukových materiálů, hledat možnosti diseminace (např. konferencích, publikování na
webových stránkách atd.