Informace pro účastníky


Informace pro účastníky
Informace pro účastníky
27. června 2011
Vážení přátelé, děti a rodiče –
Jsme moc rádi, že jste se přihlásili na „Letní biblickou školu v americké angličtině“ (LBŠ).
Doufáme, že se Vám bude LBŠ líbit a že si odnesete více než dobré vzpomínky! Níže Vám
zasíláme podrobnější informace o LBŠ, abychom všichni byli co nejlépe připraveni.
S americkými lektory, kteří LBŠ povedou, se můžete krátce seznámit na opačné straně
tohoto listu. Z řad českých spolupracovníků jsou za zdárný průběh LBŠ odpovědni pastoři
Martin Vršecký (tel. 777 570 366) a Petr Krákora (tel. 723 237 679). Na ty se můžete (děti
i rodiče) během LBŠ kdykoli obrátit.
Pro přihlášené děti je připraven bohatý denní program ve dnech 11. července (pondělí)
až 15. července (pátek), vždy od 9 do 14 hodin. Sraz je každý den před školou, stejně tak
konec (děti je možné vyzvednout před školou nebo mohou odjet domů samy). Během
programu jsou děti pod stálým dohledem dospělých lektorů a spolupracovníků.
Pořadatelé dětem zajišťují: pravidelný pitný režim; psací, kreslicí a lepicí potřeby;
sportovní náčiní pro hry. Děti/rodiče si zajišťují: přezůvky; větší svačinu/oběd; oblečení na
ven, které lze i zamazat; léky, které dítě užívá spolu s předpisem. Obě strany zajišťují: dobrou
náladu, vstřícnost a kamarádského ducha.
Lektoři si pro děti připravili následující program: „devotion/song; lesson/study; music &
art; snack/recess; games; wrap-up“. Během celého dne budou aktivity provázány s výukou
angličtiny. Děti budou zdobit trička a nacvičovat vybraný biblický příběh v angličtině, který by
poté sehrály pro rodiče, příbuzné a přátele v neděli 17. července po bohoslužbě. Budeme rádi,
když se budeme moci všichni zúčastnit.
Na závěr už jen několik drobností: zálohy budeme vracet oproti podpisu hned první den
(dětem nebo rodičům). Prosíme, pokud je dítě nemocné, nevoďte ho mezi ostatní. Během LBŠ
bychom pořizovali fotky, které by účastníci na konci dostali vypálené na CD.
We are looking forward to meeting you and spending some great time together!
Za pořadatele,
Petr Krákora a Martin Vršecký
Lektoři se představují
ED KASPER – I was born May 20th, 1954 in Chicago Heights, Illinois, USA. I attended the Trinity Elementary
School until 8th grade. I graduated from the public high school in 1972 and then attended Bethany Lutheran
College in Mankato, Minnesota from 1972 until 1974, it was a two year program at the time. I took
additional classes at the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater and then later enrolled and completed
a continuing education program from Cardinal Stritch in business administration. I began working part time
jobs at 13 years of age and worked full time at age 16 at a hospital in the housekeeping department while
attending high school. I trained as an orderly at a nearby hospital while I was in college and worked in
several hospitals using that training while transitioning between school and home and Wisconsin where
I settled. I moved to Wisconsin in 1974 and took a job at the Fort Atkinson Hospital for about a year. I heard
about St. Coletta’s, a school and residential facility for the disabled and took a job as a child care worker. I was married in 1976 to
Barbara, another child care worker at St Coletta’s and our first son was born in 1978. Shortly after, we took part in a program that
was to provide transitional foster care to delinquent children who were on the verge of failing in school and society. Most of our
children came from police detention or from homes where they had been removed. After a little more than year we were expecting
our second and felt that for the welfare of our children we should give up the group home. Our second son was born in 1979 and
our third in 1981. I took a job at a vocational rehabilitation facility and worked there for 16 years in various supervisory positions. In
1995 I started my own business, manufacturing diamond tipped tools for industrial use. In 1996 I left the rehab facility and became
self employed. In 1998 I also became an independent representative for a manufacturer of grinding wheels and have been selling
and servicing for them ever since. I also taught Sunday School to 5th through 7th grade at Farmington Lutheran Church.
CLAIRE NATSIS – I am currently a kindergarten teacher at St. John’s Lutheran School in Jefferson, Wisconsin,
USA. I have been that position for two years. I also play piano and organ and direct one of our adult choirs.
I have been able to do a lot of traveling in my high school and college years. In high school I traveled with
a group from my high school, Michigan Lutheran Seminary, to Whiteriver, Arizona. We were down there for
two weeks and did a Vacation Bible School with the Apache Indian children on the reservation. In college
I toured many areas of the United States with my choir, and we were able to visit Monterrey and Torreon,
Mexico and sing for their churches down there. After I graduated from Martin Luther College I spent four
months in Dawukou, China. While most of my time there was spent teaching conversational English to college freshmen, I also
conducted a Bible Study and made friends with many Chinese people in the area.
JONATHAN NIEMI – I graduated from Luther High School in Onalaska, Wisconsin in 2002 and Martin Luther College
in New Ulm, Minnesota in 2006. I was assigned to teach 2 grade and be choir director at St. John's Lutheran Church
and School in Jefferson in Wisconsin in May of 2006. Currently I teach grades 3-4 and also grades 1-8 music classes
for the school. I no longer direct a church choir but instead have moved into an athletic director role as well as
being the teen group coordinator at St. John's. From 2004-2010 I have traveled to the Victory Lutheran Bible Soccer
Camp in Lexington, Kentucky. From 2008-2010 I have been the lead coach at the camp. Some of my
hobbies/activities would include playing guitar, playing softball, baseball, basketball and golf. I love sports and music. And God.
CLARA NETTESHEIM – Married 41 years; Member of Christ Lutheran Church Pewaukee WI; a nurse for
44 years; retired 4/21/11 after 42 years at Elmbrook Hospital; 4 children, 12 grand children, 1 great
grandchild; went to Antigua to paint a sister Church and do work around the church; known as” the
toothbrush lady”; volunteer for ABCD (After breast cancer Diagnosis); helped with VBS in the past; Head of
Parish Nurse Committee; hobbies: gardening, traveling, knitting and doing things with my grandchildren.
JENNIFER PETERSEN - Education: I went to Wisconsin Lutheran College and I graduated in 2007 with degrees
in Art and Communicative Arts (a combination of Art, Business and Communication). I used this degree as
a graphic designer for a while, and then I worked as an auditor before I joined Friends of China. Teaching
Experience: While in college I was a part of an after-school program for children ages 2-12. Each afternoon,
a fellow teacher and I created games, projects, and other activities for this group of children. Last year,
I taught Oral English in China to 8th and 9th grade students. I have also taught art classes at a summer camp
and worked with Vacation Bible School during the summers. I have been working freelance photography.